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Moe is messing with my head!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by halaroo, Jul 1, 2004.

  1. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Every morning my alarm goes off at 7AM. Moe is usually milling about the house talking to herself from about 6:15 on. When the alarm goes off, she runs into my room to say good morning and ask for breakfast. I get up and shower and dress then head downstairs to feed her. This morning I got up and no Moe. I showered and dressed and no Moe. I did my hair and face and still no Moe.

    I went downstairs and assumed I would find her sitting at the window squirrel watching. Nope. I called her and rattled her food dish. No Moe.

    I went to the basement to find her. No. I went back upstairs and called and still couldn't find her. Finally I checked our guest room and found her fast asleep on a stool. I went over and touched her and she barely moved. I pet her and she slightly opened her eyes and kept her head down. This is very unusual for her. I start to get nervous. I'm thinking she's sick, she's dying...

    I get my husband and we're both petting her and soothing her and still hardly any response. I'm starting to freak out! Finally I try her favourite phrase: "You want a treat?"

    Well, up she leaps and downstairs to the kitchen she runs. She's perfectly fine - just messing with my brain and my heart way too early in the morning! Stupid cat.
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Halaroo. I'm glad Moe is okay. That would have scared me too! Maybe she just had a rough night last night and didn't sleep well.
  3. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    sheesh!!! that's a scarey story. and i know that fear. it's wierd...maybe in the universe...because a very similar thing happened this am to me also. i woke up...6:45am and no max. i called from the bed, because he is usually racked out on the bed when i wake up. no max. i get up, keep calling...no max. i walk into the livingroom, calling "MAA-AAX, MAA-AAX!" and finally i hear him chirp (he doesnt really meow)...chirp, chirp, chirp...and here he comes running. i am the same way....i was thinking...oh my God, is he dead?

    kinda wierd that happened to me too...same time this am. do you think it is a conspiracy of cats to make us loose our minds or something?
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm sorry Halaroo....I know that feeling and it sure is'nt a pleasant one. I'm glad you found her and nothing was wrong.
  5. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I know you can all relate when it comes to your babies as well! I just realized after my heart stopped pounding that I'm a paranoid freak when it comes to Moe. She was obviously just tired but I still panic before any rational thought gets into my head. I think I need a chill pill (that's what my husband tells me anyway) :lol:
  6. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    i think mine comes from the ongoing problems max has had...and the fact that otis...my long time companion (almost twenty years) died three months ago. so...i am a little hypersensitive. just brings back those memories of the night i came home...otis was nowhere to be found. he was not a cat to go anywhere but where he was supposed to. very predictable. but i couldnt find him anywhere. i live alone, and dont have a huge house. it was like...where the heck is he? fear...that dread...set in.

    i finally found him a half an hour later behind the washer....stuck back there. he had been wobbly all day. it was different than anything i had ever experienced before with him. i had to put him to sleep that night after he had a seizure at 3 a.m. it was just awful. i think it is still so fresh. otis was a lover and a people cat. so is max, so when they are not immediately present...i worry...
  7. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    oh moes so cute!!!!
  8. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    When I first got Hunter...and I still do it now sometimes...I used to freak in the middle of the night because he would be sleeping so hard, I'd check to make sure he was still alive.
    Hunter sleeps in the bed with me, always up around my chest or face....sometimes, I'd move and he wouldn't budge, not an inch....so I'd check to make sure he was still breathing, a couple of times I woke him up.

    It's a scary feeling.
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    Rene was messing with me today. I got really scared too. I saw her once this morning. Then nothing all day. After I took care of the family and garden around dinner time I started wondering where she was. I called and called her for 1/2 hr. I thought I locked her in the basement or she escaped when the mailman delivered a package today. You know the worst case scenerios like what happened to Vene last July. Then I went upstairs and she was walking very slowly towards me with half closed eyes and a big yawn. She was sleeping under the baby's bed which she never does. That's Pumpkin's job. Anyway, I was sooooo relieved to find her. She's never like this. She usually follows me around the house or lounges in the sunroom. What a strange day, she slept it away. I could almost hear her tell me "what's the big deal mom, I was just taking a long nap."
    Now I totally understood what you guys just went through and I sympathize.
  10. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    Same thing happend to me at 6:45pm not am.
    A couple days ago I was going outside until I heard my mom yelling "You forgot to close the door again!Where's Yasha?!"she yelled.I was running around everywhere looking for him in the house and outside.But I never thought that he would be under the couch!I mean how could he get under it?!He is way to big to fit in there anyway.Hmmmm.Weird... :|

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