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Is your dog(s) frightened by fireworks?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by nern, Jul 3, 2004.


Is your dog frightened by fireworks?

  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. nern

    nern New Member

    My childhood dog (GSD mix) would get so worked up during the 4th. He would hide in the corner shaking and drooling the entire time...leaving a huge puddle of drool in front of him. I hated seeing him like that. My mother ended up getting tranquilizers from the vet for him because of it.

    Luckily, my current dogs do not appear to be frightened by the fireworks at all. I even took Natalie to a 4th of July party once and she just layed on her bed on the ground next to my chair as if nothing was going on.

    How does your dog react?
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    The dogs I have now aren't afraid of fireworks, but my Australian Shepherd was so afraid of fireworks, thunderstorms, gunfire, that she dug holes in sheetrock, in carpet, and try to squeeze in tiny spaces just to get away from it. Sometimes she even made her feet bloody trying to claw her way to escape the sound. She never got over it. Only when she got so old, she became deaf and couldn't hear it any more.

    It really makes you feel bad that you can't do anything to make it better for them. Summers where horrible because that's when you have all the storms and such.

    In fact, she would know when a storm was coming even better than the weather person just by sniffing the air. Then she would get all panicy trying to find a spot to hide.
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    i voted no luckily, but my brothers dog would literally chew thru the fence, hyperventilate, etc needing vet care. and we also live in an area where they are illegal due to hire fire danger. also thunder, we got major thunderstorms this wekk which we rarely do, and a guy I work had to tranqilize his dog

    I wonder if its something you can do while they are pups to get them accilmated to sounds.

  4. StormyWinter

    StormyWinter New Member

    I voted yes because 3 of my 5 dogs are. I live in redneck country and hear gun shots all the time you would think they would be used to loud noises by now. Actually today I was out front with Storm and it was thundering really bad and one loud crack came and she took off into the house faster than I have ever seen her run. She wouldn't come out of the house she would keep peaking her head out looking at the sky with " I don't think so mommy" look. Inside Barney is looking for the tighest place possible to hide Winter just sits here with her ears back looking at the ceiling like "huh?" but if it cracks she ducks!!! Tigger and Kylse LOl they don't even move they could careless!!!
  5. dogangel

    dogangel New Member

    :D None of my six is afraid of fireworks, but I still hate it, because they never stop barking until it's quiet again. You can imagine what that sounds like!!!! Fireworks and six loud barking dogs.....
    And strangely enough, one of them, Cody, who's a Rottie/GSD mix, is terrified of storms, (when he even sees the sky getting cloudy, he slinks into our bedroom closet), but he is not afraid of fireworks....
  6. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Jasper hasn't been around fireworks, so I clicked no.
  7. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    As a kid (I was maybe 4 or so) we had a cocker spaniel named Buck, I only remember him bc of hearing my sisters and brothers talk about him. But he was terrified of fireworks and thunder and lightening, one day while we weren'T home for some reason he was outside and jumped through my neighbors window. My neighbor was not very happy. But a few months later there were fireworks and he took off running and never came home we looked for him for a while and put up posters and stuff, but never found him. But one day I was around 10 or so and we were driving down a backroad near my house and we saw a dog who looked exactly like him! We stopped to look at him for a minute and his tag said Buck and everything, but we figured he had a happy home now, we didn'T want to interfere, so we walked him over to the closest house (it was his house) and talked to the lady and she said one day that dog just showed up he leaves everynow by sneaking out of the gate, but he always come back. We were glad he had a new home. But we learned always make sure the dog feels safe and secure in fireworks and thunderstorms.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I don't THINK they are afraid of fireworks, not even Bonnie. Only a few went off last night, though, so I don't really know yet. Nala had to bark every time she heard them. Bonnie didn't react at all. Neither one is afraid of thunderstorms - they just wander around looking up at the ceiling with a puzzled look on their faces.

    I would love to take them with us tonight, but I'm afraid it would scare Bonnie to be so close, and if Nala barked through the whole thing that would piss everyone else off.

    I am a bit worried about leaving them in case they go nuts, but I think they will be okay. I plan to leave the TV or radio on fairly loud so that they can't hear the fireworks as well. I'm not sure if Nala still guards the house when we are gone, but I assume she does.

  9. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

    I clicked no..because 2 out of the 3 like them... our collie mix hates any loud noises...including garbage bags being opened. :(
    Our shepherd mix use to love them. now he is deaf so he doesnt enjoy them as much. :(
    Our chi just likes to go to the park and beg food off of family members and then goes in to his "camping house" and takes a nap until it is time to go home. :mrgreen:
  10. Jules

    Jules New Member

    Bender doesn't care about storms or fireworks... he is usually too busy sleeping. Leela doesn't care for storms either, and I'm assuming fireworks too, but she hasn't heard them yet. My partner plays guitar and other instruments LOUD and maybe that has got them used to loud sounds. We also have one of those bass speakers for our "home theatre" which I'd say gives a thunder like sound. When we first got Leel's she was terrified of loud noises, but she seems to be ok now, although she is still petrified of the vacuum cleaner!! Which suits me fine because at least she doesn't bother me while I'm trying to clean like Bender does!
  11. senzafine

    senzafine New Member

    Nope...my dog isn't afraid. I thought he would be but when he hears fireworks he just sits there and stares. Unless it's a big one then he will bark a bit but that's about it.
  12. heaven

    heaven New Member

    my baby is 8 months old and this is her first 4th of july....she's been pacing back and forth with her ears down most of the evening...right now she's laying with her body on my foot and i can feel her shaking.....
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I should have brought the dogs to the fireworks show. I missed them. I wish there were more places that allow dogs. They are part of my family and I hate leaving them home all the time.

  14. Rene

    Rene New Member

    I thought Sebastain and Jasmine would be scared but they loved it in my neighborhood we have a kinda block party and they shoot off fire works it was pretty neat. I took the dogs out with me to watch them and they were the center of attention all the kids they were saying how cute and petting them the whole time so they didnt mind the noise :lol:

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