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A little advice please

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by deb2950, Jun 22, 2004.

  1. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    yesterday we took Jack to the park with us to watch my grandsons b-ball game. We had a great time and we would like to take him with us every week. Here is the dilema, Jack got filthy! He goes to the groomer every 6 to 8 weeks and I usually bathe him once in between then. Can I safely bathe him once a week? If so, is there a certain shampoo that would be better to use, more gentle and easier on his skin? Any advice would be appreciated by Jack and myself!=P~

  2. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I wish I knew.. I've always heard it's best to bathe a dog once per month just for the reason you mentioned, their skin. I'll be interested to see what others say :D

    By the way, that picture of Jack is just too adorable!
  3. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    thank you

    I know I have posted it before but it is the best one I have that shows how really white he is and iilustrates the problem I have keeping him clean!
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member


    Isn't hard keeping a white coat clean...I know all too well with Tigger! :x

    As far as once a week, most people will probably say that it may be a bit too much. I bathe Mickey & Tigger every 2-3 weeks now that summer is here and they love getting all dirty outside. You could try once a week and see how it goes, but I would think every 2 weeks may be a little easier on the skin. I think Monster bathes Bailey every week, and she said his skin is fine, so Jack may do okay - it really depends on your dog's own skin type.

    I HIGHLY recommend and LOVE "Earthbath" shampoos and conditioners...they are GREAT!!! If you plan on bathing Jack often, I would suggest buying the Earthbath shampoos and conditioners that are formulated for dogs with dry skin (they contain oatmeal along with various moisturizing oils). Even though Jack doesn't have dry skin, the extra moisture in there will help to keep his skin moisturized and well nourished!

    I, along with Mickey and Tigger's groomer, use Earthbath and think it is the best out there...DEFINITELY give it a try, I think you'll like it!

    Happy bathing! :lol:
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

  6. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    At the very least, you could bathe him with out soap... just to rinse off the dirt.

    But, yes, mybabyshih is right.... I used to bathe Bailey weekly... but lately it's every two weeks cuz he just doesn't need it like he used to. Now that he has the shorter hair cut, he doesn't get as dirty as he used to with the "velcro"-long hair. :) I also use the EARTHBATH shampoo and looooove it. We have never had any problems with it... even with the weekly baths! It also works great on the white areas of his coat.... he's all bright and shiny (for a little bit, at least)...hehe
  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I know of peopel that do it weekly with no problems. It all depends on how sensitive your dogs skin is. I could bathe sasha every week if I wanted to, but she does not do much to get dirty. Try it out. If he gets itchy then go back to every two or three weeks. But every now and again your dog will get into something and may need a bath the day after his wonderful day at the groomers. ie, a roll in poop or his favorite road kill. You just do it when ever its necesary.
  8. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    oh i hear ya, puttin! I learned THAT a long time ago! LOL.... I also learned that we go to the dog park on BATH DAY!! :) hehe....
  9. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh yeah. Thankfully mine don't like to tip the water bowls like some of the dogs there.

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