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Ignorant people spreading lies.

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by True_Pits, Jun 22, 2004.

  1. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

  2. someday

    someday New Member

    OMG! That's outrageous! Spreading these lies to children no less!
  3. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    There's a HIGE discussion going on on another board I belong to!

    A woman from that board phoned them and this was their conversation!!

    Ok... I'm not feeling very Christian like after the conversation with these people who ALLOWED this Pit Bull story. The man I spoke to sounded like the man who did this video. I told him that I was a Christian and I would like to speak to him in a very kind and intelligent manner. I said, "I promise not to be rude or disrespectful, but I need to make a statement."
    He would not allow me to finish one sentence, he said it wasn't his video wasn't his doing, that this was sent by Charisma Publishing, and that they were not going to change a thing or stop this video from being aired. And then he said, Pitbulls are vicious in the inner-cities! I told him this was horrible misinformation and they were causing a lot of damage. Then I got mad and said, "God doesn't make evil things, Man does." "These dogs are not evil. If any dog is vicious, Pit Bull or not, it's MANS DOING!" I tried to explain the history and the nature and the dog fighting... He said, "Well, "miss," you cannot be a Christian because you are under the influence of the devil to even have such an opinion." Ok guys, I guess I'm possessed...

  4. juice1348

    juice1348 New Member

    are you kidding me with that??? who was that and why??? I should turn Avary loose on him and let her lick him to death, lol. Wow, and we wonder why the complete ignorance towards our dogs exist.
  5. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I cannot believe that crap! When I was listening to it I kept expecting the plot to change.
    That is one of the biggest urban legend's. And to think this was supposed to be an educational Christian video. Some Christians they are!! There is no truth in the whole story and really what was the whole point of it?
    Oh man this just eats me up. My son had his birthday party here at home on Saturday and Punkin jumped up to kiss one of the children who was staying over for a sleepover and I could tell he got scared so I told him "Oh it's OK she won't hurt you she only want's to kiss you." He replied back with "Well my mom said that I had to stay away from your dog's because they are very mean and could maybe even kill me!" I was so stunned at first that I didn't know what to say.
    So I told him that his mom was mistaken because my dog's were very gentle and kind and would never hurt anyone. And that sometimes people hear stories that are not true but they do not know it's not true so they tell the story to other people and that is most likely what happened with his mom.
    I really wanted to scream "WELL YOUR MOM IS AN IDIOT!!"
  6. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    hee hee Way to have self control Gina!!
  7. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    God that is terrible. Who's really under the influence of the devil? That Nazi, brainwashing jerk is. These are not christains, I don't see them saying horrible things, scaring people and using brainwash. Just listen to the WHOLE story, the pit bull can't not be vicious because thats its nature it would have to change the breed of dog it is? So that means you have to change to be a "new/different person" like being born again. Its used to make a point, but a very sad one. I've met some terrible hypocrits, seen murders on death row who killed in the name of God, and ect, then met some very nice, kind, truly good people who were athiest or of different religious faith. This whole thing is bullshit. I think the point should be to yes reach people and win them over for your faith, but doing so in this manner is wrong, the guy is basically saying IF YOUR NOT MADE ANEW AND BORN AGAIN you are going to be an EVIL person which isn't true. People are kind, people have different natures, yes Christianity or even other religions can change your life, make you happy, change how you feel, but that doesn't mean without it your going to turn into "your true nature an evil person or killer" OMG!!!

    That is so sick and sad to teach kids, non followers are evil and their true nature will show, talk about radical. And on top using a certain breed of dog and story that isn't even relavent. Telling them YOU KNOW THIS BREED IS VICIOUS RIGHT, even though probably most of them don't even know what a Pit Bull is. and blood..lol some idiots believe this makes dogs mean.

    I can't believe that convo I'm going to share it with the people on the other board, here is what happened when a few tried to email them.

    Here is the response I got from e-mail sent to info@sidewalksundayschool.org :

    Due to iour e-mail addresses being hijacked for purposes of sending spam mail, we no longer accept any e-mail sent to this address.

    We are in the process of changing our web-site. Please check back again in a few days for the new contact address.

    Thank you

    HAHAHA that is the biggest effing joke. What to do???
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OH taht really makes me sick.....
    Teaching to children none the less!!! SO I'm going to make a video. Children, Rabbits are VIcious!!! they will hp and jump and flop those big ears!!!! Watch out!!!

    Stupid huh, thats just what that video sounded like!!! Really stupid.....
  9. the_maine_pitbull

    the_maine_pitbull New Member

    Okay guys. I saw this on another group as well. I will warn you, the only religion I follow is Pit Bullism. lol. I am not religious at all, I believe in what is here and what we can all see. I belive in the moment we have here now and nothing more. (Hope no one is offended by that) Anyhow, isn't lambs a religious thing? Sheep and goats or something like that? Well, my uncle had a farm with all that on it, plus cows, pigs, chickens, horses, you name it... Well, if you have something in your pocket all three of those animals will try to get it, I have been bit by a sheep and a lamb. Never bit by a Pit Bull though. I wasn't bit by a goat but surely it will happen, they are my favorite at zoo's or wildlife parks. (Used to be camel's until one spit on me, GROSS!) Anyway, I think that is mental and very ill natured of them to teach things like that. Why is this coming into a church? Well, it realy makes me angry to see that they are teaching these things to small children. Maybe someone should find this place and get the school or church convinced that they want to do an animal safety convention or just be a guest speaker at the church or school and explain what to and not to do around strange animals, then bring in the Pit Bull as an example. (But of course this comes to everyone as a surprise!) Then say Boys adn Girls this is the Pit Bull. It makes me sick to my stomach to see this sort of crap. I jsut sent an email. when I get a reply back we will see if they are lying and trying to not be bothered by Pit Bull lovers or if they are being honest. I asked for an address as well, so we can all send letters and pass on the address. Maybe if they get enough letters they will at least stop showing this to people.

  10. the_maine_pitbull

    the_maine_pitbull New Member

    Never mind here it is..

    This link is to their "About Us" link. Talk about B.S.
    http://www.sidewalksundayschool.org/lan ... es/who.htm

    And this is their main office address.. i think we all ought to write letters and pass this message on to others so they can write too.

    Hope Unlimited, Inc.
    P.O. Box 5891
    Wilmington, Delaware 19808-0891
    (302) 981-7138, FAX (302) 998-4622
    E-Mail: info@SidewalkSundaySchool.org

    This is a link to the people who own and operate the whole Sidewalk Sunday School. Their goals are messed up if they are showing this video.

  11. the_maine_pitbull

    the_maine_pitbull New Member

    YOU HAVE TO READ THIS! This is the new reply that is automatically sent to me from their address...

    Due to our e-mail addresses being hijacked by the Pitbull Lovers and others (who need to get a life) for purposes of sending annoying mail or spam mail, we no longer accept any e-mail sent to this address.

    I think this is enough of a reason to start snail mailing them. They can ignore us on the internet, they can hang up on us, but they cannot take our mailboxes away.. lol.
  12. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Maine: It's funny you say that because on another forum I know TONS of ppl that are snail mailing pics (mostly photocopies) and letters and such to them.
  13. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh I'm soooo snail mailing them!!!!!
  14. Goyda

    Goyda New Member

    Thats such BS, im so going to email them.... Me and my bro both live in the inner city of pittsburgh, and our dogs are both pits, and there as kind as can be. That entire video was stupid, Whys jimmy gota live in the projects huh? lol anyhow im goin email those bastards, and if that doesnt work goin give them a ring.
  15. StormyWinter

    StormyWinter New Member

    I sad to see a CHURCH spreading such lies. What is this world comming to?
  16. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    anybody mind tellin me what the church said?? i cant access it from my work computer
  17. StormyWinter

    StormyWinter New Member

    Pretty much that Pit Bulls have locking jaws (haha), that all are mean and will kill. Something to the extent of once they taste blood its all over. Pretty much every false statment there is to be said about Pit Bulls.

    Not too sure if anyone here has read this. I know True_Pits had and GinaH, But I thought I would post it here. She has already had a bunch of e-mails sent to her. Add to her mail box!!!

    http://www.yorkregion.com/yr/newscentre ... 5939c.html

    People like this need to have their finger cut off and their mouths stapled shut!!

  18. Jadapit

    Jadapit New Member

    Good Grief that woman is a total idiot!! :x I just can NOT believe she wont let her kids go to someones house if they have a pit or any other big dog. We were at my inlaws eating dinner and they have a little mixed breed dog and my son was coming out of the bathroom and this dog attached its self to my sons leg and bite him. This is a little dog.

    The lady that wrote that shouldnt let her kids go to anyones house that has a dog if she is so concerned about her kids because any dog can bite NOT just pitbulls. I cant believe how stupid and ignorant people can be at times. Its amazing!!
  19. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    That new link was also on another board I'm a member of. I sent her an email, not hateful or anything, just the truth.
  20. juice1348

    juice1348 New Member

    This is the email I sent to that "woman"

    Ms. Kibble:

    Ignorant, uneducated and prejudice are three words that do not describe me. I am only interested in the truth and the facts. In your article about Pitbulls you list NO facts and completely distort the truth. That is your downfall and the reason you will be stuck writing for yorkregion.com the rest of your life. The sad part is, you actually sound reasonably intelligent.
    Yes, I own an American Staffordshire Terrier, or Pitbull. You probably do not know what that is, just as you probably do not know the difference between a Bull Mastiff and a Bull Terrier. You will just classify them as "Pitbulls". When one of them bites someone the article you or someone else writes will read something like this: "Viscious Pitbull Attacks Toddler". The fact is, Ms. Kibble, Pitbulls are no more prone to being aggressive as any other properly raised canine. Every time a yellow color dog bites someone, let's call it a Yellow Lab and screw up their reputations.
    I am not going to argue with you, because you probably will not bother responding to me (you have already lost this argument) so let's just hope that you realize you need to research before you write. My little Amstaff (American Staffordshire Terrier for review) is just as friendly as my mothers Golden Retriever. They are great dogs and I wish more families would take these little guys in.

    Proud to have not thrown out one "F-word",

    Brian McKenzie and Avary "The Viscious Pitbull, lol"

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