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How to get rid of tearstains?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by papillon/mom, Jun 24, 2004.

  1. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    My little Rosco gets tearstains on under his eyes a little and on his white of his blaze, it turns pinkist it doesn't look that bad but I don't like it, how can I get rid of it? :cry: I have tried to wipe it and it will come off but then it comes right back. Is it preventable? :?:
  2. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I believe there are some members who have gone through this and I'm sure they'll drop in soon!

    If I remember correctly though, they do have products available for tearstains ~ I'm not sure it's preventable though. I think most, if not all, dogs will have "tearstains".. however, it's not noticeable on dogs with darker hair/fur.
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    It's a lost cause!!! :cry: No, I'm just kidding...kind of!

    From what I've heard from my groomer, and other dog owners with white dogs (where tear staining is noticeable), none of the whitening products really work all that well. As a matter of fact, MonsterBailey, one of the members here, tried "Show Eyes" on Bailey, but from what she said, it didn't sound like she was real impressed with the results. The products may make the coloring fade a bit, but to me it's not worth it if that's all it does.

    Mickey & Tigger go to their groomer every 4-6 weeks, and she always does an excellent job of cutting and cleaning out all the tear-stained hair! (Tigger is practically all white, so the staining really shows up on him, but Mickey is all black, so you can't really tell.)

    I've always heard that using filtered water and a high quality food will minimize (not eliminate, b/c I know for a fact it won't) the tear staining...that's the only suggestion I have for you! (I always use filtered water and high quality food with both Mickey & Tigger, and the tear staining isn't too bad, but definitely there.)

    Basically, from what I've heard, there is no "miracle product" out there.

    Sorry I can't be of more help...maybe someone else will have some other ideas!

  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    The only way i can keep her eyes decent is to trim every two weeks. Try looking maybe with a magnifying glas and see if there are any tiny hair curling into the eye. That can can tearing too. Pluck that hair.
  5. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    Rosco doesn't really have it bad like I said he has a blaze and it's white so on the white it appears pinkish sometimes it really isn't that bad I was just wondering if there is something I can do to remove it I guess I will just use a washcloth w/aloegroom shampoo that I get from my vet. I groom my pups myself, I give them a bath every 2-3 weeks and brush them 2-3 xs per week, but when I give him a bath it goes away but he hates the bath so much he is always so scared :oops: maybe I will try that. Thanks anyways everyone.. P,s I am posting a picture of him which you all may have seen of my little Rosco but now you can see what I mean about the tear stains....


    see it right in the middle in between his eyes he gets it but he gets it worse around his eyes but it is dark so you can't see it.....
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Just a tip (if you are not already doing so): When giving Rosco, or your other pup, a bath, give them *small* treats before, during, and after the bath - one when you first put them in the tub (or sink, whatever you use), a couple during the bath, and one afterwards. Doing this helps the dog associate something good (the treats they get) with something they don't like or are afraid of. :arrow: In the dog's view, it puts a positive spin on what they consider to be negative!

    Just thought I'd share! :D
  7. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Yes, mybabyshih is correct.... I have tried the "show eyes" product on Bailey, but really didn't see much of an improvement. HOWEVER it might be because I didn't really use that many applications. Bailey (like MOST DOGS) absolutely HATES to have that area washed/wiped so I just didn't use it that often. Perhaps it's good for those people who use it consistently.....

    I also heard the comment about the filtered water, but I'll tell you.... Bailey only drinks bottled water (and premium dog food) and he still has the staining...... go figure......
  8. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    baby shi poo good idea :y_the_best: I will have to try the treats w/bath's I never thought of that associate something good w/it. As for the stains I guess I will just have to live w/them Rosco is like Bailey he doesn't like to be touched there so it wouldn't be fun trying.. :wink:

    you guys are so smart :wink:

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