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tape worms???????

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by amberlue2002, Jun 16, 2004.

  1. amberlue2002

    amberlue2002 New Member

    hey, my pup has tape worms. We gave him a tape worm tablet but now he is throwing up and has bad diaharrea. Are these normal side effects from the medicine or should i be really concerned?
  2. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Who diagnosed him with tape worm? The vet? I would imagine the throwing up would indicate that he is getting out the "toxins" a.k.a. the worms from his system. I would just make sure that he is still eating his regualr amount otherwise he will be throwing up nasty bile from his insides, which can cause damage later on.

    I don't know much about worms, but I do remember you saying you got him from a reputable breeder. In that case, he should be willing to split the cost with you because he is not 100% healthy.

    Sorry, I don't want to say too much because I don't have any experience with it. Hopefully someone else will be able to help better.
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    You bought your puppy from a breeder correct? Your breeder should have wormed your puppy and also had stool samples done to check for small intestine parasites. Which is what a tapeworm is.
    Who diagnosed your puppy with tapeworms? If you just saw them and are medicating your puppy with over the counter medicine it will not take care of the tapeworm. You will have to get veterinarian strength tapeworms tablets.
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. If your vet diagnosed your pup with Tape worms, he/she would have wormed them with the best stuff out there. And they would have also told you of the side effects.

    If you diagnosed it, You could be dealing with a problem other than tapeworms and this can lead to a serious problem.

    If indeed it is tapeworms, They can be very damaging to young pups. Most all puppies are born with hookworms, tape worms come fromfood or eating grass. Theyare also very hard to get rid of.

    If you bought the store "wormer" they are for preventative measures only. Not for curing the infestation of worms. You need to get the veterinary dosage.
  5. amberlue2002

    amberlue2002 New Member

    different pup

    hey i should have said the pup that has worms i have had since he was 4 weeks and he is now 12 weeks. tape worms come from the dog eating an infected flea. this pup is my american bulldog pit mix.[​IMG] . he is already feeling better and eating again so i think things are going to be fine. im just being a worried mom.
  6. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    :mrgreen: He's a cutie! My Pekingese had tape worms once and she drug her butt across the floor for two days until I got her to the vet and he gave her tapeworm meds.
  7. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    What a cutie pie! OMG! I just love his colors!!

    I would take him to the vet as well as a precaution.
  8. Freedom

    Freedom New Member

    How current is that pic? He looks like he still has a worm belly.
  9. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Your right about the tape worm, and throwing up can be a side effect of worms. breeders doing wormings or stool samples are irrelevents. Dogs should be wormed in a cycle to clear of worms. The breeder can't prevent the dog from re infestation, thats the owners responsibility.

    That is an extremely cute pup! Does appear to have a wormy belly. But is a cutie, I hope everything goes alright with you.
  10. amberlue2002

    amberlue2002 New Member

    that pic is when i first got him. he is alot bigger now and his belly is not fat like that anymore. hes doing good now that he does not have anymore worms. :0018:
  11. chickee

    chickee New Member

    Dogs can get tapeworms from fleas and from eatting rabbit poop too. Usually puppies have other worms and parasites other than tape.
    I have never in my life heard they can get it from eatting grass. I believe thats b.s. Anyhow, if what you used as medication was bought from walmart, (or the equivilant), dont' do it again. Go to the vet and get the real stuff.

    HEY GRAY, How ya doing baby girl?
  12. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Maybe its not from eating grass, but infected grass, like rabbit poo. Somethings you can't see and the ground could be harboring something. You can't always be for sure whats on the ground or see exactly what your pup has eaten all the time that they may have found in the yard.
  13. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Maybe its not from eating grass, but infected grass, like rabbit poo. Somethings you can't see and the ground could be harboring something. You can't always be for sure whats on the ground or see exactly what your pup has eaten all the time that they may have found in the yard.

    From eating food? I don't see that either. But what if their was crap in a bowl and it wasn't really washed out. a lot of worms (and other parasites/diseases) or spread through feces. Not washed away and cleaned really good dogs can be infected. Almost the same with the grass, poo could be there then the dog eats the grass. poo on a toy, even if its not noticeble trace amounts, poo in a bowl, dog walks in it but now its foot looks clean when it isn't, then the dog licks it foot. thats how things are spread.
  14. Freedom

    Freedom New Member

    "HEY GRAY, How ya doing baby girl?"

    Hey momma, I'm not doin too good. Last weeken I went to camp lejeune to see my sister and I got sick as a dog! My allergies got really bad there and it turned into a major sinus infection, I feel like poo :( They sent me home from work cause I was so pathetic, lol. How are the babies doin? I wanna see new pics!!! Have you updated yet?
  15. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    So how is your puppy doing? Is he feeling better?

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