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Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by DUCKLE-BUM, Jul 1, 2004.


    DUCKLE-BUM New Member

    Hi y'all!

    Just wondered if anybody else out there has got a pleco with a vicious streak a mile wide?
    I have an Oscar in the tank with him and the pleco chases him religiously, is my Oscar a wuss? or is my Pleco an evil barst?

    Duckle-bum :)
  2. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    my three plecos are usually peaceful but once in awhile they will have their moments. just check that your other fish isnt teasing the pleco when you are not looking for all you know it could just be getting back at the fish.
  3. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Everyonce in a while my pleco will get tired of being pushed around by my africans and he'll fight back.

    Your pleco isn't trying to suck on the side of your oscar is he?

  4. air*force*one

    air*force*one New Member

    your oscar is a wuss
  5. Popeye

    Popeye New Member

    Id be scared too if an ugly thing like a pleco that was my size was swimming towards me... :shock: unless I was a Dempsey... :lol:

    DUCKLE-BUM New Member

    Well, the were both in a much smaller tank and my O chased him continuously. Now they are in a bigger tank, the pleco has grown very big, very quickly and is now bigger than my O.
    Hard to tell if the pleco is trying to suck on him or not, but there is always a lot of comotion and often I see the O jumping out of the water to escape the evil pleco's sucker.
    I know that the O does sometimes 'have a go' but 95% of the time it seems as if the pleco is the agressor.
    It's getting to the point where the food I put in for the O, (pellets, bloodworm) is being eaten by the pleco with my O hiding in the plants. :shock:
  7. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    Plecos arnt ugly!!!!! lol. i think they look so cool! thats why i have them. they look cool when they are big!
  8. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    You may have to consider the possibility of getting rid of the pleco. Or at least separating them until the oscar grows some. BTW, how big are they now and what size tank are they in?


    DUCKLE-BUM New Member

    They are in a 40gal tank, O is about 4in and the pleco keeps growing strong and is now closer to 5in.
    Fully aware that they will require a larger tank in the near future, just wondered if there was anything I could do in the meantime?

    DUCKLE-BUM New Member

    They are in a 40gal tank, O is about 4in and the pleco keeps growing strong and is now closer to 5in.
    Fully aware that they will require a larger tank in the near future, just wondered if there was anything I could do in the meantime?
  11. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    i just wanted to make a note of this

    Plecostomus are good tank mates for Bigger Tetras, Angel Fish, Silver Dollars, White Tip Sharks, Pacus, and Emerald Green Catfish.

    Plecostomus are seen in aquariums with all freshwater fish including large aggressive Oscars and other Neotropical Cichlids.

    Plecostomus Catfish are also kept with Goldfish. But the Goldfish can tolerate much cooler water than the Plecos. can tolerate.

    Click here to read more about several other groups of compatible fish.

    so it seems to work with large oscars.
  12. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    i just wanted to show you this info that i found at

    Plecostomus are good tank mates for Bigger Tetras, Angel Fish, Silver Dollars, White Tip Sharks, Pacus, and Emerald Green Catfish.

    Plecostomus are seen in aquariums with all freshwater fish including large aggressive Oscars and other Neotropical Cichlids.

    Plecostomus Catfish are also kept with Goldfish. But the Goldfish can tolerate much cooler water than the Plecos. can tolerate.

    Click here to read more about several other groups of compatible fish.

    so it will work with large oscars! just make sure its big enough.


    DUCKLE-BUM New Member

    My pleco is a bit larger than my O and he doesn't want to be pushed around/attacked. I have just never heard of anything so ridiculous.
    My pleco eats my Oscar's food (leaving my Oscar hiding in amongst my plants)
    When they were younger the boot was on the other foot and it seems like the pleco is getting some payback for all the grief.
    Can the Pleco actually do any damage? or am I just going to have to live with the embarrassment of having a rather 'soft/wuss-like' Oscar?

    1 oscar
    2 kuhla loaches
    1 pim pictus catfish
    1 "bad" African Pleco
    5 Leopard Danios

    DUCKLE-BUM New Member

    My pleco is a bit larger than my O and he doesn't want to be pushed around/attacked. I have just never heard of anything so ridiculous.
    My pleco eats my Oscar's food (leaving my Oscar hiding in amongst my plants)
    When they were younger the boot was on the other foot and it seems like the pleco is getting some payback for all the grief.
    Can the Pleco actually do any damage? or am I just going to have to live with the embarrassment of having a rather 'soft/wuss-like' Oscar?

    1 oscar
    2 kuhla loaches
    1 pim pictus catfish
    1 "bad" African Pleco
  15. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    lol. when you think about it, it is kinda sad that you have a wuss oscar. my best advice would be to seperate them a bit, your pleco could actually be seeing it has the advantage here and could use that to its advantage, weird but true. so be careful with that. i dont think the pleco could do more damage then tiring the poor thing out.
  16. stefan

    stefan New Member

    I have a big Pleco swimming with 5 redbellie Piranha's. Most of the time they are scared of the pleco. The pleco doesn't seem inpressed by his tankmates and usualy swims right at the Piranha's who quikly swim away. Sometimes the Piranha's are interested in the tail of the Pleco but he won't allow them to nip it. I hope they can live together fot life but unfortunatly the Piranha's are nog fully grow jet.
  17. Pacuguy

    Pacuguy New Member

  18. Popeye

    Popeye New Member

    I had a pleco that kept latching on to my angels... I put him in with my big dempsey to teach him a lesson & he was a goner within 10 minutes... went to latch onto popeye & popeye whacked him. :oops: Popeye has lived alone since...

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