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Dooley and Flyball

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Maisey, Jun 28, 2004.

  1. Maisey

    Maisey New Member

    Here is a link to a bunch of pictures of the flyball demonstration we did yesterday at an event called Bark In The Park. The money raised went to local shelters. Dooley was the only one to play, but we took all three dogs. Witt did soooo awesome and the trainer we have been working with was there so she got to see all the progress he is making. All those strange people, people petting him, and offering him treats, people bumping into him, other dogs, children...all that and no incidents. Just tail wagging and good experiences.
    Dooley won a medal for Best Trick and Annie and Elise got to try out agility. Annie and Elise also got a free portrait and they will be used in an advertisment on a web site. Annie found every kids wading pool at the event and had to toss herself in. They had games for dogs set up and Annie found one that was made for her. Kiddie Pool..filled with water. They were supposed to pick a toy out of the pool and give it to the attendant, they won a prize based on which toy they chose. The thing that made this perfect for Annie is that she can't stand anything in her pool...at home anything that gets into the pool is quickly fished out and tossed aside. So in this pool Annie got in and stood in the middle tossing all the toys out. LOL, the attendant was so impressed he awarded her a doggie bed, the kind that fits in the crate with sheepskin over an eggshell foam. Annie came with her own crate, but no bed or pad so this was the perfect prize for her.
    Witt got a new leash, we already have like 5 so it wasn't needed but I do LOVE it, it's very comfortable, the perfect length, especially for crowd walking which we do often. (It's called Cujo and is only 25" long)
    Check it out: http://www.ezydog.com/category.asp?catid=1

    There were tons of treats and freebies for the dogs and people alike, great food and lots of fun to be had. I encourage all of you to attend and support events like this when you have the opportunity.

    http://www.brisbeethewhite.com/id607.htm :mrgreen:
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Wow it sound's if as you guys had a great time! And what a great fund raising idea. BTW Congrats Dooley!
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    Looks like alot of fun....Dooley seems to be enjoying himself.
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Dooley is the man!!!! He looked like he was having a BLAST. Good job.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Wahoo!!! Go Boy go!!!
  6. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    \:D/ Yipee Dooley! Wow, those pictures were great! I loved them! That looked like so much fun. my husband was asking me this weekend about agility training for our dog and I was like, well, uh........ maybe?
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Agility is a lot of fun. There are several Shepherds in our class, Sarge's mom. :)

    Maisey, please forgive my aging brain. Who is Annie?

  8. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Jamiya- Thanks! I was wondering about Sarge/Shepherd in agility. I mean, duh, I know they are working dogs, etc., but I 'm kind of new to the whole agility training thing so I don't know that much in detail. Looks like fun and I have been fairly successful with Sarge in the training area. (he just looks at daddy like "Your so cute! Do you really think I'm going to listen to you? Where's Mommy?") Drives my husband nuts!
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You don't want Sarge to be jumping very much when he is still a baby. Some trainers will let you start in an agility class with a puppy, but if so they should be having him go over jumps that are VERY low - like barely above the ground. Any trainer having puppies jump higher should be a red flag. A lot won't even take them until they are at least 9 months old. Mine will take them at any age, but she adjusts the jumps accordingly.

  10. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Maisey, wow looks like dooley ahs come a long way. what fun.

    Jimiya, Ithink her last post she mentiones foster.

  11. Maisey

    Maisey New Member

    Yes, Annie is a foster that I took in. She is almost two years old. She is an Aussie X, red merle and white, natural bobtail. My 15 year old daughter has been begging and promising everything under the sun if we just let her keep her for "her very own dog". I'll try to post her dogster page link, since photoisland seems to be down. Annie is smooth coated..I did not shave her!

  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OH she's pretty!!!! Look at that face under the water!!! Ahhh How funny!!!
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

  14. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    they do!!! Thats really errie!!! Twins!!!!

    OH now you know darn good and well, she's a keeper!!!
  15. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh, she'd be great at bobbing for apples. I don't think I've ever seen a smooth coated aussie before.
  16. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Aussies don't come in a smooth coat variety, which is why you have never seen one. :) Something Annie is mixed with gives her the short coat.

    Nala looks exactly like several of the black tri-color aussies in her agility class, down to the very last marking. But Nala has a smooth coat and a tail!

  17. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh Ok. She is a pretty girl.
  18. Maisey

    Maisey New Member

    Correct Jimaya =) People keep asking me if I shaved her or they assume I did, LOL I think it's nutty but...who knows. I have had many many comments from people who make guesses as to what she is X with. I have heard that she looks like a pb poorly bred Catahoula, that she is mixed with German Shorthaired pointer, Brittney Spaniel, Lab, and Visila.
    When I first met her and watched her for a while I thought maybe smooth coated BC and Aussie. She moves and acts like an Aussie, but sometimes she gets that "hard eye" like a BC and she has extreme drive. She is also a tad bit neurotic about certain things...like the Kiddie Pool, she can't stand anything in it, she gets in and sort of gaurds it from any debris. We toss grass in there and she will remove every blade of grass talking away the whole time. If we want to keep her busy, we put a big rock in the center =) She may just be a mix of all those breeds above ...who knows?
  19. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LOL! What a great way to keep her busy!!

    There are people in my agility class who shaved their aussies for the summer. They look so silly!

  20. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Awesome pics of dooley! I didnt know you got a foster! Thats cool. The last one I remember was the pitt bull, did she find a good home? Gosh I feel so lost these days lol. So now that makes it 4 at your house right? Well you must have your hands full! Oh how is Witt doing? I just love him he is adorable. Plus his name is the same as my last :lol: So I guess I am kinda partial to him!

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