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how would i go about

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Rene, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Fostering dogs or cats what is involved and how would i go about it i know of 2 pounds in my area and a few rescues. I would like to know from all of you who foster how you got started and how it is going for you because I have 4 cats and 2 dogs but i want to save some i cant beleive they but them to sleep after on 6 days i'm so sad if i could have a million pets i would but i would like to save some if i can

  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I've been curious about the same thing...although I can't do it right now anyway. There is a rescue group that I was checking out because they had an ad in the paper looking for foster homes. I found an online application on their webpage where they ask lots of specific questions...they also require a home check and permission from your landlord if you rent. I'm not sure I'd have the time for anymore pets right now but fosterinng is something I'd really like to consider in the future so I'd be interested in hearing others replies as well. :D
  3. smokey

    smokey New Member

    i haven't ever fostered, but it's something i may do in the future when i am able.
    i think contact the shelters and rescues and talk with them and go from there. they will tell you what to do. they should want to do a home visit, prob. get references, and talk to you a lot.
    good luck with it!
  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Hi let me just say first I think it's great that you want to foster. It is such a rewarding experience! I have been doing it for a little over 4 years and I have to say it's very fulfilling. Of course there are those times that it can be heartbreaking. Because there are so many in need and you can't help everyone. But if you can help just one it makes such a difference.
    There are many ways to get started with fostering.
    I started with my local humane society. There are a lot of guidelines to follow and of course paperwork out the ying yang home visits and references and in some instances background checks. But I have found the humane society to be not as strict as private rescues. Private rescues have in my opinion higher standards because it is so much more personal some dogs that go to rescues never leave. I by any means am not putting down the work done by the humane societies and private shelters. They are absolutely vital!
    Its just that with most rescue a dog or cat being pts is not an option unless it is in the best interest of the dog/cat or if the animal has a serious behavior disorder and cannot be rehabilitated. And most rescues although donations are warmly welcomed the majority of the funds to care for the dogs the vet needs as well as transport are out of their own pockets. And it is just is always so much more personal.
    I have had so many different breeds of dogs/puppies over the past few years as well as cats,kittens,rabbits and even ferrets and each has been special in their own way.
    But my love is APBT so the past 2 years they have been my focus. Unfortunately I have a problem saying no thus being why I now own 5 dogs & 4 cats and countless stray cats which have actually chosen me
    ( I think it's the free food!). Then there is my current foster Princess and my new arrival who will be arriving this Thursday a 3 month old golden retriever/pit mix. Named Katey.
    Helping to save an animal is really a heart warming rewarding experience. Even if it's only doing transport or taking in a stray or volunteering at a shelter or making a donation to a shelter or rescue it's still so very important and you are contributing more than you could ever know!
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Your wonderful for wanting to do this!!!

    First, contact the local group who you will want to foster with.
    They are going to want you to fill out some information packets (or should) and will probably want to do a physical inspection of your home.

    If everything goes as planned, you should be set up to foster. They will call you when an animal need assiatance, and will tell you the rules, and what to do in EMs, ect....
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Find local groups that have a foster program. Doing a search on petfinder.com is one way to find these groups.

    Talk to the groups and find out about their policies and philosophies, etc. All rescue groups are not equal. Also, they vary in the amount of support they give their foster homes, so check into that as well.

    Find a group that fits well and you should have a good foster experience!

    Of course, I failed at fostering. I ended up adopting ours. :)

  7. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Jamiya that is excatly what i'm affraid of i fall in love to easy i was talking to the kids about it this weekend and they said if we brought an animal in the house we would not let it go because we would love it to much we already have 4 cats and 2 dogs then i have the 2 kids well they are older now 17 and 12 but then i will have my mom living with me on July 12th may i will just find a good shelter and volenteer and maybe donate some money. I know that pet food express by me has Halo go there every weekend maybe i can help with the adoptions or something. as long as i dont want them all lol

  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Its hard, but the easiest way for me to let go (and let me tell you its not easy) is to keep reminding yourself, theirs a family out there that this dog is meant for!!!! (or cat) One thing also to keep inmind. Financial situation. Shelters often foster, and the main reason they do it is because an animal needs too much attention, and medical care. SO they foster it. You will be spending a good deal of money on them. The shelters will help out but some wont.
  9. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Well that would be a problem as i have said before i'm a single mom with 2 kids 6 fur babies and in 2 weeks my Ill mother i guess i will just have to donate some time and money. I have and idea why cant we claim our animals on our taxes and the vet bill aaaaaaahhhhhh wouldnt that be nice.

  10. nern

    nern New Member

    That would be great! :wink:

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