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Ever wonder if your cat is a dog in disguise?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lucidity03, Jun 23, 2004.

  1. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Three of my cats:

    -Run when strangers visit
    -Run from the vacuum
    -Run from loud noises
    -Get pet on their terms
    (You get the point...)

    My one other cat:
    -Runs towards strangers and lavishes them with love
    -Watches the vacuum intently or lets me vacuum around her
    -Investigates any noise made in the house
    -Loves being pet any time of the day for as long as I please.

    I wonder if she has some dog in her?

    Anyone else have a cat that's almost dog-like?
  2. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    a couple weeks ago i was at my boyfriends house. i bring max with me on the weekends. he would sometimes play under the bed...god knows with what...

    all of a sudden he jumps on the bed and has this stuffed alligator about the size of him in his mouth...he is only five months old... which he presents to me so i can throw it. he will gallop down the hallway with things in his mouth. last night, my boyfriend said..."look...look what he's got in his mouth now...." so i turned, and max was headed toward the bed with his syringe that i give him his liquid medicine in. jumps up on the bed and gives it to me. brought it all the way from the kitchen.

    he likes to dip his toys in his water. the spray bottle is loosing its effectivess lately. all he does is just stand there as i spray water on his. doesnt faze him a bit.... :?
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    my Zeus thinks he's a dog...he even hangs out with my dog. Zeus jumps on Sadie's water bowl when I fill it and hangs out under Sadie's elevated dishes when Sadie eats. He doesn't fetch though - he saves that for the meezers.

    And oddly enough my dog likes catnip.

    Did I mention I live in a really weird environment :lol:
  4. footsie

    footsie New Member

    I'm almost certain my Footsie thinks he's a puppy.

    He runs to greet everyone at the door and has to full check out new people. Once he knows a person he will lick them each time they enter the house. But never any other time.

    He investigates every sound.

    He will sometimes play fetch with his toy mice. But only when he wants to. He usually wants to around 5 am and will bring me his toys and try to play with them in my bed until I thow them across the room, he brings them back... :x

    He will play tug-o-war with me over his stuffed duck. Its just like a dog would.

    He'd rather sit by my feet than on my lap.

    He chews on everything.
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Bean plays fetch with me and Rhiannon stalks the vaccuum and swats it when it gets close to her. Tiddy will climb on anybody's lap that is available...even strangers. Chieve comes running when I call his name just like a dog would.
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    Rene is just like a dog. She still plays fetch after a year old, greets guests and strangers, plays with water constantly and sleeps at the foot of the bed.

    Oh yeah, she's the only cat that will play with my 19 month old and tolerate his antics.
  7. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    haha... I forgot about my one cat who drops any item she can find into my bed (in the middle of the night) to try and play fetch. Last week it was a wrapper from a toothpick (where did she find it?) She'll play fetch for a round or two and then get side-tracked.

    She also brings up items from my basement that I never knew were down there. She finds things that the previous owners must not have cleaned out. One day it was some child's homework.
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Midas thinks he is a dog, he is best apsl with my dogs, he comes running to greet me when I come home. he wants tons of attention, he would follow on our walks if I let him

  9. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Moe definitely reminds me of a dog. She struts around kind of bow-legged like a bulldog. Personality-wise she is identical to my uncle's greyhound.

    She greets us at the door when we come home and relishes being pet anytime, all the time. She often drags one of her toys around the house hoping someone will play with her (which we always do).
  10. kbsgrrl

    kbsgrrl New Member

    i heard this weird rustling noise in the kitchen and eventually realized it wasn't my fiance so i got up to see my cat Sooty running down the hallway w/ a full bag of pork rinds?! i was laughing too hard to get mad - the bag was bigger than her head. i also caught her having knocked over the garbage can and standing next to it w/ a chicken bone hanging out of her mouth just like my parent's dog always did (i bring all such garbage directly outside now - don't want her to choke). my sister's cats never go for the garbage.
    and one of the doodyballs (sooty's babies) likes to play tug of war w/ a sock and she growls :D
  11. fleafly

    fleafly New Member

    Pirate thinks he is a dog. The other day I was sitting on the couch and he started growling towards the front door, I looked outside and someone was walking up the sidewalk to the door! He did that again since then. He also sniffs everything, I mean everything. He will sit there and smell my pants for 10 min after I come home. The odd thing is he doesn't like the dogs. He smacks them if they get anywhere near him.
  12. searamab

    searamab New Member

    My parent's cat Caesar (a very personable Bombay) loves ham. Whenever anyone in the house makes a ham sandwich, he's always there next to the counter waiting for a piece to drop. When he sees the ham come out of the bag, he'll stand on his rear legs and stretch out his body and front legs and try to grab the ham out of your hand.

    One time I was opening a bag of dog treats on the counter to give to our miniature dachsund, Emmy, and Caesar jumps on the counter and snatches the dog treat out of my hand!
  13. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Smokey the dog

    I kno exactly what you mean. I wonder all the time whether my cat smokey is a dog in disguise. She even fetches. She steals the Q-tips out of the bathroom and brings the to you. Then of course you have to throw them and she chases them-sometimes catching them in the air- and brings them right to your feet and drops it awaiting the next throw. She is also in the window investigating the cars pulling in the driveway and goes to find out what stange noises are in the house. She eats ANYTHING including twizzlers. When she hears someone in the kitchen she comes down and sits on the table and waits for scraps. She was a 'wild' cat until we found her at about 2-3 weeks old. Don't worry, it's perfectly normal. :lol:
  14. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hi searamab and bellack1. just noticed both of you are new members and wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you. hope you keep posting on your kitties...(or parent's kitty). :D

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