1. Daphnia - Live Aquarium Foods

    Grow your baby fish like a PRO
    Live Daphnia are great live feed for your Fish or Shrimp Fry. Order online to start a never-ending supply of Live Daphnia! [ Click to order ]
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  2. Microworms - Live Aquarium Foods

    Grow your baby fish like a PRO
    Microworms are a great live feed for your Fish or Shrimp Fry, easy to culture and considerably improve your fry mortality rate. Start your never-ending supply of Microworms today! [ Click to order ]
  3. Australian Blackworms - Live Fish Food

    Grow your baby fish like a PRO
    Live Australian Blackworms, Live Vinegar Eels. Visit us now to order online. Express Delivery. [ Click to order ]
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  4. Live Spirulina

    Growing spirulina at home provides several benefits over purchasing processed supplements. Home cultivation ensures the freshest product, preserving its full nutritional potency. [ Click to order ]
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NEW 20 GALLON!!!!!! PIC!!!!

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Obelix, Jun 29, 2004.

  1. swtnpink

    swtnpink New Member

    i guess it didnt' really look like a 20 gallon tank to me so i asked :oops:
  2. HCL113083

    HCL113083 New Member

    I tried breeding my bettas and had luck with the breeding but not the rearing. The male betta didn't want to take care of the fry. My suggestion to you if you haven't done it before is to move the male out and keep the water level very low. When the water was low the fry were fine. GOOD LUCK!
  3. needlefish

    needlefish New Member

    cool tanks
    now i just have to get my parents to let me get one..... :?


    nice cichlids. how long have u had them?
  4. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I've had most of my adults (currently in a 55 gallon) for about 1 1/2 years. Of the fry in the 20 gallon, the yellow labs are 11 weeks old, the auratus are 8 weeks old, and the kennyi are 2 weeks old.


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