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Was Sebastian "marking" ?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by nern, Jun 20, 2004.

  1. nern

    nern New Member

    I recently started feeding my dogs dehyrated food for their PM meal. Natalie likes it but is'nt thrilled but Sebastian goes nuts over it.....I've never seen him get as excited over food as he does with this. Last night I fed them while I was watching a movie (they both eat in the same room but their bowls are far apart) and they both finished eating so Sebastian was walking around sniffing around for crumbs, licking Natalies empty bowl and all of a sudden he lifts his leg and pees right in Natalie's bowl! Both dogs had been outside to go to the bathroom about an hour before this happened. I could'nt beleive it. Any thoughts on why he did this? The only reason I could think of is that he was marking it as his (because he loves the food so much)? It just seems so strange to me. :?
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Since the food is "new," I'd say he is marking it as his own. After the newness wares off, he probably won't care. Usually males only mark something only once, at least my male did when something new came into the house. Doesn't matter how much they've gone to the bathroom, they can always squeeze out a little more for that perpose. :)
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    Thanks for your reply. Just to be safe I fed them in seperate rooms today and picked up their bowls as soon as they finished eating.
  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Ok I have to reply even though it's not words of wisdom....That is to funny!! I got a visual when I read your post Nern and then I cracked up laughing!
    Sorry I know for you it's probably not that funny. :wink:
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Its okay, as long as he does'nt make a habit of it.....it seems more humerous to me today than it did yesterday. :wink:
  6. Rene

    Rene New Member

    My sebastian has done this before also but to the cats food so now my poor cats (well the big ones) eat on my kitche counter the little ones eat in the bedroom till they get big enough to get up there.

    I was not sure why he did it either i just figured he didnt like the cats or he was mad at them for some reason so i just picked up their food.

  7. nern

    nern New Member

    LOL Rene. I've never heard of a dog doing that before until this happened. I have the cats bowls up on a table so the dogs can't get at them.
  8. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Sorry Nern, I had a little giggle aswell. I haven't had troubles with Jasper as she's a lady and squats when she pee's. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I think maybe it is only dogs named Sebastian who do this. :lol:

  10. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Tee hee, jamiya, you read my mind. heeh

    I did have a little laugh aswell. Sorry, but to make it up I willl tell you an equally bizarre story about Harley.

    The day we got her and brought her home, she had just "gone" before we left her old residence. Anyways, we stopped to get her some more toys at the store then went home. WE got in and not 2 minutes later she took the HUGEST poo right in our living room!! We were apalled at first, hehe. So we cleaned it up and thought nothing more of it but new home jitters.

    So about 2 weeks later we took her to a friends house. They had just moved in. Well, after about 5 minutes she went into THEIR living room and did her business in there!! Boy, were they pissed! Its a good thing Harley is such a charmer with the boys.

    THEN about 2 months after we went to the same house becasue they had just remodeled the basement and had a roomate move in down there. So off Harley goes to the new basement and once again relieves herself right outside the new bedroom!!

    UGH! We were sooo embarassed. So, I have summed it up to be her way of "chrisening" a house hehe. Needless to say, we try not to bring her to newly moved inhomes.
  11. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    nern, what brand are you feeding. Since i recently switched Jake to raw, I am looking at supplementing with a freeze dried and when we go on trips.

  12. nern

    nern New Member

    Jamiya - LOL. I was thinking the same thing.

    Oh bullylove I can imagine how embarassing that must have been. :oops:

    Honeybear: The brand is NRG.....some of the ingredients in it are raw but the meat in it is actually cooked before its dehydrated.
  13. Banditsmum

    Banditsmum New Member


    one of my dogs do it all the time and i think that he is staking his claim to the other dogs bowls i just keep an eye on them at meal time and pick the bowls up before he can get to them. Not much else you can do.
  14. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    I have to agree with GinaH, that produced such a strong visual image I had to stop eating and laugh, hope everything works out!

    ((sorry this is a bit late but i go through posts while im bored))
  15. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    Males are something else, like men have to leave there mark where ever they go. My wife say's were all the same - dog, men. No I don't left my leg, at my age I most likely would fall over. TV control - my wife says I take it with me when I leave the room every time, I place a book or other object on the seat of my recliner when I get up so know one else well sit on it.
    But on the funny side my Collie would go in the room after he ate to the bowl of my Pyr and lift his leg trying to wet on the bowl I say try to because we feed our guys with raised bowls, I saw him try it once and he fell over on his side trying to get his leg up that high. To teach him this is wrong I took my sons super soaker and waited for my Collie to strike and just when he lifted his leg I let go with the water. He stopped and gave me a look and for the first time he growled at me as he walked away. I just wonder if he told me where I could put that water gun ?

    2pyrs :lol:
  16. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    2pyrs: That's hilarious!! I'm SURE he was telling you where to stick it. hehe
    My beau is the same way. Takes that damn remote everywhere, only half the time to leave it in the other room then blame me for losing it!! No matter what, a pillow, book, anything goes into his seat. He is such a nut! I always move it to bug him. Now I have started taking the remote with me and blaming him. Just reassessing the order I suppose. When he starts pulling his weight again I'll let him think he wears the pants again.

  17. nern

    nern New Member

    Sebastian also used to pee on Natalie....he would wait until she was squatting and then run over and lift his leg on her!
    Natalie lifts her leg on everything during walks and has done it since she was a puppy....I'm pretty sure she learned this from watching Sebastian. Nutty dogs.
    A couple weeks ago I was visiting my mother and I brought Natalie along. I said hello to the neighbor that my father was talking to and he said "Who's that?" while looking toward Natalie. I said "Her name is Natalie." as I turned around just in time to see her lifting her leg on one of my mothers plants. The neighbor had a strange look on his face and said "She??". It was pretty funny.
  18. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    The last time my Mom & Dad were down visiting they brought their 2 Great Danes Rufus & Jasper and all weekend long every chance they got they hiked their legs to pee on one my girls or their crates, toys anything that had their scent on it! Crazy dogs!
  19. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Funny, but I really find myself hesitant to get a male dog, for some reason....


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