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Training Multiple Dogs

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by PooGirl13, Jun 22, 2004.

  1. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Here's another one for ya!

    Molly & Emma just turned 12 weeks this past Sunday and I've read that this is the best time to start training them basic commands (in several short sessions).

    My question is, since we have two, should I train one and my husband the other? Would it be better if I trained both of them (seperately of course) myself? I don't want to confuse them.

    We've noticed that they tend to be 'mommy's girls'. They love daddy too, but they get REALLY excited to see me.. I think that they respond better to my voice since it's soft and sweet ( :0017: :0017: had to say that!) and my husband's is so deep. I'm not sure if they'd learn easier from me or not..

    Just curious how those of you who have (or ever had) multiple dogs went about training them.

  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    EXACTLY...start NOW...they have just entered their critical learning period!!!

    BOTH you and your husband train Molly & Emma!!! You definitely won't confuse them with the variances in your voices. It is actually a very good idea for them to get accustomed to responding to commands from anyone and everyone no matter what their voice type. You don't want them to get used to only your voice when given commands - that can definitely lead to problems (i.e. them only listening to you in the future, and no one else). Plus, dogs learn to respect those whom teach them commands and work with them on commands.

    Often times you hear people say that their dog(s) don't respect their children and listen to them, and the simple solution to that is to have them work with the dog on commands - again, it teaches the dog to respect all humans, not just one or two.

    When training your dogs, no matter who it is, always use your "regular" voice. You want your pups to get used to responding to your "typical" voice. Let me explain: When training, people often make the mistake of repeating the command, and raising their voice each time they have to repeat the command. To exemplify, you are working with your dog on commands, you go up to Spot and say "sit." Spot doesn't listen, so you repeat the "sit" command and say it in a louder more stern voice. Spot is still blowing you off and not listening, so you repeat "sit" in an even louder and more stern voice. Spot is now yawning and rolling his eyes at you, and couldn't care less about what you're telling him to do, so you then proceed to yell "SIT" at the top of your lungs, so then Spot decides that well, maybe, now that you got upset and repeated the command several times, he ought to listen to the command and sit. BIG mistake you've just made. What did you do? Well, you just taught Spot that he really doesn't have to "sit" until you've said the command several times, and until you get really upset and start yelling the command. [-X When working with your dog on commands, only say the command once, and in a regular voice. :y_the_best:

    Another tip, when people come to your home, or you go somewhere with Molly and Emma, if you feel comfortable doing so, have them do a few commands with Molly and Emma...it's great for Molly and Emma to have experience listening to and obeying commands from other people besides just you and your husband.

    And of course, I always recommend to anyone and everyone, no matter what breed they have, big or small, disobedient or obedient, sign up for training/obedience classes. They are great for socialization, learning, and a wonderful way to bond even more with your dog(s).

    Alright, I think I have babbled on long enough!!! If you're confused by anything I said, please do let me know, I'd be glad to help clarify!!! :D
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    I think you and your husband should each train one dog but should switch dogs each session so that both of you are contributing to the training of both dogs. Best of luck.
  4. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    :eek: That is so true for me to poo girl my hubby has a deep voice and my dogs seem to listen better for him but seem to want me more, they follow me around and could care less about him (I think that's why I love them soo much too) my boys are totally mommies boys too. In fact when I went to obedience school w/Max my 1 1/2 year old we always went together except one time I was sick and my hubby went w/out me well the next week he was sick so I went w/out him the trainer said what a difference he was so good w/him w/me he was just barking at all the dogs sitting on my lap out of control, we worked on that a little but I find it cute that the boys love me soo much, enjoy it..... :wink:
  5. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

    You are right, MyBaby, it is important for them to learn to respond to commands given by people other than myself and my husband! I can't wait until Molly & Emma have had all their shots and we can enroll them in a class!

    I like the rotation idea, Nern.. that's what we'll do!

    papillon/mom ~ I most certainly will enjoy it.. the girls are always curious in what mommy's doing.. and, I think I'm more fun because I have long hair and I tie it up a lot.. which gives them something to try to get from me! :lol:
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Yes, excellent idea Nern! :y_the_best:


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