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question not sure if you can help....

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by papillon/mom, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    My girlfriend has two cats and she also has children and a fairly large home well she just found out that her cat has fleas :oops: she is freaking out because she wants to get rid of them. I have never encountered that but have been told that the only way is to bomb your home and clean, clean everything :cry: so what she did yesterday was she sprinkled some powder I guess they have for flea's on cats? :?: not real sure on what exactly it does but she sprinkled that in her room and cleaned everything in just one room and before she does another I told her she should wait and see if that will help. I would think they would just come right back? I don't know but maybe someone has encounterd this before :?:
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    There is a powder that has borax in it. You get it at your better pet supply stores. You sprinkle it around. What it does is when the flea touches it it dehydrates the flea and kills it. How come she can't put advantage or something like that on the cats. Those types of flea stuff work great. If her cat ingests a flea it will more than likely get tapeworms too.
  3. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    thanks puttin so ya think she can just do one room at a time and get rid of them? I told her I used advantage for my dogs but she said it's too expensive, I think she is going to get rid of the cats to be honest w/you :( I couldn't do it but she tried calling the SPCA but they told her they have no room and they would be put to sleep (she has 2) so she is waiting still. I told her that from what I have herd on this web site they will be put to sleep, :oops: and that would be sad :cry:
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    When I did cat fostering and rescuing, one cat came to my home with fleas (not totally infested fortunately - very little actually), so I had to confine her to my laundry room till things were under control and cleaned. As I always did with any cat that came into my home, I immediately put her on Frontline Plus (the reg. Frontline only kills adult fleas alone). In addition, I did "powder" my home, then had everything deep cleaned professionally. HOWEVER, if the flea infestation is pretty bad, ridding the home of fleas is quite a bit of work (and expensive).

    For more info on ridding her home of fleas if it is really infested, take a look at: http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Entomolo ... /ef602.htm

    But my goodness, she wants to get rid of them just b/c they have fleas?!?! :?

    She is right though, most shelters can not handle many more cats, if any at all. For that very reason, I often ended up with 5-6 cats at once in my home (mainly b/c they always gave me the pregnant ones). ](*,) So, I wouldn't advise her to bring them to a shelter, they will indeed be PTS if the particular shelter is already at maximum capacity.

    I hope she keeps them!!! :cry:

    Wishing her the best! :D
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I think she will ned to spray bomb or powder the whole place at once so's none can escape to another room. I buy my fleas stuff here. www.fleas-go.com/ It is so cheap. Its like 5.00 per pet for me. If I went to the vet it would be twice the amount.
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Definitely puttin...it's also a good idea to quarantine the cats to one small room for a while until things are taken care of.

  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh yes indeed. Don't want to kill off the kitties with the fleas.
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    My neighbor had a flea infested house and she used a powder and vaccuumed and just kept doing that...it worked and she did'nt end up needing to use a flea bomb. Too bad your friend could'nt/would'nt get Advantage. I only use it on mine about once or twice a year and never have a flea problem.
  9. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    PUttin-thanks for that web site I will give it to her and I will advise her to powder everyroom at once-right, then vacuum really good right?

    Nern-you only have to use it like 2x per year? wow that's awesome I will tell her to get that.

    Thanks eveyrone for all the good advice :wink:

    Lesson #1 USE ADVANTAGE (I do) :y_the_best:
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    When I use advantage I don't always put it on once a month sometimes its like 6 weeks until they need it again. For cats that are indoors. They would not need it as much, becuase their not dragging any in from outside. Humans can though. Yeah have her put the cats in the bathrom for the day, sprinkling would be safest, with the cats still in the house. Leave itthere for the amount of time the container says then vacume like crazy. Good luck with your friend.
  11. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    Update on my friend well she went out and bought bomb's to do her whole house I gave her the website from puttin for cheap flea meds she sounded excited about that, she didn't say anymore about getting rid of them, how would you recommend her to get rid of them off of her cats? Her cats have been in the basement allot lately since they have been going outside so I will tell her to put them somewhere safe when she does use the bomb's.....Thanks for all the advice..... :wink:
  12. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Tell her to put the advantage of whichever one she buys on the cats the night before she bombs the house. Maybe you could put kittie is your bathroom overnight :lol: While she defleas the house. As soon as an hour after putting the flea product on the cats back the fleas start to die .
    Also when I order from fleas-go it takes about 5-7 days to get to my place from the U.K. Pretty good.
  13. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    The topical flea treatment, after applied, will get rid of the fleas!

    Be sure the product she chooses to use kills both the adult fleas ALONG with flea eggs and larvae...some just kill the adult fleas only!

    Hope things work out for her! :D

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