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Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by MonsterBailey, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member


    ((((DING)))) ((((DING)))) ((((DING))))

    That bell means it's time for updated pictures, MOTHER!!!
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    You bet it's time for an update and pics...we're waitingggggg!!! LOL :lol:
  3. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    You two are too funny!!! :lol:

    Okay.. update:

    Molly & Emma are doing great! I am however, wondering if they are starting to teeth? Monday & Tuesday they really didn't eat much.. we have been giving them about 2 cups between the two of them but Mon. & Tues. they were only getting through a cup. It could also have been the heat, although we have a/c, it was humid here for a couple of days. Yesterday, they ate more than ate more so that was good! Nothing else was different, their energy etc. remained the same.

    Also, for the past couple of days, they let out soft wimpers every now and then. They kind of then swipe at their mouths from time to time.. so, that's what made me think they may be teething. How did you know when your pup(s) were teething?

    They are such characters! Molly has now discovered that mommy wears scrunchie's in her hair (have long hair and need it out of my face when I'm playing with them!!).. so, our new thing is when she puts me on the couch I climb up her back (using the back of the couch as a guide) and grabbed the scrunchie! Ah.. victory!! Emma is catching on as well and she's grabbed a few from my hair! :lol:

    They've developed a routine in the morning. They start talking about 5:00-5:30am (this morning was 4:30 though :shock: mommy's a bit tired right now) and either myself or hubby takes them right outside. As soon as they are done, they head back into the house & run right into the bedroom (they sleep together in a crate near our bed) and immediately want "UP"! It's quite the wake up call to have 2 VERY AWAKE shih poos in your face and walking all over you! :mrgreen:

    Emma has the cutest frickin yawn. She lets out this little noise when she yawns and it makes me laugh every time.. so cute! Molly is a quiet yawner right now.

    They are BOTH freaking mommy out though.. I am still trying to cope with the fact that puppies will JUMP! They can't jump up on the couch or anything yet.. but, they can jump OFF the couch. This morning, I was holding Molly and Emma got up on the arm of the couch (so, a bit higher up!).. mommy starts breathing faster... within seconds, Emma is AIRBORN and lands on the floor (the distance she had was great.. :lol: ). Ack! She's fine, walking around and mommy is dying. I'm not used to this and I always want to protect them and not want them to get hurt.... I'm working on this though.

    Let's see... Oh, the other day, we were in their portion of the yard and Molly & Emma were wrestling near the fence. We both were watching and all of a sudden it looked like Molly was on the other side of the fence.. we got up and looked and yep, there she was sitting there looking at us like "I don't know what happened mommy & daddy.. I was just playing and I fell through the hole. Honest" ~ we were laughing so hard because she truly didn't know what to do! We took care of that hole real quick!

    We tried to put them in their collar & harnasses and they are still too big! We have them at the smallest size they can be but they still dangle. We are obviously a bit too soon to be thinking they could start getting used to these things.

    They are becoming VERY curious of late.. they want to know what we're cooking up there on the stove.. what's in our dish. what we're drinking etc. They want to know everything & explore everywhere!

    They are just the best ever.. They make us so happy, they are so sweet and loving and always know how to make us laugh. How did I ever live w/o these two?!!!

    As far as pictures.. I've been working on an avatar. Do you realize how hard it is to photograph 2 puppies at the same time?! Every time there's been a good photo opp. I grab the camera and think I have it.. then one looks away! Grrr! I finally got one though ~ a few nights ago they were on my husband's stomach.. so, I ask him to hold them so I could snap a picture. It came out nice and I'm trying to resize it for the boards.

    I'm not sure if you guys still have the link to their online album.. but, I've added a few more pictures w/in the past few days. I'm trying to put them on there as fast as I can!

    Here's the link if you need it:

    http://www.ofoto.com/BrowsePhotos.jsp?& ... rt_order=0

    My goal is to have a few pics taken with ME in them! I'll get those in the album soon :D

    We are quite the happy family :kiss_puppy:
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    All I can say is AWWWW!!!!! Their sooo cute! Lil balls of fluf!
  5. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Thank you very much!! They are my little fluff butts! :love_y_t_much:
  6. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    I am lost I am sorry they are soooooo cute :-k Did you get them together? Are they brothers or sisters I am not sure ( :roll: ) I feel the same w/my dogs I just got another two and 1/2 months ago for my 1 1/2 year old same mom & dad same breeder they are the best of buds, they play so good together.

    How old are they? I just love the way the shi-poo's look so fluffy and soft they remind me of the snuggle bear :kiss_heart:

    I love the pictures when they are playing that one in particular was adorable. Speaking of which you just reminded me I have one of the boys playing too, I will post.

    As for monster bailey you are always up on things....awwwwwww. I am jealous.... :wink:

  7. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Hi papillon/mom ~

    Not to worry.. I'm frequently lost myself! :lol: Molly & Emma are sisters from the same litter. We picked them up on 5/27 and things haven't stopped since! They are 11 1/2 weeks old right now. I just love to pet them, and I'm always holding them close to me because they are so soft & warm!

    I just LOVE the pic that you posted! Too cute!! I love to try to snap pics when they are playing (although, sometimes they are too fast and all I get is a blur).

    By the way, yes, Monster is always up on things.... :0017: :0017:
  8. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Mickey & Tigger used to have little fluff butts, but now they are more like little shaved butts! :lol:

    I've always heard puppies start teething right around 4-5 months old...someone correct me if I am wrong!

    I remember Mickey & Tigger would eat more at some times, and less at some times. I think as long as they are eating something, drinking water, acting normal and everything they should be okay!

    LOL...that's too funny! Mickey & Tigger are great thieves...socks are their favorite. They don't chew them up, they just like to prance around the house with a sock in their mouth! :roll:

    Aren't puppies wonderful!!! hehe :lol:

    That's EXACTLY what Mickey & Tigger do!!! They refuse to let you ignore them...their motto is, "If we're awake, gosh darn it, you better be too - and if not, it is attack of the shih-poos!"

    OMG...both Mickey & Tigger do that too - it's the cutest little sound! I wish I could record it, it is way too cute for words!!!!!!

    Oh yes, they have no fear (at least mine didn't)!!! [-( Loved the airborne story! :y_the_best:

    I actually had to buy a cat harness for Mickey & Tigger when they were younger!!! The cat harness is the same as a dog harness, except for the fact that cat harnesses come in smaller sizes (perfect for Mickey & Tigger).

    In addition, I would start now with getting them used to collars and harnesses, and even walking on a leash just in your backyard or in the house as well! The earlier you start getting them accustomed to various things and situations, they easier they will adjust and accept it later!

    Mickey & Tigger were quite the Curious George as well when puppies, but let me tell you, they are just as curious about everything and everyone now as they were when they were younger...the curiosity has not died!!! :wink:

    GREAT PICS...they are ADORABLE!!! Can't wait to see more, and hear more!!!

    Give lots of love to Molly and Emma for me!!! :D
  9. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    I just love how they have that cute little puppy breath my Rosco is 6 months now and he is growning up :( he will not get any bigger than 5 lbs and he is four now but his fur is getting longer, papillons have a long silky coat. I don't want him to get any bigger. :(

    Don't you just love how they play together, mine play so well and I was so shocked because Max did not like other dogs coming over but Rosco they were best buds right away. :eek:

    You wanted to get two at the same time? That is good though they will always have each other I waited a year before I got another I wanted a baby again I guess, I have no human kids but I got my boys and I am content w/that.

    Yes you should keep us posted on them, that is funny you have 2 girls and I have 2 boys :lol:

    Well have fun and make sure to snap pictures or you will regret it, you will miss them being this small in a few months./.... :wink:

    As for taking them together it really is very hard I feel the same way I have to try to hold them and have my hubby take it (they are mommies boys all the way).....LOL :wink:
  10. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    oooooooh, it looks like poogirl is lovin her babies!! :) just a "tad"!!

    I love it!! :love_y_t_much:

    I couldn't get the link to work for me... !?!?
  11. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    OH YEAH, just a TAD!!! I can't even explain how much I love my babies!!! I finally understand how all of you feel about your babies!!!!

    I don't know why the link wouldn't work :( I think you've viewed that link before...right? You know what.. I'll send you an email to "view the photos" directly from Ofoto (which is where their album is). That should work.. you'll get an email saying that Christine has invited you to share her photos :eek: I'll send it tonight or tomorrow during the day.. let me know if you still can't see them!
  12. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Sounds like a plan!! :) and yes, I've viewed ofoto pics before... :)
  13. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Just sent the email Monster ~ enjoy! :D
  14. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Hey there! Glad to hear all is going well. The link worked for me but I havent looked at the pics yet.

    My pom Fifi loves scruntchies. She is constantly taking them out of my hair. If I am wearing one at night when I sleep she waits till I fall asleep to take it out. She pulled the crap out of my hair the other night trying to get it! She just walks around the house with them and when I cant find them I look under her bed where she has them all hidden!
  15. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    OMG!! Molly is usually the first to get the scrunchie out of my hair and they both have a tendency to go under our bed to play.. well, sure enough, that's where 3 of my scrunchies were!!! I've decided I'm going to buy some scrunchies just for them! :lol: Who knew?!
  16. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Oh my gawsh, Christine.. I just noticed your avatar!! WHERE THE HECK HAVE I BEEN!!?? It is tooooooooooooooooo cute!! :)
  17. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :eek: DITTO!!! :eek:

    Simply precious! :D
  18. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Hee hee.. thanks Monster & MyBaby! I just put it up yesterday, so it didn't take you long at all to notice! :D

    I'm still looking for a better pic of the two of them (it's hard, especially since Emma is black!). My current Avatar is the one where they were both under the coffee table on the shelf... I bent down and they both looked at me like "you caught us!"! :lol:
  19. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    oh i just love those pics of them under the table!!! Molly's face is tooooooo cute..... and you're right, it's hard with Emma's black face :(
  20. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I know! I reaaaaalllllllllllyyyyy hope the little white around her nose and the white that's all under her chin stays! It really helps to at least define her face in pictures! Now, to see her in person it's totally different! So... if anyone would like to visit us......... :D

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