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Wierd Kitties

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by fridaylove, Jul 2, 2004.

  1. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    or should I say "wired kitties"....what's the weirdest thing that your kitty does???

    I think Hunter has many, but one of the things I just don't get, unless it's a dominance thing...is I can be getting stuff from the bottom of the fridge, bent over ect...Hunter will jump on the curved part of my back while I am bent over. He has done this when we have had someone over to feed him too...I think it's weird.

    He also loves ribbons to play with...he takes them everywhere with him and makes sure that they are following him as he goes along, even jumps on the couters with them.
  2. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    this may not be too weird but...

    In the morning while I'm sleeping Smokey tarts walking on my chest and pushing down with her paws(like when they lay down) SHe hasn/t layed down, just keeps doing it-and this hurts if you're a woman. She purrs her head off and wants a lot of attention so I pet her and then you know it's time to feed her.

    I think I mentioned this before but about 6 months ago I noticed she loved to play fetch- just like a dog. First it started with a paper ball. While you're crunching it up she meows anxiously(like a dog barking) and then you throw it. It's hilarious when you see her come back with it in her mouth. Then she drops it at your feet awaiting another throw. She also does this with Q-Tips. We had them in a container in the bathroom and she always would knock open the container and there'd be q-tips everywhere. When someone goes into the bathroom she has to follow you and jumps on the counter looking for q-tips. She's very awesome! :p

    BAD_KITTY New Member

    the weirdest thing.....

    Well I would have to say, umm probably my cat sasha when I make my bed in the morning it is against the wall and she goes along the wall and tries to get under my conforter and mess my whole bed up but dragging it off it off to another room and sleeps under it.
    She also does it when I am asleep! :lol: It is truely funny! ~Jennifer~
  4. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    My one cat Chole likes to jump on people's shoulders. It was cute when she was a kitten (and I don't think it's too uncommon when they're young). But, she's a full grown cat and still does it! She likes to sit up there and watch whatever's going on. I let her stay on my shoulders until she digs in her claws... then it's time to put her on the ground.
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Pumpkin, Vene, and Rene love/ed to jump on our backs right after we take a shower. Strange kids. It started with Pumpkin, then Vene saw her do it and had to try it herself. Rene saw Pumpkin do it and learned to do that as well. It must be a girl thing. We had to either get dressed very quickly or throw a towel on our backs because their clawing and kneading hurts!

    Lucidity, when we adopted Pumpkin, one of the foster cat lady's felines jumped on my hubby's shoulder and scared him. Apparently she liked my hubby and stayed on his shoulder for quite a while. LOL's.
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Where do I begin.....

    Hoggle also likes to jump on my back when he has the opportunity. He scares the heck out of me everytime he does that.
    Bella will play with anything. I once saw her playing with a nickel on the floor, trying to bat it around....she plays with peices of paper, fuzzies or whatever else she finds. She also likes to jump up (with her back feet still on the ground) and rub her face on Natalie's whiskers and she purrs so loud when she does this.
    Rhiannon hides against the wall and then wiggles her body as if she is about to pounce on a really great catch but there is usually nothing there. She pounces and skids across the kitchen floor all the time bashing into the wall, cupboards, fridge, ect....jumping up and down chasing her imaginary prey.
    Chieve yowls really loudly every once in a while. It sounds like he's lost and he's yelling "Hey, where is everyone!?" He sniffs everything constantly and sometimes he bats his one arm away from the item while he is sniffing it...its really funny to see him do this. If I call his name he comes running really fast and if I continue to say his name once he reaches me he does summer-saults on the floor in front of my feet and talks to me while doing this. He has these little foam bouncy balls that he chases and carries around in his mouth....once in a while his ball falls into the dogs water bowl and he fishes it out and then continues to carry the saggy, wet ball around. Chieve, by far, does the strangest things out of all of mine.
    They are all so entertaining....I could just sit and watch them for hours. :mrgreen:
  7. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    pepe will pick up his toys and put them in his water bowl then place them in unsuitable places, like in my bed. he also taks the nail clippers if left out and hides them. hes put them in my partners shoe once. pheobe doesnt do many weird things. i guess the weirdest thing she does is come running to you if you meow.
  8. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    My cat does really weird things too.
    Like he attacks my sister when we forget to feed him.He also jumps on my hamsters hamster cage and starts meowing at it.Its funny to watch him. :lol: Also he is really afraid of heights like if picks him up he gets really scared.
  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Zeus growls at me when I clip his claws (so funny) and he throws himself at the bathroom door when we flush, then he rushes in to stick his head down the bowl to watch the water (he's our special ed kitty)

    I wash my floors on my hands and knees cause it's easier to get all the pet hair aka known as chasing it around the house - Missy likes to lay on my back while I do this (I truly have a monkey on my back)

    Tilly's weirdest thing is just sitting and staring at us like she's trying to decide if she really wants us in her house or not LOL
  10. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I forgot that Zoe likes to eat the fuzz off the floor. She finds things the human eye can't see and she'll start lapping it up and eating it. I call her my little vacuum cleaner. Luckily, she hasn't gotten sick from eating the fuzz! I can't seem to break her of the habit.
  11. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    Hunter does this too....it's like there's something there atleast he sees it, but I never do, it's always soo funny to watch them skidding across the floor.

    Hunter also puts things in his water...but he'll leave them there, like I have found ear rings in the water, balls of paper...you name it, he even puts his TY ferret in there...silly sill cat.

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