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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by BAD_KITTY, Jul 1, 2004.


    BAD_KITTY New Member

    Hi! I am in need of urgent help. Even though I am 12 years old, I am trying to help my cat before it gets throw out my home. My mom found a kitten that wondered off from the pack so we took it in. That was about 2 and 1/2 years ago. She won't stop pooing in my little 7 year old brother's bedroom. She has also started chewing wires! :shock: She has gone through 4 computer mouses, 1 telephone cord, 1 computer tower, 2 keyboards, and 8 pairs of my sisters headphones. :shock: My dad said if she keeps this up she will be outside! :cry: But she doesn't have any front claws because she tore up my dad's old brand new speakers. I don't wan't her to die out there! :cry: Please Help Me!!! We have spray to put on wires, should I??? Please Help Me! Time is running out!!! If you can help at all you can reach me at dragon_eyes_153@hotmail.com! I am going on vacation on the 3rd to the 10th and I won't have access to a computer so please HELP!! :cry: ~Jennifer~
  2. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    For the time being..before you actually get good advive....seclude her in a room that is kitty proff. Make sure theres no wires in reach. Maybe your bed room so you can keep and eye on her. Or the room where the litter box is so you dont have to move it. She may be marking her territory...have you gotten a new pet?

    Just be patient and I'm sure more will post today with some good advice

    Good luck :)
  3. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Get your parent's to take her to the vet as soon as possible for a full check-up. She could have some illness or disease that is making her use your brother's bed as a litter box. Good luck.
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    after getting the cat a full vet exam you could put tabasco sauce on all the wiring in your house - rub some one. One taste of that will make your cat think 2x about chewing wires again.

    If a health issue is ruled out on the inappropriate pooping on your brother's bed make sure all of his bedding is getting washed really well. You could get a blacklight to make sure all stains from the cat are gone. Remember they can smell what we can't and if she can still smell herself on the blankets she'll probably continue to use them.

    And if your father insists on tossing this declawed cat outside you might want to ask your parents about rehoming her first. It's not fair to have a cat's claws ripped out and then toss it outside. I know you are only 12 but you seem very concerned about the welfare of your cat....and obviously you are willing to stand up for your pet - good job
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Do take the cat to the vet like Halaroo and Mary suggested. Have you tried double-sided tape on all the electrical wires etc.? My Vene used to chew wires so we restricted where she could be at any given time and played with her when she was very frisky. She destroyed 2 phone lines, 1 computer speaker, and more that I can't think of right now.
  6. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I agree about taking the cat to the vet. There may be a reason it's using your brother's bed... the cat may be trying to tell you something.

    If your parents are unwilling to get the cat to a vet and are not willing to keep it, I would find it another home (or at least take it to an animal shelter) rather than throw it outside. If your parents were willing take take the cat's claws out, they should hopefully be considerate enough to get the cat a new home (or take it to the shelter).

    As for being destructive, everyone here had some good advice. If you catch the cat in the act of tearing up things or chewing things, you may want to try and squirt the cat with a water bottle and say, "no" sternly.

    All of my cats grew out of their destructive behavior. Hopefull you can get your kitty checked by a vet and give it some time to settle down.

    It's great that you areconcerned. I really hope things work out for you. I also hope that some of the advice here helps.

    BAD_KITTY New Member

    :lol: finally some help! thank you all so much oh and she is not pooing on his bed-carpet in his bedroom and no i haven't gotten a new pet. She did it this morning and I freezbrezed it. I have a question will the tobassco sauce make her throw up possibly? I don't want her to get sick. Thank you all if you have anymore suggestions please feel free to say your mind. Oh and my dad and mom says that we can take her if needed but I don't think so anymore :) thank you all soooooo much ~Jennifer~
  8. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    Even if the tabasco sauce makes her throw up ( I doubt it) but it could give her a taste aversion to wires and she won't want to chew on them anymore.

    Another thing that works is mild dishwashing soap....rub it on them and let them dry. Nothing worse than a soapy taste!

    And as for the bedroom thing is it possible to put the litter box in there? Or perhaps just a small one? I certainly wouldn't mind (if I was your brother) to have a small litter box in a corner than cat poo on my bed! :wink:

    Good luck with your kitty and I hope she doesn't get kicked out...I've gone through too many pets that died when I was younger and couldn't do anything about my parents making them outside cats. :cry: I pray that doesn't happen to your kitty.

    BAD_KITTY New Member

    Hey well I will talk to my mom about putting a small litter box in his room but it would make it smell wouldn't it. Oh and Jewels is not pooing in his bed, it is on the carpet in his bedroom. Thank you and I will let you know about it asap thank you for listening and giving advice thank you again ~Jennifer~
  10. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    As long as the litter is cleaned out regularly (and maybe even add a bit of that Arm & Hammer pet smell stuff that we talked about in another thread) it shouldn't smell.

    Besides, I'd rather have a box smell than my carpet. Good Luck! :wink:

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