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stinky breath....

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by papillon/mom, Jun 24, 2004.

  1. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    My little Rosco has the worst breath ever and I brush his teeth 1x per week (probably should do it more but busy :oops: ) but anyhow I have tried breath mints for dogs (actually came in cute tin carry case) I tried breath busters (?) and greenies they get 1x per week and I don't know why but he is the cutest little fella but he has the funkiest breath imaginable...what to do? :oops:
  2. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    From what I've heard, the reason for bad (I mean REALLY BAD) breath in dogs is often due to dental disease. When you brush his teeth , do you notice anything out of the ordinary? Usually it starts w/ a lot of plaque build up.... if that isn't taken care of, it can get worse...(brownish build up closer to the gums). I think "dental issues" is probably the culprit, and at least the first place you should start. Take a good look around and see if he's got a lot of plaque buildup. He may need to go to the vet for a good cleaning. I have had numerous friends who have had this issue.... even some that had to have the dog put under to have his teeth deep cleaned.

    By the way: as far as the brushing, my vet told me to brush Bailey on the weekly basis. She said you can do more (if he lets ya), but at least once a week. Also, do you have any of those dental type of chew toys? Bailey has a lot of those (and greenies GALORE) and his teefers are in perty good shape. (Sometimes it's just genetics so don't take it personally mommy... hehe)
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Great reply Monster!!! :y_the_best:

    (Just to add, bad breath *can* also be a sign of internal illness other than dental disease. I didn't say that to scare you, I just thought it was important to mention.)

    I think Monster pretty much said it all though!

  4. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    OMG how weird my friend stopped over yesterday and she is a vet tech and she told me not to worry that it is because he is loosing his teeth and that causes bad breath he is getting his canine's. As far as brushing, I do 1x per week. And Monster those greenie's I buy the big bag they love em I only give them 1x per week too so it's not that. I don't know what it is about those but they will sit there especially Max and finish the whole thing (I buy petite for them TG) thanks anyhow but I will have to wait untill the teeth are all in I guess... :p
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Aren't those greenies great...Mickey and Tigger LOVE them!!! :y_the_best: (I have yet to meet a dog who doesn't like greenies...although, I am sure there are some who don't. :wink: )


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