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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Sarge'smom, Jun 29, 2004.

  1. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    The Saarloos Wolfhond -
    Historical Aspects
    This breed is named after its creator Leendert Saarloos and was recognized as a new canine breed by the "Raad van Beheer op Kynologisch Gebied" in the Netherlands in 1975 and by the F.C.I. in 1981. Leendert Saarloos had great interest in genetics but above all he was a man of practical experience. He crossed the female European wolf "Fleur" from the Blijdorp Zoo in Rotterdam, with the German Shepherd male "Gerhard van de Fransenum".
    Over the years, he selected for health and character from the wolf / dog progeny, breeding the offspring back to the German Shepherds. Despite setbacks, he persisted, seeking the advice of a Dutch geneticist, professor L. Hagendoorn. Saarloos had some successes in using these "European Wolfdogs" as dog guides for the blind, having the cautiousness and the fast reaction of the wolf, and the devotion and fidelity of the dog. About 300 blind persons have had a Sarloos Wolfhond as guides. He also tried to encourage their use as police and rescue dogs. Some specimens showed talent, but most of them lacked the ferocity for attacking.
    He fought a continual battle against the wild wolf characteristics of caution, reserve and flight in his breeding program. He had full control over the breeding program and the wolfdogs until he died in 1969. He died before his dream of a recognized breed was realized. Other owners of the wolfdogs managed finally to atain recognition from the Dutch Kennel Club for these dogs in 1975. They honored the father of the breed by changing the name to Saarloos Wolfhond.
    The Saarloos Wolfhond - Today
    The Association is very strict in its requirements against hip dysplasia, spondylosis of the spine and other health and temperament problems. Causual breeding is discouraged. The breeder often keep a grip on the puppies after giving them new homes, by co-owning them.
    Saarloos wolfhonds are very strongwilled and do not take easily to obedience or schutzhund work. They are pack-oriented and need a strong alpha leader and a social atmosphere. Owners must establish the dominant alpha positions, be calm and willing to spend time, effort and patience in training. It is important to use a high degree of positive reinforcement.
    They do usually well with other dogs and in packs, with a leader emerging and keeping order. It is an advantage to have other dogs when getting a Saarloos puppy. The breed is quiet, seldom barking, alerting homeowners in other ways. They dislike to be left alone and have to be trained from the start to accept it, otherwise they might make big efforts to get out of the house or enclosure. They are suited as family dogs for experienced people because of their reliable and devoted character. They are not the right choice if you are eager to have, for example, an obedience or agility star. But they can perform very well when they are on known ground. It's harder to get them to do it in competition with strange people and surroundings. You can also train them to be Show dogs, the Saarloos male who won Group 1 at the Working Dog Show in Finland in 1998 gives us a good example of this.
    Most dogs gain selfconfidence through life experiences, which is why young dogs are much more shy than older ones. Adult dogs can actually be not reserved at all. Usually young females are more reserved than young males. Their appearance and very typical gait like that of the wolf, make Saarloos Wolfhonds impressive.
    Breed Standard
    Appearance The Saarloos Wolfdog is a powerful, wolfish coarse-haired dog. The male stands 65 to 75 cms (24 - 28 inches); the female stands 60 to 70 cms (22 - 26 inches). Although the oval bone is powerful, it must be coarse. The Saarloos Wolfhond's build is harmonious, the legs are long without giving the dog a long-legged impression. There is a clear difference in appearance and air between the male and female. The Saarloos Wolfdog should give the impression of an alert, cautious and affectionate dog with a reserved attitude towards persons and circumstances unknown to it. There should however, be no signs of nervousness. One of the striking characteristics of the Saarloos Wolfdog is an independence of action.
    The Saarloos Wolfdog has a complete and powerful set of scissor-shaped incisors.
    Eyes The eyes are medium-sized, almond-shaped and slightly inclining, preferably yellow. The expression is alert and at the same time reserved.
    Ears The ears are erect, medium-sized and end slightly pointing from a wide base. They are fleshy, well-haired on the inside and slightly inclining.
    Neck The neck is dry, muscular and gradually passes to the rump.
    Rump The rump is slightly longer than the height of the dog (measured at the withers). The back is straight and strong, the loins powerful and muscular, and the croup is not too narrow and inclines normal. The brisket is broad with well-vaulted ribs and does not reach under the elbows.
    Tail The tail is jointed rather deep and carried in the shape of a sabre when in rest and does not show much movement. The Saarloos Wolfdog can carry its tail in an upward position when in action and when showing dominant behaviour.
    Feet The feet are slightly oval, well-closed with slightly bent toes and firm elastic pads.
    Gait The gait of the Saarloos Wolfdog is light and loose and flexible but cautious, so that a quick change of speed is possible. The gait is very typical and resembles that of the wolf.
    Coat The Saarloos Wolfdog is a coarse-haired dog with very dense wooly undercoat and firm guard hairs, which form an obvious collar around the neck.
    Faults Flap or lop-ears and a stiff curl in the tail are considered serious faults.
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    What beautiful dogs! Great choice.
    This part was very interesting.
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I can't show this one to granvel. He'll have afit! He has this facination with wolves and huskies...... He'd be bringing one home!
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    What a gorgeous dog! I've never heard of that breed.
  5. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    :oops: I confess. I too have a fascination with wolves.... I found this one on accident too! I was amazed by the really in depth story of the original breeder. Once I tripped onto this breed I did a little research for my own edification but it was a little much to post for a breed of the day. I want one! :cry:
  6. Nikkita's Mom

    Nikkita's Mom New Member

    What a beautiful dog, if I didn't already have Nikkita, this would be my pick!! I am too fasinated with wolves. I have alot of statues & collector's plates of wolves, they are just beautiful animals.

    Perfect pick of the day!! :eek:
  7. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Nikkita's Mom- Is that a new avatar? How cute is that? I love the wildness yet diginity that wolves carry themselves with. Like if you could win ones trust, how special would that be!
  8. Nikkita's Mom

    Nikkita's Mom New Member

    Sarge's Mom: That is a picture of Nikkita at 6 weeks old, when we first got her. She was such a sweetheart then......now she is just crazy!! :lol:

    She has been doing better. She is driving Lil' Bit insane. But she sure is a joy to have.
  9. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Wow what an awesome breed. I too love wolves and huskies. I own a husky but a friend of mine has a hybrid and he is just awesome. I would love to have one but cant find any that are legal here. I think they can only be a certain percentage wolf and I wouldent want to get in trouble. Especially since I work for a Sheriffs Office. LOL
  10. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    3dogs- These are legal (I think!) they go into alot more detail in other websites on this breed and the struggle to get it recognized. But, I know they listed the % of wolf in this breed so if you ever were interested you could see what the % was for your state. I think they said the dog is 24% wolf, but don't quote me on that! I don't think the article really stated that the female wolf they began the breeding with was a Russian Wolf. They list breeders, etc. on where you can get one....hint hint!
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    They certainly are gorgeous! I absolutely love wolves as well - but this would be too much dog for me!

    After Nala, I don't think I have the energy to go through this again, and these dogs are probably 10x worse! I think I will be getting easier dogs from now on, unless I break down and get a Toller at some point. :)

  12. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Jamiya- Actually, maybe AFTER Nala, this dog would seem easy! :lol:
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hehe, maybe. I don't think Nala is THAT bad - I just didn't know what the heck I was doing when I got her. I think if I could start over with her as a puppy, things would have gone differently. Especially if I could have got her about a month sooner.

    She is an awesome dog, though, and we are learning together!

    Last night at the park....well, I'll start a new thread. I'll call it "close encounter". :)


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