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hi, i'm new!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by smokey, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. smokey

    smokey New Member

    i saw this forum mentioned by GinaH here, and i've been reading for a couple days, and thought i'd make myself known.
    looks like a great place to learn things and get some laughs!
    i'm "pearl" on the forum gina is on (thought i would have another identity); don't worry- i'm not one of the rabblerousers (i don't think); and if i am just clunk me in the head.

    here's my furrykids:
  2. StormyWinter

    StormyWinter New Member

    Hey there! I see you made it.. :eek: Welcome! Some pretty cool people here as from what i have seen in the little bit i've been here!
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    okay lets try this again, pics are my nemisis

  5. Nikkita's Mom

    Nikkita's Mom New Member

    Hi Smokey and Welcome, I'm pretty new here myself and everyone is so great, you will love it here!!

    You have beautiful babies!! :eek: :y_the_best:
  6. smokey

    smokey New Member

    thanks! :mrgreen:
    honeybear, will keep checking for pictures!

    "smokey" was my first dog's name when i was 7. he got distemper so we only had him about a week. that's why the name.
  7. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Hi Smokey a.k.a. Pearl. Nice to meet you. Love the pictures of your Pooches. I really like the one where they're sitting on the porch. I swear they were all saying "CHEEEEEZE" for the camera.
  8. smokey

    smokey New Member

    loves-da-pits, first pearl would do that porch thing, then we got snickers and she started doing it, but mocha is a little small. so he just sits regular. i'll look out and just find them that way!
  9. nern

    nern New Member

    Welcome to the forum Smokey! All of your dogs are beautiful.....I especially like the picture of the 3 of them on the steps. :D
  10. cschimizzi

    cschimizzi New Member

    Hey Pearl, stormy, true pits, and Gina H. Glad I made it here as well. Seems like a very nice forum.
  11. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Hi nice to meet you heres my two. This is one of the best forums around. I stop by the one your from. I like to browse around.
  12. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Welcome Smokey, I went to look at preal and when i saw the three on the steps i said oh my Goodness its a black pug. LOL. I'm Precious mommy and would love sharing with you about all dogs but Precious is my hubby's baby. Bobo the Yorkie human is mine. [​IMG]
  13. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    ok honeybears
    I have to ask, super glue butts to the floor or just the right place and right time for the line up for the photo ?
    I hope this weekend to get our Sunday Sears best on and have our guys clean and brushed so we can post a family shot for all. Give me a few days and we well post them for all to see.

    I get around on my PC some what easy but I would like to sit up a site of my own since I get free space from my server, but I have know idea where to start any suggestions on how to sit up a site, what steps to take as a beginner ?
  14. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Maybe I can ask my son. He's 16 and made up his own website for his band. I've never done it though.
  15. smokey

    smokey New Member

    there was the red X in a box and i can't see your photos! what does that mean?

    hi cschimizzi, glad to see you here!
  16. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Welcome Aboard Smokey!! :eek: IM so glad you joined us!
    Your furkids are adorable!!
    There is such an awesome bunch of people here you will love it! Everyone's very friendly and helpful.
  17. Hello Pearl and Wellcome! Your furkids are too cute :D The pal fitz looks like my boy Freebie...Enjoy the forum! the people here are great :y_the_best:

  18. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Hi Smokey, welcome to the Forum. We hope you enjoy your stay with us.... :)

    Your furbabies are so adorable!
  19. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Smokey & cschimizzi: Welcome! I am so glad you guys are giving this site a try! The people here are wonderful ( a little nutty!) but great! Everyone really pulls for each other and is very supportive and helpful.

    Smokey: Your babies are wonderful! Pearl looks just like Duke (Duke'sdad) and Snickers is beautiful, and just when I think how I could not think more of your dogs there is your Pug, Mocha! What a face! He looks so ornery! I love his coloring.

    cschimizzi: Any pictures?

    I am working on mine. Welcome and I hope you stick around! :eek:
  20. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Ooooo Snickers is my favorite!

    Welcome to the forum.


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