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GinaH & StormyWinter

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Sarge'smom, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    OK, I lied. I went back to see what kind of stir I started with my post. Well, I must say that the responses made me laugh. Really. Out loud.

    At first I was a little mad but then it struck me. I was being judged and called names in posts that were berating me for judging and calling names. Hmm.. there is word for that... what is it? Oh, yea, hypcrisy. I totally realize that I came in out of the blue there. I truly believe that any moderately sane disinterested third party would have read all of those posts and felt that there were a couple of right minded people being unjustly attacked (StormyWinter: for the record, I was not including you in my post at all).

    But, the sad truth is... that strange and illogical as it may seem, I think of all of you as friends. And in my group of friends and family it is well known that (I know this seems hard to believe now!) I mind my own business and keep out of drama (because I have no tolerance for it) UNLESS someone attacks my friends or family. Then I am not pleasant. I am not proud of that, just recognize it about myself. I actually don't have a problem with admiting I am wrong. I accept critisim from people I respect very well and appreciate it. The key there is respect. I realized while reading the other post, that I really respect you all so much and so much more quickly, which I normally do not do. Liking a person is easier than respecting them. You all, each one of you, is worthy and desrving of respect and common courtesy. And I guess when I saw how Gina H was not being treated that way. I "butted" in.

    Gina H and StormyWinter- I apologize if I made it worse for you on the other site. I let my fingers get ahead of my brain and it was not my intention to make things worse for you. I did not think EVERY person on the site is a moron. I am not sorry for what I said and I think, judging by the response posts, it seemed a case of "thou dost protest too much". They were uber defensive about some keys areas.

    As far as for myself and my "shame and condemnation" on the other site, well, I guess I will have to cancel all of their invitations to Thanksgiving dinner at my house this year.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LMAO!! :lol:

  3. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Jamiya- I sense that if you and I lived in the same town (and God forbid sams!) that town would be afraid. Very afraid! :lol:
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    When my husband gets fed up and leaves me, I will be looking to one of you to adopt me and the kids. ;)

  5. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Let me know when and I will kick my husband out to make room for your kids!
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    he he he.....We've got an extra kennel !!! he he he!!! Just kidding jamiya!I wouldn't let you stay in the kennel, The garage maybe....he hehe!!

    So sorry, I'm just full of it today!
  7. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Sarge'mom You in no way what so ever made things worse for me on the other board because honestly I could care less about those people on that board. I to consider all you guys my friends.
    I felt a great since of pride when I read your post. Thank you again.
  8. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    sniff, sniff I feel like such a sniff geek! Thank you. I felt pride in defending someone like you too! GROUP HUG! :0015:
  9. cschimizzi

    cschimizzi New Member

    Sarge, I am just curious, what was the title to your post over on that site? I am a member over their as well and they can be a "bit" judgemental. LOL
  10. StormyWinter

    StormyWinter New Member

    You didn't make things worse for me over there either. That post got way outta hand, I left relizing that it was a pontless battle and that in no way was anyone going to "switch" sides. I left early in the argument so i have no idea what was really said after that all I know is that i went in there and said that it was BS and that they all needed to agree to disagree and to act like humans no primates. It pretty much stopped after that only 1 person posted after i said that. Don't know if what i said stopped it or they all relized it was childish but at least it stopped!
  11. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    You got it ,your the only one that can read my scales lol. (((((((((huggs)))))))))))

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