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Oscar and Iridescent Shark Probs

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by neecer, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. neecer

    neecer New Member

    :?: I just got a 20 gallon tank and the first fish I got was an Oscar. After 4 days, we decided to get him a tank mate, an Iridescent Shark. The info at the store said they would do ok in the tank together but... :cry:
    The Oscar has seriously nipped at the poor Shark and I am afraid he is going to kill it. Should I give them time to get used to each other or take the Shark out? It seems cruel to put him through any unnecessary torture! :|
  2. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    well here's the deal a oscar needs at least 50 gals and will get to be 1 foot plus and the Iridescent Shark well let just say its get to be 3feet plus soo you would need a tank that would be 3feet by 3feet by 2feet (lxwxh) and just to answer you question the oscar will eat the shark unless the shark can't fit in its mouth ever then it will prolly nip at it
    Sorry to be the bringer of bad news
  3. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I suggest returning both of those fish immediately. Neither of them can stay in a 20 gallon tank.

    Like Fish Addict said, Oscars need AT LEAST 50 gallons each. And iridescent sharks not only get 4 feet long, but they also are very active and prefer to be in groups so they're not suited for anything other than a several THOUSAND gallon aquarium.

    Also, when you say you just got the tank, I'm assuming you didn't properly cycle it. In which case, the ammonia & nitrIte will end up getting very high and poison the fish. That will either make them really sick or kill them. So you REALLY need to return them now. Then before getting any more fish, I suggest you read this article on cycling:

  4. bloodpain

    bloodpain New Member

    Like tchelle and fish addict said, 20 gallons is NO WAY for ID sharks and oscars. They can grow far too large than you can expect, and like they said, they need at least a 50 gallon tank.. However, back to your question, I suggest removing the shark as it has been nipped, if this carries on, its a matter of time before it dies as oscars are agressive fishes. Anyway, I suggest that you return both the oscar and ID shark.. And start with other fishes that are small. Best of luck.
  5. fishdude

    fishdude New Member

    i agree with what has been said. if i could get an oscar in a 20g i would have by now. take a look at oscarfish.com.
  6. Pacuguy

    Pacuguy New Member

    i agree, deff give back the Id shark, if you want to keep the oscar get atleast a 75 gal.
  7. papastew

    papastew New Member

    I've noticed that some oscars have a serious attitude problem and will try to bully any other type of fish in the tank with them. Some seem to be very carefree. I had two oscars in with a clown knife and one would give a nudge to the knife every once in a while, while the other wouldn't give it the time of day. Sometimes its all about attitude.

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