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The Life of Bobo (among others)

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by bellack1, Jun 27, 2004.

  1. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    you are a very good meowmy bellack1. little kitty bobo loves his meowmy... :y_the_best:
  2. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member


    Here's some pics if you didn't get a chance to go to the website or couldn't see it:

    Me & Bobo

    Bobo's close up

    Bobo in the basket- That thing in the corner is the hedgehog he likes to crawl on.

    Bobo's size compared to my hand

    NOw here's Smokey

    on the bed

    In the window

    I always wondered what kinda cat she was- she was a stray. Her mom looked just like her (later got hit by a car) but she was the only gray one in her litter

    Enjoy :eek:
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Smokey looks suspiciously like an Occicat. I'm no cat expert but here'a a pic of one:


    What do you think?
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Congrats on getting the job at Target and how did the dental exam go? Looks like Bobo is in great hands!
  5. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Wow that is quite a resemblance!! Since she was a street cat maybe she is not full blooded but her mom may have been-who knows but I'm sure she has it in her somewhere.

    When I went to the dentist they had to call my insurence company before they did any work. They called and couldn't get through so they said rather then me wait they'd try later and call me back to make another appointment- :roll: They said that the insurance company prolly was out at lunch or something. (Blue cross blue shield)

    Targets orientation is from 10-2pm. I feed Bobo at 12am, 4am, 8am, 12pm, 4pm,8pm and so on. So I will only miss one feeding (Di will do it). Little nervous tho. Everything should be fine

    Bobo pooped all over himself again. It was in his fur so I held him under warm running water and got it out. He got it on Budda (the hedgehog) so he has to be washed. Then I fed him - 10ml. Right now he is in the basket sleeping. He's woken up twice in the past hour out of nowhere crying really loud. I took him out the first time and held him and he quieted a little. He just did it again. Maybe he misses Budda. I put a replacement- a monkey but it doesn't smell the same. I hope thats all it is.
  6. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    he just did it again-

    could it be bad dreams??????
    Is there nething i should do?
  7. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    well.............i was going to say smokey looked like a snow bengal....but as everyone is beginning to probably think...."lynn thinks all cats look like bengals!!!" (that is because max is a bengal, and i always have bengals on the mind.) look up snow bengals.

    and yes...it could be some ocicat blood. they have the spots too. bengals always have a ring around their necks, and spots on their tummies.

    i am at least glad that someone else thought the same thing. at least its a reality check. i am going to try to find a snow bengal. :eek:
  8. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    wow she could be part that too!!

    How do u tell all these breeds apart. The only thing i is that the spots on her sides turn in to strips.

    Just dropped off the film and it should be ready tomorrrow I think. There are lots of pics in that one.

    I hope Bobo's eyes open soon.

    Smokey still hisses at Bobo and if she smells him on me she even growls at me. She will claw you if you try to put her near the basket. Usually she lays in the bedroom window but since the kitten is in there she hasn't been. Does anyone kno anyway to help me introduce ehr to him? It's a shame shes so mean to this cute little help;less baby :|
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    This might be helpful:


    In a previous post someone mentioned placing a drop of vanilla extract on their backs so each would smell the same and not see each other as threats. Since Bobo is an infant, it's more for Smokey.

    By the way, Smokey is so beautiful! Good luck! I'm sure others have lots of good advice for you.
  10. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Thanks that was helpful. It says a lot about keeping them in seperate rooms but I like to always be in the same room as each one. My dog sleeps under my tall bed and the cat would also stay in the room. In that room I hav bunk beds so I keep Bobo' basket on the top bunk. Pokey smells it but is ok. Smokey has been staying out of the room with Bobo tho. I guess I will put one of the towels from Bobo's basket near Smokeys bowl.

    His eyes aren't open and I'm kinda worried now. He's about 13 days old. I hope he's okay and makes it through all this. I'm worried. I already am attached to the little guy and if he doesn't I'll feel so horrible..... :cry:
  11. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    i know the feeling bellack1 about delayed development. max weighed only 2 lbs at three months of age. he was sooo tiny. i was very afraid he would not grow properly. but then...all of a sudden, it just seemed like he grew and grew and grew. and now he is all caught up even though he has had these ongoing diarrhea problems.

    so bobo will probably be okay. you are a really great meowmy. you have done so much for him already. i think if anyone is capable of giving him everything he needs it is you. you have done so much research, tracking info down, asking questions, etc. you should be very proud of yourself. and! you have a new job :eek:
  12. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Wow thanks!! I just hope he makes it. I have a feeling he will...

    The scale just arrived and I weighed him:

    A WHOLE 7.7 OUNCES!!!!! :eek:

    This is good considering if he's 2 weeks old tomorrow, at 2 weeks he should be 8ounces. I'm relieved. Now I can keep an eye on his weight.

    Eyes still closed tho :|
    Maybe they'll open soon.....
  13. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I read somewhere about if their eyes don't open to go to the vet and have him open them.
    I think it's too early to do that but they're not opening -he's only like 3 or 4 days late. Maybe I'm too paranoid.

    Does anyone know anyone who had this problem and/or had the vet open them?
  14. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hi bellack1. hope this link comes through

    www.madsci.org/posts/archives/dec96/841699652.Zo.r.html - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

    here's another one...i think you should just give him some more time...

    2. I have three Siamese kittens who appear to be healthy. Two of the kittens opened their eyes within a week. The third kitten is still struggling to open his eyes. At what point should I be concerned - and about what? A kitten will open their eyes sometime between the second and third week after they are born. On some occasions it may take a bit longer. If the eyes are not opening, there could be a medical reason such as an infection that is preventing the normal opening of the eyelids. If you notice swelling, discharge or odor, then your veterinarian should examine the kitten.
  15. vene

    vene New Member

  16. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    that is a really good "basics" article. great info.

    bellack1, in the article it talks about stimulating them to potty...with a cotton ball or warm cloths. i use baby wipes on max. they are so convenient and sanitary. you can buy the bulk kind and it doesnt cost that much.
  17. nern

    nern New Member

    Wow, Bobo is soooo tiny! What a cutie. Smokey is gorgeous! Really nice markings too.
  18. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Wow thanks that info was helpful.

    I have now switched Bobo to eating every 6 hours since he's 2 weeks old now. It seems to be going ok. He is eaating around 15ml a feeding still. I thought he'd eat more since the feedings are farther apart but I think he's ok. After he eats I usually play with him alittle. He loves chewing on my fingers. I can feel little stubbles comming in. Maybe he's like a human baby when teething.

    Tomorrow I have orientation from 10am-2. I'm a little nervous but I think it'll be fine. Di is going to give Bobo his 12pm feeding while I'm gone. Bobo pooped all over himself this morning again. I've had to give him so many baths I don't think he'll be afraid of water when he gets older.

    I picked up another roll of developed pics. I'll post them soon. A lot more of Bobo. I lvoe him so much. Pookey is so curious around him. Especially when he cries. She tries to get to him. I think it's a mom instinct.

    I hope Bobo makes it through. I'm a litle worried but he seems to be doing just fine.I'll weigh him again tomorrow after work. I'll also set up Pookey's vet appointment. I'm starting to look into kitten food-hard and soft. I looked at Jewel and didn't see anything that caught my eye.

    Any suggestions??????

    Thanks guys :eek:
  19. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Here's some photos of Bobo


    Di feeding Bobo


    Bobo crawling on Budda

    bobo on me

    bobo next to the waterbottle

    Here's one of pookey

    Smokey cleaning Purrdy

    Smokey and Purrdy

    And one of Aida

    Hope that;s not too many........ENJOY!!!! :eek:
  20. nern

    nern New Member

    I love your pictures...all of your pets are so cute! I had a bunny named Alvin that looked identical to your Aida.

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