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Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by RVing, Jun 23, 2004.

  1. RVing

    RVing New Member

    Hi out there. I have a 5 year old pit living with me in my small apartment.
    I noticed this Sunday that he has 2 ymmetrical lumps, one on each side
    of the penis. They don't seem to be painful but they vary in size all of the time. For example, yesterday before I took him out to potty in the evening, they were huge, he seemed bigger than normal, and the tip of his penis was sticking out a little bit. After he used the restroom he was back to normal size and the lumps were not as notisable.

    What could those lumps be? should I rush him to the vet? is this a breeding thing...? he's not fixed & he's never had a partner (he doesn't like other dogs...)

    He gets a morning walk (6:00 AM) before I go to work and an evening walk at 7 or 8 in the evening after work. He's been fine on this schedule but I'm wondering if it's too long a wait?????

    Please, any input would be appreciated!
  2. cbrads3176

    cbrads3176 New Member

    sounds normal to me

    :oops: it sounds like he's just having an erection.
  3. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    I've never noticed any lumps on the side of the penis when my dogs get an erection. I don't *think* (remember, I'm no vet) you need to rush him to the vet. I'd give them a call ASAP though. When was his last physical? If it is close to time for his yearly check-up, then just go ahead and take him in, get his regular check-up and shots, and have the vet look at the lumps too. As for the walking him twice a day - during the winter, my adult dogs got walked usually only twice a day (we also live in an apartment), but as soon as the weather warmed up, we started walking them 3 times a day. They did fine only going twice a day, but I'm sure they appreciate being walked more often.
  4. Freedom

    Freedom New Member

    LOL yes, your dog is getting an erection. Nothing to freak out about, usually when the dog gets really excited, urinates, etc.. this will happen. Nothing to freak out about, but congrats on being such an observant daddy! :y_the_best:
  5. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Hi Rving Welcome to the board!
    Sorry to hear about your dogs ummmm problem. LOL
    I don't have any male dogs so when I read your post I had no idea that was errrr his problem. :oops: Do you have any pictures of your big guy? We love pictures!
  6. the_maine_pitbull

    the_maine_pitbull New Member

    Hey RVing- Jekkyl gets this too. It is normal, not a thing wrong with your dog. Jekkyl is fixed and still has these bumps when he needs to urinate really bad. Well, if it is the same thing as Jekkyl then he is fine. Is the bumps wart like or insect bite looking? Jekkyl's bumps look more like swollen glands or like when you bump your head and a little bump rises up. It is under the skin. If it is anything other than this, I would recommend making an appointment to see your doggy doctor. It is maybe wise to do this just the same to make sure there is nothing wrong. No real need to rush him in as an emergency, but call make an appointment and tel them you would like to be seen as soon as possible. Good luck, keep us informed.

  7. RVing

    RVing New Member

    Heee hee

    Well, It does sound like he's getting an erection because the bumps are as you described-under the skin, like glands, not at all bruised. :p I guess my baby is all grown up! now if he'd only like other dogs I could find him a mate but he doesn't. :(
    I've been watching his "condition" for the last few days. I made an apt with the vet for this Saturday just in case - he needs his ears checked anyway for an ear infection he had a few weeks ago - this breed is so prone to allergies it's costing me a fortune!!! but he's soooo worth it!
    I'll try to post a picture this morning.
    Thank you all! I was really worried but now feel a little more at ease.
    Oh, and by the way... I'm his "mommy" , which makes this a bit more embarrasing, I guess... :oops:
  8. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    I would recommend getting him fixed. Is there a reason he isn't, show dog perhaps?

    This might help him to not get as excited, and it keeps dogs safer from getting different cancers and things later in life.
  9. RVing

    RVing New Member

    show dog question

    No, he's not a show dog. The person I got him from wanted puppies - She had had the same blood line for a while. She and I lost contact so I could have fixed him but it was the last thing on my mind... until now. Of course now it requires approval from Dad and Dads seem to have more trouble with this concept.

    Well, I couldn't find a way to upload a picture without paying $10 per picture... sorry guys.

    Thank you all and I will keep you posted on my baby's "condition."
  10. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

  11. cschimizzi

    cschimizzi New Member

    These glands are nothing to worry about. They are called Balbus (sp) glands and they appear when the dog is excited. It is in fact an erection. These are the same glands that swell when breeding occurs. They swell which causes the "tie" between the male and the female. Even if the male is neutered the glands will still appear when the dog gets excited.
  12. Coconut

    Coconut New Member

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