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My BBQ Story

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by GinaH, Jun 24, 2004.

  1. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Last weekend we had a BBQ at my house and my
    MEAN DOG HATING mother in-law was here all the dogs had been outside playing swimming in the Pond and of course in the swamp so they of course were very very stinky and wet & muddy well my youngest son left the back screen door open and before I could grab the dogs they were romping through the house and well....My mother in-law was sitting on the couch watching TV cause you know it was just to hot outside for and oh my way to many bugs...Whatever! Anyhow so the dogs ran into the living room and Pinky & Punkin who know they are not allowed on the couch unless invited bounded up on the couch and into my Mother in- laws lap!
    She just about had a heart attack...Remind you the dogs had been in the swamp! Oh man it was so funny! She screamed so loud everyone from outside came running in! I had to excuse myself to the other room because I was about to pee my pants from laughing so hard! My husband scolded the dogs and put them in their crates. If it had been left up to me I would have given them a treat and pat on the head. LOL
  2. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    THEY SHOOT, THEY SCORE!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
    I love it! ANybody that can be that crabby with dogs has it coming, I'd say!
    Way to go, pups! :y_the_best: :y_the_best: :y_the_best:
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    MIL :? arent they a pain! great story

  4. nern

    nern New Member

    LOL! Cute story Gina. :lol:
  5. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    My Mother-in-law is really great. She was a little leary when we got our PitBulls. She just heard all the bad stuff. When she finally came to visit, she fell in love with them. They could do no wrong as far as she was concerned.

    I have a neigbor whos a total prude around animals. She thinks pets should never be in the house because they're filthy, stink, and sheds. She had the sweetest dog that never got to see the inside of the house. Didn't matter if it was hot, cold, raining, or whatever. It made me want to cry.

    I told her if she didn't wear black all the time, animal hair wouldn't show up so much. (Everything she wore was black, she thought it made her look thinner). She could look like Catherine Zeta Jones and she would still be a (Bee with an itch) because of her sucky attitude.
  6. Jody

    Jody New Member

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. StormyWinter

    StormyWinter New Member

    LOL Gina too funny!!

    My mother in law is ok she has her moments but when it comes to animals she loves them. She has a Pekingese that goes everywhere with her, she calls her "my daughter i never had". She loves all of ours to death and my brother in law 2 Pit Bulls too.
  8. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I have a Pekingese to her name is fancy she is my baby! She is a big time momma's girl![​IMG]
  9. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Great story Gina!!
    I love my in-laws!! Well Curts father more than his mother. She is a nice woman but tries to baby him too much. UGH! Its so annoying. I remember one time he had some surgery on his mouth and she insisted he stay there for the night so she could "take care" of him in the morning. I was so mad! Needless to say he came home with me. hehe I find it humerous. I can just always picture him as a small child with her constantly licking her finger to clean his face.

    ahhh, parenthood.

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