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Happy 4th of July

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Rene, Jul 3, 2004.

  1. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Hello everyone i know it's a bit early but my office is closing early today and since i will be cleaning carpets, and walls, and windows and basicaly the whole darn house from top to bottom i wont have time to come here so i want to wish everyone a happy and safe 4th of July.

    I know i have to hold my babies when the fireworks start they get so scared of the noise.

    Everyone enjoy :0008: :kiss_puppy: :0018:

  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    happy 4th!!! :D :D

    they say shelters get triple the dogs in their shelters because they get spooked

  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    ok 4th of july question/story today I went to the us consulate in Munich, which is only open m-f 8-11am and costs like €3/minute to call and be put on hold for a 1/2hour to be told oh we can't help you over the phone but maybe if you stop on our office. Anyway before I went today I checked out their website and it said closed on American and German holidays. I got there and the were having a big party for the 4th, people were going in and out of the building (people who worked there) but they still had guards there watching the door. I asked why it was closed the said because today is an American holiday and I said no it isn'T the 4th is a holiday but today isn't. They said well the soldiers need their rest, which for sme reason I really didn'T like the way it sounded when this guy said it. So I asked when they would be open again and they said tues and I said why and the said because the soldiers need their rest. So I told them I really don'T have time to come down here all the time, it is really inconvienient for me is there somewhere else I could go for this. They said no we are closed the soldiers need rest. I was getting pretty angry, but I know better not get angry in front of anAmericn place, might wind up in jail for the next few years. So i asked this lady, who I was told "worked on the inside" for the paper I needed and told her that on the phone system and online there were no warnings of it being closed and she said well it is a holiday and I said no it isn'T so she said well today is the day we are observing it and I said what about Monday? you can'T observe it on 2 (actually 3 when you count the 4th) days. I told her the banks and post offices and other federal places don'T have two days off and then she went inside and got my papers that I needed. Ok but here are a few questions, in your towns are the banks/post offices closed on both days or 1? Does this seem fishy? This other man said he drove 3 hours to come today and had to take off work, I am glad I didn'T do that! So does anyone know the rules on that sort of thing? Is anyone here a government worker?
    Oh yea and Happy 4th to everyone!
    Do Australians have an independence day? if so when? We gotta remember to celebrate that too!
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Both places I work are observing the 4th on Monday. I know someone who just moved to Alaska and he found out they always do a 4-day weekend in Alaska for the 4th - but apparently they have Thursday and Friday off, but not Monday. Weird. I'd rather have Monday off after being out late Sunday for fireworks.

    I thought it was pretty traditional when a holiday falls on the weekend to pick ONE day to observe it during the week as far as businesses are concerned - but if there was no one there to tell them they couldn't, I suppose they can get away with it!

    Perhaps after the weekend you can find out how to go over their heads. Asking someone higher up the chain sometimes gets results.

    Then again, I have never been overseas and I wouldn't want you to follow my advice on something and end up in a Turkish prison or deported to Siberia or something. :shock:

  5. hitomishiri

    hitomishiri New Member

    As far as financial institutions go, there is a federal regulation that no financial institution (banks, stock brokerages, etc) is allowed to be closed for more than 3 days in a row. Therefore, the usual practice is that if a holiday falls on a Saturday, the bank takes Friday off; and if the holiday falls on Sunday, the bank takes Monday off.

    Regarding other federal institutions and private businesses, I suppose closing is left up to the perogative of the individual in charge, or the powers that be.
  6. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Happy 4th of July to you as well Rene! Have a safe and fun holiday. :0020:
  7. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Same here to all of you. HAPPY 4th OF JULY. Everyone stay safe and have a good time.

    I'm all ready to go to Vegas tomorrow. Dogs are packed and ready for the Doggie Dude Ranch. I'm already nervous and having separation anxiety from having to leave them.

    Keep fingers crossed that I hit the Progressive Slots jackpot. I can donate to my favorite animal charities. Gina and Sam's "Home For Lost And Rescued Animals" included.
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Happy 4th to all yall too , I doubt I do much, but the usual.... But Thank god we live in America!!!
  9. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    :0018: OH WOW!! Lovesdapits you are going to have soooooo much fun!! Have a safe trip and don't worry to much about the babies they will be fine! Just win a bunch of money so you can but em new doggie condo's!
  10. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    :0018: HAPPY 4TH EVERYONE!!
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Jamiya, well here. We would be off that day, but no others. Our only day off here is Sunday. SO we get off Sunday and no other day, which really sucks....
  12. nern

    nern New Member

    Happy 4th everyone!! :0008:

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