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My new puppy needs help, we don't know what to do!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by VHSJezebel, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. VHSJezebel

    VHSJezebel New Member

    Our puppy is not 4 months old yet, and has a very bad case of mange. Well, she's been to the vet, and is being treated for that. But, she's not doing well. She has lost a considerable amount of weight, we don't think that she's been eating her food at all, no matter how hard we try to get her to eat. She's also very dehydrated. She has so little energy that she won't even get up. We have to pick her up and set her on her feet.

    I'm so afraid she's going to die, and I have no idea what I can do :cry:
    Please let me know if there's anything to be done for her.
  2. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Are you sure she doesn't have Parvo too?

    For the dehydration, get the clear colored pedialyte for chldren. It is high in sugar and will help with the hydration. Also, a home made chicken soup broth will help to put some weight on her, or you can buy low sodium canned soup from a grocery store.

    I have had no experience with mange, but all those poisons could just be making her real sick and that could be the culprit.

    I would get a check for Parvo too though. I had honestly never heard of anyones pups getting it until I joined this forum. It seems to be VERY common in some parts of the states.

    If you don't think your vet is giving you 100% attentiveness, I would go to a different vet and get another opinion.

    Please keep us informed and good luck.
  3. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    I know samsintentions was just dealing with mange. Hopefully she will be able to give more insight. She has alot of experience in many areas. Parvo might be an issue, but w/out the bloddy vomiting and diarreha, it sounds like something else. sams lost a few of her rescue puppies recently to mange so she should know more about the symptoms. Bullylove1 is right on the money (per usual!) about the chicken broth and Pediolyte. Get it in her ASAP! If she does not want it, too bad. Put it in a medicine dispensing syringe (no needle), fill it up, and as she is a puppy, there should be a gap towards the back of her mouth where her adult teeth are not in yet, put the syringe in there and gently push the fluids in, slowly so she won't choke. Do it every hour till you see her responding. And I concur with bullylove 1 on maybe seeking another opinion. I will say a little prayer for you guys and your baby!
  4. StormyWinter

    StormyWinter New Member

    When i first got Winter ( http://www.dogster.com/?38331 ) she had a VERY bad case of mange, she did the same thing. She lost alot of weight and would not eat. I gave her chicken broth, and she also licked ice cubes. Did your vet give you the dip to take home or are you taking her to the vet for the dips? I did them at home which seemed to make her alot happier and led to her eating and drinking again. Maybe that will help you as well. There is a kind of dip that your vet can give you that can be done at home if the mange is that bad and you have to take her to the vet on a regualr basis. I had to give Winter one every other day for almost 2 months then once a week for 2 months. But her mange was HORRIBLE! Worse case my vet had ever seen. He said she would never have hair, now she has more hair then my other 4 dogs all put together!
  5. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Stormywinter- i'm so sorry to hear about Winter! The only information I have ever really heard about Mange has come from this site. I though they just lost hair. I did not know how sick they can become from it. Do you know how it is they get it? Just so I can be paranoid about it!!!! thanks for the info.
  6. VHSJezebel

    VHSJezebel New Member

    Thank yall for the suggestions and prayers! I've called my husband already and sent him to the store.

    The vet has given us the dip so that we could dip her at home, but I was planning to just take her back to the vet to have it done. She only needs to be dipped once a week, so I was hoping that wouldn't be too much of a shock for her. Then we can nurse her along for the rest of the week.

    It's so hard seeing her like this though. She was a gift for my husband's birthday. We have nine indoor cats, and he was so wanting a puppy. He fell in love with her the first time he saw her, and he was so surprised when I brought her home, she is simply so precious!

    Oh, Sarge's mom, they get mange from contact with other dogs that have it, that's what I've been able to find out.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

  8. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Clean her bedding too they can hide out where she lays and reinfest her.
    Our vet had us get our dog every ten days, three dips poor rufus wanted nothing to do with the vets. He was afraid he may get scrubbed.
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok, sounds to me like a case of Parvo! Get that pup to the vet ASAP!!!
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    My dog was not weak in the knees at all with mange. If your pup is vomiting andhas diareaha it could be that he has both parvo and mange. It wouldn't be the first time something like that has happened. Get the fluids down his throat. If its possible at all for you to get the vet to tesy for parvo, please do it. It can kill very quickly.
    Hpw long have you owned this pup and have you kept it in your backyard only or have you let it roam where other dogs have been. Thats how its picked up. Pups should not be allowed to be anywhere other unknown dogs have been until they have had their full shots. Because you don't know if the neighbors are getting their dogs vacinated or not.
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    With one problem already in progress, his little body is weak from fighting it, and he's going to have an even rougher time fighting both. Parvo will inevitably kill him. there's no going around it unless you get that pup help.

    Mange will not make him vomit and diareah, and lathargic. Thats Parvo.

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