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Breed Of The Day (Tuesday)

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by GinaH, Jun 23, 2004.

  1. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I didn't see a Breed of the day for today so I took it upon myself to do it. :mrgreen:

    The Pekingese share with the Chows the honour of being the national dogs of China. That they are a very old breed is indicated by the fact that at the looting of the summer palace there were found bronze statues of these dogs two thousand years old. It is further claimed that the first dogs brought to England in 1860 were taken from within the walls of the sacred city, and that since then few from the Royal Kennels have found their way into the outer world. There is, however, no difficulty in procuring them from other sources, as they are bred extensively in all the towns in China between Pekin and the sea.

    The Pekingese has been classified among the spaniels by some authorities, which is a mistake, as they are not of spaniel descent and have no spaniel instincts or characteristics. On the contrary, they are very much like the Pugs in disposition and temperament, and undoubtedly there is a relationship between them.

    The Pekingese is a much hardier dog than the Jap, easier bred and raised, and able to adapt themselves readily to most climates. There has been a decided movement toward dwarf specimens of late years, and the inbreeding that has been practiced with this object in view has weakened their constitutions, but not to serious extent.

    The admirers of the breed are very enthusiastic over their dispositions. They are said to be most affectionate and faithful companions, and lend themselves to domesticity with cat-like love of comfort. They accept gracefully all the luxuries of civilization. They display much of the independence and pugnacity of the Pug and a most amusing self-pride and conscious dignity in the presence of other dogs or strangers.

    In the selection of Pekingese puppies at from two to four months old, look for: Diminutiveness compatible with soundness and robustness; shortness and width of foreface; large eyes, deep stop, well wrinkled forehead, moderately short and compact body, shortness, of leg and great bone, with an abundant and dense fur-like coat, tail well feathered, and showing an indication to curl well over body.

    EXPRESSION - Must suggest Chinese origin combined with quaintness and individuality, directness and independence, courage, boldness, self-esteem, and combativeness rather than prettiness, daintiness, or delicacy.

    HEAD - Massive, broad skull, wide and flat between the ears (not dome-shaped); wide between the eyes.

    NOSE - Black, broad, very short and flat.

    EYES - Large, dark, prominent, round, lustrous.

    STOP - Deep.

    EARS - Heart-shaped, not set too high, leather never long enough to come below the muzzle, not carried erect, but rather drooping, long feather.

    MUZZLE - Very short and broad, not under hung nor pointed, wrinkled.

    MANE - Profuse, extending beyond shoulder blades, forming ruff or frill round front of neck.

    SHAPE OF BODY - Heavy in front, broad chest, falling away lighter behind, lion-like, not too long in the body.

    COAT AND FEATHER AND CONDITION - Long, with thick undercoat, straight and flat, not curly nor wavy, rather coarse, but soft; feather on thighs, legs, tail, and toes, long and profuse.

    COLOUR - All colours are allowable-red, fawn, black, black-and-tan, sable, brindle, white and particoloured, black masks, and spectacles round eyes, with lines to ears are desirable.

    LEGS - Short, forelegs heavy, bowed out at elbows; hind legs lighter, but firm and well shaped.

    FEET - Flat, not rounded; should stand well up on toes, not on ankles.

    TAIL - Curled and carried well up on loins; long, profuse, straight feather.

    SIZE - Being a toy dog, the smaller the better, provided type and points are not sacrificed. Anything over 18 pounds should disqualify. When divided by weight, classes should be over 10 pounds and under 10 pounds.

    ACTION - Free, strong, and high, crossing feet or throwing them out in running should not take off marks. Weakness of joints should be penalized

    My sweet girl Fancy
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Sorry the pictures are so huge I couldn't figure out how to resize them. :lol:
  3. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Baby girl! She just looks like she demands to be spolied! I Love her colors she is beautiful. What a great breed too. I never knew that much about them.
  4. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Great breed!! My friend has one and I ADORE him. He is one of the only small dogs that I have met that I like. The temperment is great!
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    what a cutie, Fancy looks larger than the norm or is it just the pics

  6. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Well, Yes Honeybears she is a little over weight :? She weighs 18lbs and they are not supposed to weigh more than 14 but as far as height and coat and everything else she is completely correct.
    She is a wonderful little dog. And she loves her mamma!

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