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Just home from the vet

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by deb2950, Jun 22, 2004.

  1. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    Raymond either had a nervous reaction or a bad reaction to his vaccinations. They gave him an injection to counter act it if it was in fact vaccination related. I had just got done telling the tech that he acted funny after his last series of shots in the sense that he was very lethargic the entire next day, She gave him him injections and I placed him back into his carrier, not even a minute had passed when he started moving violently around in his carrier pawing desperately at his face and salivating copiously. I yelled for them to come back and they whisked him into the other room to give him an anti-inflammatory injection. They have red -tagged his chart and said from now on his injections will be followed by an anti-infammatory along with an observation period before I can take him home. He seems okay now he is sleeping but I am still shaking. :(
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Deb2950. Your poor baby boy Raymond. :( I'm just glad he's okay. I'm sorry both of you had to go through that. At least the vet knows now and it shouldn't happen again.
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    Awe, poor Raymond. I'm glad you were still at the vet when he had the reaction. Sebastian (my poodle) also has to get that when he gets any shots.
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Oh Deb, I'm so sorry about Raymond's ordeal. I brought Milo to the vet in May for his annual shots and my vet said some cats will have allergic reactions to one of the following: Purevax feline rabies, FVRCP annual vac., and FelV vac (Leukocell 2). They usually give out 2 shots first then the third a week later. She said that when the reaction occur it's generally in the carrier at the vet or the cat being lethargic at home. I took a chance and let them give Milo all 3 shots since I figured it'll be too stressful to take Milo back again. Luckily he was fine. If my 3 other indoor cats get allergic to the shots, I would probably stop giving them the vaccinations. As long as they are indoors I can get away with not giving them their annual shots.
  5. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    how awful!!! what a scary experience. my kitty that passed away got lethargic after his annual vaccinations one year. i opted to not keep giving him shots. he was strictly indoors, but i didnt have any other animals...i think they gave him a steroid to counteract the side effects.?.

    poor little raymond. i am glad he is okay now.
  6. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    Sorry for you kitty's ordeal, but am glad to hear that you were at the vet when it happened and you know what to do next time.
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    this is why I don't do the combo....one of my cats reacts really badly to the feline leuk vaccine and since she's inside only she doesn't get it but in order to find out which vaccine she reacted badly to I had to break up her vaccines. Problem being when I have fosters but they are tested for feline leuk before coming into the program.

    Glad you were at the vets when this happened and not 1/2 way home.
  8. fleafly

    fleafly New Member

    I am glad your kitty is okay. If it was my cat, I would have him one a 3 year vaccination schedule, or check titers and only give him the shot when he needed the booster. Also, you can give him some benadryl before you take him in to get his shots to help supress any would be reaction.

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