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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by kitty07052, Jun 29, 2004.

  1. kitty07052

    kitty07052 New Member

    I am very new to this board but I need help. I adopted a cat 23 years ago and now she is slowly passing on. She has not eaten in 4 days, she stopped drinking milk, she can't barely walk, her eyes are very glassy and she can no longer meow. She tried to throw up a little bit ago and fell over. I can not afford to put her to sleep and I can not handle seeing her like this. Is there anybody out there that knows of anything I can do to make my cat feel a little better in the process of her dying? I called a vet and the told me to let her alone but I called the aspca and the lady told me to hold her till she feels comfortable enough to pass away. Anybody have any ideas on what I may be able to do? Please help. I am desperate.
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Oh, that is so sad. I am so sorry. :cry: The only two things I could say are to have a kind vet put her to sleep in the comfort of her home, but you mentioned you don't have any money. The other advice was the same as what was already mentioned to you, to just hold her and pet her and tell her how much you love her until she passes on. However, who knows how long this will be. Are you sure no kind vets will come to your home and put her to sleep if you promise to make small payments?There has to be a kind vet somewhere. I'm so sorry. :cry: Your kitty has had a long life. I hope she passes in peace. :( We are all here for you.
  3. kitty07052

    kitty07052 New Member

    I called the local police department and they mananged to contact the local animal shelter in my town. The gentlemen Paul called me about 30 minutes ago and told me that he could get fired JUST for taking the call while he is off duty but that he would speak to his supervisor and see if he could pick up the cat tonight. Well the supervisor told him no but that he could pick up my cat at 9 am tomorrow morning and put her to sleep first thing in the morning. The only thing I would have to do is sign her over to the shelter legally. There is a charge for that but Paul said he would not charge me at all and that he would pay for the charge himself. I had called earlier this morning and spoke to him about possibly picking up my cat incase she passed while I was at work, he told me that if I would have told him this earlier he would have been able to do something while he was on duty for me. The fact that he is doing anything at all for me is more then I could ever ask for. I am not a very religious person but I am sure that my cat has an angel watching over her. I may sound like a horrible person being happpy that someone is going to put her to sleep, but I am. Her suffering will finally be over and she will be able to rest in peace. Thank you all for listening to my story. I hope I did not ruin your evening. Thanks again.
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I don't think you're a bad person at all. None of us wants to see our fur animal suffer. Is there anyway, you could go with him when he picks your kitty up? That way she could be with you when she passes on? I'm so sorry you and your kitty are having to go through all of this. It's so sad. :cry:
  5. kitty07052

    kitty07052 New Member


    The gentleman Paul said that I would be able to go with him and stay in the room while they put her to sleep. They normally do not do that but because of her age and the length of time I have had her. They said it would be best if it was done that way. Would make her feel better about going. I have had this cat since she was a kitten. She was 6 weeks old when we brought her home.
  6. kitty07052

    kitty07052 New Member


    This is the best picture of her that I have. I am sorry it is no so clear but my cam is awful. It's my first cam and the cheapest I could find heh.

    I am not sure how to post images. But if you copy paste into your browzer it will automatically take you to her picture. This picture was taking two days ago. It's not the best picture but it was the only one I could manage to get of her. She was able to hold her head up then, Now she can't even look up at you.

  7. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member


    I got the pic up for you. She's so pretty. I'm glad you'll be with her. I'll be thinking of both of you tomorrow. Please post after and let us all know how you are doing. It's going to be a very sad day for you. :cry:
  8. kitty07052

    kitty07052 New Member

    Thank You very much for posting her picture here for me! I am very clueless when it comes to chat forums. Thank you!
  9. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    You're welcome. :wink:
  10. kitty07052

    kitty07052 New Member

    I will let you know how it went. But for now I am gonna go lay down next to her so she is not alone. Thanks again for listening to me and posting her picture up for me. Thanks again.
  11. kitty07052

    kitty07052 New Member

    Well, I went to see her one last time and found her in the bathroom dead :(
  12. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I'm so sorry. :cry: At least she passed away in the comfort of her own home and didn't have to go through a car ride and a new scary place with strangers around her. She is no longer suffering. I hope that gives you even a little bit of comfort. Are you okay?
  13. kitty07052

    kitty07052 New Member

    I can't stop crying. I stop but then I start again. I know she is better off and I am thankfull her suffering is over. But I am not okay. I am sure I will be but not just yet.
  14. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss kitty. :cry:
  15. kitty07052

    kitty07052 New Member

    thank you very much
  16. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    It may be too soon but...
    in her memory I think you should adopt another little kitty and possibly name it after her. She must have been a great cat. I'm sorry for your loss and I hope you fel better soon. Adopting another little kitty will help you mourn and it wil also help out the kitty!! :eek:
  17. vene

    vene New Member

    I am so sorry for your loss. :cry: I have been thinking about you and your kitty all night. I am saddened by your loss.

    My hubby's first cat Kitty died at 14 of natural causes too. He stopped eating for a week while we were in school and no one notified us of his condition. He drank some water, had seizures and passed on. At least he passed on at home and not in some strange scary place.

    Your kitty is not suffering anymore and she lived a happy long life with you. I'd be lucky if any of our kitties make it to 23 years of age.

    It's ok to grieve, but please don't cry too much or you will ruin your eye sight. Take care.
  18. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss. It is remarkable that you got to be with her for 23 years. I'm sure she was much loved and she knew it. Now tell yourself that she is no longer suffering. My thoughts are with you.
  19. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I'm so sorry. You must've been a great parent to her. 23 years! What a lifetime!

    She's not in pain now and she passed in her own, familiar home. But, none of this makes it easier on those still living. Just remember the wonderful times you spent with your kitty... it will take time, but the pain will bloom into happy, warm memories.
  20. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    oh...how sad. this just breaks my heart. im sitting here crying like a baby. i guess it brings back sadness of my otis passing in march. he was almost 20 years old...it was just the two of us for many, many years. so...my heart goes out to you and your baby...wonderful picture...thank you :cry:

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