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What We All Look Like?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by loves-da-pits, Jun 14, 2004.

  1. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Hi Mary I think you may have seen a photo of my cat Molly before. I have often wondered what breed of cat she is mixed with. She has brigt blue eyes. And her coloring is odd.
    Here's a picture of her what do you think? Any guesses? Sorry the picture is not that great. :?

  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Gina...I'd say she looks like some lynxpoint in her heritage somewhere. I have a friend with a lynxie and they are lovely. Tend to have the stripes although normally in darker shades which is why I'm guessing somewhere in her past there might have been one.

    She's pretty
  3. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Mary you have made me the happiest German Shepherd puppy owner in America! I did not know that many Shpherd owners also owned the meezers! How cool is that! Thanks for the info and keep up the important work!
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    :D Sarge's Mom - I belong to an internet club with over 10,000 members called Siamese Internet Cat Club. I've been in there for nearly 7 years...many many members have GSDs and meezers and they all get along well. Siamese cats remind me a lot of GSDs with their loyalty to their owners and their intelligence. Like German Shepherds a Siamese cat will remain so loyal to a person that when given up (or if the owner dies or whatever) sometimes rescue has to force feed the cat cause it'll just give up and die. This happens a lot if the circumstances are that of the owner not wanting to give up the cat and whatever is going on in that person's life they can't keep the cat - German Shepherds are loyal to a fault.

    Even the big ears :lol:

    But I'd say out of the Siamese people in that internet club (they all are) and people who also have dogs the majority of the dogs are GSDs.
  5. dogangel

    dogangel New Member

    Sarge's Mom,

    The oldest GSD is Mussie, my little girl, (she is the one at the bottom right of the second photo I posted). She is 4. Then Taz (the black one) is two and a half, and Willy (the one next to my face ....hmmm - hmmm always next to my face) is a puppy. He is only 17 months now, but he was 11 months old when we took that pic.

    Mary NH - anyway I could get my wild pack to accept a cat? None of them has grown up with a kitty, and they have a tendency to chase right about everything and anything that moves. I'm afraid the poor kitty would become their toy [-X

    But I have always wanted to have a cat. They are so beautiful and sweet!!!!
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    is it possible for you to cat test your dogs? Find out how they respond...how do they respond when they see a cat outside?

    4 dogs unknown to cats would worry me I fear. There is a website you can check out Tally's Basic Cat Care that has lots of info on integrating a new cat into a multiple pet household. I definitely wouldn't get a kitten. I would get a cat that is used to dogs but first you need to know how your dogs would respond to a cat.
  7. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    For all you Siamese Cat Lovers. I have to show you a picture of my cat Buddy whom I adopted 5 yrs ago. He's only part Siamese but he sure has the attitude of the Siamese. He rules the house and everybody in it. The Vet says he has some lynx point in him, also.

  8. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Lovesdapits Your cat Buddy is gorgeous! He reminds me alot of my cat Molly. She just recently turned 10.
  9. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Thanks Gina. Only thing is Buddy has really bad crossed eyes. I guess that's not uncommon in Siamese. Also, he's been neutered but doesn't act like it. He has a thing for socks. So my Hubby rolls up socks and gives it to him and he drags it around like he's mating with it and make a real strange Siamese howl. We call it his "freaky sock". Nobody messes with with freaky sock or else Buddy gives all kinds of attitude. Seems like every time we have company Buddy has to drag freaky sock around between his legs and howls. He makes for good conversation.
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    What is a Meezer? When I was growing up the only cat my father ever let us have was a siamese one. Boy did it like to tear up wallpaper. And we had three full blooded german shepards and about three german shepard mixes. Was my pappy a meezer and did not know it? LOL
    and yes they are loyal. One bit my dads friend in the but for going into part of our house that no-one was in. She was a beauty. She did bite my nose the first day we got her. I was trying to hard for her to like me.
    Dog angel Nice to see yoi. That second picture is funny becasue it kind of looks like your shepard has your head in his mouth.
    Mary nice to meet you too. Nice kitty's.

    Lovdapits- I love da kitty.
  11. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    O.K. I'm on a roll. Here's another picture of Buddy and another kitty Max. He was a stray that was dumped at my house 3 yrs ago. They're pretty good friends for the most part.

  12. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I love that pic... now where does one cat end and the other begin? :)
  13. nern

    nern New Member

    You guys have gorgeous cats! :D
  14. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Awwwwwwww they are all so cute!
  15. oso

    oso New Member

  16. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    meezers is a term of endearment for Siamese. Geezer Meezer is an elderly siamese cat. Siamese Internet Cat Club (for you siamese cat people) has some great terms that just sorta stick with you.

    Here are my 2...the bluepoint, Tilly is shown 2x. Missy is my sealpoint. Mine were adopted as adults, so the foster kittens I have are the first siamese/meezers I've had as babies - and oh these been a challenge...but fun

  17. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    KITTY KITTY KITTY! I want a kitty! We had Siamese growing up and then when I was about 14 we got a pure bred Himalayian (sp?) we named her Tibet. She was very stand offish, etc. The breeder called and asked if they were ready to breed her out (her mom was a national winner and her pop was an international winner) and my parents told her they were not really prepared for this personality type and the breeder offered to buy her back so they sold her. But, then I got a Russian Blue with my ex-husband and boy howdy did I fall in love with that breed! I miss having a kitty cat! Do you think because Sarge has been raised around other dogs (he is approx. 16 weeks now) that if we got a kitty when he was still a puppy (and how long is that technically anyway) that a cat would be all right? I'm a little worried about it as he barks rather psychotically at the cat who sits in the front window of the house across the street....
    Oh, and all of you who posted pictures of your kitty babies have some of the most beautiful cats I have seen in a long time.
  18. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    We got Nala at 14 weeks and she has chased cats from day one. We are making a bit of progress as she matures. She doesn't hurt them - she just wants to play with them, and she thinks it's fun to run after them.

    The cat that doesn't run doesn't get chased as much anymore - but that was not always the case. Previously, it just meant that she got her ears and legs chewed on and I would have to rescue her as she sat there and howled.

    If either cat runs or hisses at Nala, it's all over. Because of this, we STILL have the dogs gated into one room of the house. I let them out now when I am around to supervise. Even worse, the cat that still runs and hisses has a heart problem, so I worry daily about the stress on him.

    If you are seriously going to get a cat, I would take Sarge with you and see what he does with one. You might consider an adult cat that is dog-wise, i.e. doesn't run or actually likes to play with dogs. Also, if my cats had claws they might have been able to teach Nala to keep her distance from the beginning, but they don't. Some dogs are afraid when the cat hisses and swats - personally, I think this is the next best thing to a cat that likes dogs.

    We thought about getting a kitten. My sister's Golden used to chase her cats, but they got a kitten and the dog adopted her and now they are best buddies and she leaves the other cats alone. But we tested Nala with a kitten and probably because Nala was still a puppy (she was about 9 months old, I think) she didn't treat it any differently than the adult cats - meaning she would charge up to it and sniff it violently and chew on it. We decided a kitten would be at risk in our house.

    Good luck with your decision. Cats and dogs CAN get along. You can teach Sarge how to behave around them (to an extent). But be prepared for all possibilities, including having to keep them separated, especially when you are out of the house.

  19. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Mary_NH: Those are beautiful kitties! There are cats and then there are Siamese. They are real characters.

    Grace my dog loves to tease the cats. Buddy my Siamese puts Grace in her place by slammimg the bedroom door shut in her face. He can also get on the computer table, turn the door lever and open the door back up again.
  20. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes Mary, your cats are gorgeous! Are they pure Siamese? I thought Siamese had narrower faces.


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