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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Jul 2, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok, so Rattigan and Ralph passed, and I decided the best thing for me to do is come to work and keep myself busy. OH boy did I!!!

    I was almost to work and This Bastard on 90 was driving too fast, he hit this little Dashy/beagle mix dog. HE didn't even stop!!!

    I stopped right in the middle of the highway and at first, she was flopping around with her hind end, I just knew it was her neck. But when I got up to her I made her lay down, and she was licking my arm and lifting her head. I picked her up and she's got about a 4 " gash on her shoulder, you can see the muscle has been completely severed and its dislocated. SO I rushed her to the Rosenberg Humane Society. They told me they would put her down if its broken.

    So I talked this lady into letting the vet do a good exam, and I'm calling to get the prognosis. She said they only keep animals in good health for 48 hrs to be claimed. Any animals that are hurt are pts imediately. I told her that was horrible, I gave her $50 and told her to hold this little girl. She's giving me the 48 hours.

    Here's the problem. I can't take her home. After these two got parvo, I moved all the dogs to my mother in laws. (trust me I'm taking every precaution!!!) I'm going to completely bleach the crap out of it tonight.

    If any of you in Texas know of a non kill shelter and can help me with transport, I'll go pay to get her out. They wouldn't release her to me. I"m stupid for taking her there. But I haven't a clue where a vet is around her. Just work here... and the shelter is right next to my office.

    Please let me know, I'm doing internet searches for non kill shelters, the three I've called this morning, Special Pals, Paws and Houston SPCA (is a kill shelter, NO WAY), the two said they were full...... and couldnt take any more.

    Please help. She's beautiful. About 7-8 yrs old, dashy/ beagle mix, about 15 lbs, very fat and healthy, tail has been docked can't tell if she's been spayed or not....
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OH Darnit!!!! Never mind yall..... I just got off the phone with them. Her front right leg is broken in 3 places, severed all the muscles from the shoulder, and dislocated it. She has two broken ribs, and her spine was broken right below her neck in two places.

    An older gentle man that was there when I dropped her off, he helped me get her out of the truck. He has been looking for the perfect dog, well he called me. (The good soul stayed there with her!!!! He said after I left he was filling out his paper work, and was going to take her home too!!!!) OH thank god. Well He called me instead of that nasty woman, and let me know they had to put her down. They wouldn't have know what all was wrong with her, but he footed for them to do x-rays. GOd bless him.

    I feel sooo bad, he was going to take her home with him, he said she's perfect for him. Older, and small, and she kept giving him kisses in the exam room. I can't believe he stayed with her!!!!

    There truely are some wonderful people in this world. Then we have idiots who could careless and don't even stop! What if that would have been a child!!!!! I wish I would have gotten his licence plate #. All I know is that he was in a red Honda civic. Black male, and speeding!

    Thanks again yall, I know if we had to we would have saved this girl!!!! Yall here at Auspet are the most wonderful people in the world. I don't know what I would have done with out you!!!! Yall give me so much comfort, and advice.

    But I know, something else out there needs me again..... So I'm sure I'll be busy again soon. As for now, I've got to get back to work, and then go home and bleach everything in site!
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm so sorry, Sams!! What a horrible week you are having! I was in the middle of replying to your e-mail and trying to work out a way for you to get her halfway to me and I could take her at least for the weekend and try to get her into rescue here. Poor baby!!! :cry:

  4. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Aw, Sams..... :cry: This world just makes me sick sometimes! Reading your post made me cry..... she sounded like a precious little thing! I was wishing I could jump on a plane and go down there and get her! :cry:
  5. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    :cry: Damn! Poor fubabies. all of them. At least, for all three of them, their last moments were with people who cared and comforted. Bless you sams and bless that man who was willing to extend himself. Keep your chin up kid. Remember that God ended their suffering for a reason and he would not take them from you to hurt you either. So, they are at peace and whole again and as his special advocate you will get ready for the next lost and harmed one he sends your way. Cause let's face it, only God could be responsible for the puddle births and turtle convoys that you expereince on a weekly basis! We love you sams, keep fighting the good fight!
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thanks yall. I've been a mess here at work today....The old gentleman, Robert, came by my office and gave me a big hug. That just made me cry harder!!! Poor ol guy. I told him I would bring my pictures with me tomorow, I think I have the purfect dog for him. He is very excited. Dingo is one of my special dogs. He needs alto of attention. He's older around 7, and has a muscle disorder. He's part GSD and Terrier. He's all brown with a darker muzzle and two "moles" as I call them on both sides of his face, just like a GSD has.

    I think these two are going to be perfect for each other. He lives alone, his wife passed and he needs company. Apparently he's well endowed in the financial area, so Dingos vet bills won't be a problem either. I told him I'm not applying an adoption fee since he did all that for this little girl. I'm hoping his size won't intemidate Robert. He's about 45lbs and 28" at the head..... SO maybe "Daphne" as the guy was going to name her, was sent to let Dingo and Robert meet?? Funny how things work out.

    I'll let everyone know if they click or not. But I'm sure they will.
  7. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Wow thats so beautiful...it just goes to show you how god works in such misterious ways.

    I'm sure they'll bond right away.

    Things like this brighten my day!!

    Its so great when they find great homes. Makes me want to go into that area for my career!!
  8. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    You're my hero, Sams..... there should be more human beings on this earth like you. And I'm glad that gentleman met up with you, I'm sure you will find the perfect pal for him.
  9. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    wow that gave me a roller coaster of emotions!angry sad happy but I think eveything will work out great! seems to be going in a good direction. what is that saying when a door closes a window opens??
  10. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    wow that gave me a roller coaster of emotions!angry sad happy but I think eveything will work out great! seems to be going in a good direction. what is that saying when a door closes a window opens??
  11. Sam, I can't believe everything you've been through! and no men in little white coats have come to pick you up yet....You Poor thing!!! That poor dog, thank goodness you were there! and got the last kiss that poor animal had to offer. I'm going to have calouses (sp) on my knee's from praying for you....Hang in there girl! And god Bless you and that wonderful Man!


    If only everyone had your heart..........
  12. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm so sorry Sams. :cry:

  13. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Oh Sam, hope things go better for you, here is a smile :D

  14. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Me too, I am sad and happy all at the same time. What a bleesing it is to find someone thats on the same page as you. Its aweful to feel like your in it all alone. That little dog must have been so sweet, licking your arm and being in such pain.

    What ever happened with the puddle puppies. Did the rest survive?
  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Puddle puppies are doing great. I was over there Saturday afternoon. They have all opened their eyes. ANd they are begining to squirm around a bit. Momma isn't totally tamed down yet, but she's getting better.

    Update on man and Dingo. He took him home. So thats good. I toldhim I'd stop by his house in a few days to check up on him. They seem to hit it off really well.
  16. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LOL. Puddle puppies. Sounds like a new fad toy or something. :)

  17. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    so the man did take your dog? the one that helped you with the other dog??? thats great.

    you hav esome many things happening I cant keep track! And wylie looked so cute in her red/white blue scarf on Sunday

  18. kira1386

    kira1386 New Member

    Puddle puppies? what is that??? are they supposed to be puggles? heh heh... i was wondering because i have a little puggle, he's the sweetest thing in the world and he's sooo smart. but I was wondering what they look like when they grow up and just different things about them that you would know...trying to learn about them some. I have never head of a puggle untill a litter of 3 (2 boys, 1 girl) came in at the petstore i was working at. now I know you're not supposed to get dogs from petstores, I never have but this dog was just supposed to come to me i think. I worked there about a month before he came in and he got very sick and I was taking care of him constatly in isolation. I used to go in all the time when i was off just to go check on him and give him things he needed. meds and such. but if you know anything about them or you just wanna say hi you can email me at PuggleButt@yahoo.com would love to hear from ya. talk to you later

    Kira AKA new puggle lover
  19. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    welcome kira, a poor stray had just given birth in the rain in a puddle of water.

    question about puggle, I thought that was generic term for a pug?/

  20. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    kira1386 Welcome to the board! :eek: Honeybears a puggle is a beagle/pug mix.

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