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Help with dog peeing

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by bellack1, Jul 3, 2004.

  1. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    My boyfriend and his parents have this dog named Peppy. They let her out in the back yard but she doesn't like to stay out long so they let her back in. If she's not outside, they keep her in a large doggie cage. I've always known to see dogs allowed to run around the house so I asked why she wasn't allowed to. They said when they first got her they had no intentions of keeping her in a cage all the time. Well whenever they let her run around, as soon as you turn your back she pees and poos everywhere and eats outta the litterbox :roll: She is a hyper dog and I think it would be great to let her roam. She refuses to stay outside-bangs on the door. His mom says they love her they just can't handle the pee and poo everywhere. She'd also like to see her out of the cage but doesn't know how to teach her not to poo and pee everywhere. Does anyone have and suggestions??? They dont punish her or anything and don't know how to train her.

  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    yea there are a million thing you could do to start with or they could do. did they ever really try to train her to go outside or do they just open up the door and then let her back in? Because that could be a big problem. Dogs really like to be congratulated and stuff when they pee and poo, and you need to really encourage them when they "go" outside. I think the dog wants to come bak in so quick because she is lonely and the only attention she gets is when she is bad, or at least that is the way it sounds! Sometimes people do that with out even realizing it. So I think they need to really start to train the dog.
  3. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Yeah they know they have to start training her they just don't know how to go about doing it
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    Does she go to the bathroom in the cage too? If not, thats a plus.
    They need to start over as if she was a puppy. Frequent trips outside and lots of praise for going to the bathroom outside the second she is finished going. They need to keep their eyes on her at all times while she is not in the cage and they must go outside with her to witness her going in the right spot so they can praise her for doing so. They will have to start letting her out of the cage in the house but restrict her access to the entire house starting with one room of the house where they will watch her like a hawk so that if she looks like she may have to go to the bathroom or if they see her begin to squat they can rush her outside right away.
    As for eating out of the litterbox....most dogs will do that if they have the opportunity. The litterbox needs to be moved to a location where the dog can't get to it as easily. Covered boxes facing a corner seem to help in my home. I hope this helps.
  5. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member


    No she doesn't go inside her cage. If she has to go she barks until someone lets her out.

    I'll let them know. Also I told her to move the litter box but the have an elderly cat who won't jump up or do anything strenuous to get at it. Right now there is a tall poster board disguising it but Peppy still finds it.

  6. gailau

    gailau New Member

    I'm sure their dog likes to accompany them - why don't they just take a quick wander outdoors every half hour or so with the dog and casually hang about on the grassed area for a short while and the dog will probably get the urge. Then all the congratulations will be in order and everyone will be much relieved to go back indoors. The repeat process should eventually trigger the dog's recognition of doing its business in the great outdoors and become the norm. I used to do this with my pups and they seemed to be stimulated to do their business when I wandered outside on the grass - even for just a brief time. It didn't take them too long to learn.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    What Nern said. Go back to puppy training. Take her outside every hour or so and go with her. Praise her when she does her business. When inside, confine her to one room and watch her like a hawk. If she does start to pee, make a loud noise to interrupt her, then wisk her outside where she can finish to a lot of praise. You can also tether her to you with a leash looped through the belt loops on your pants, as another means of keeping her under your eye.

    Nala never wanted to stay outside alone before we got Bonnie. We went outside with her EVERY TIME she was let out to go to the bathroom for months. When we did finally start letting her go out alone, she would run out and do her stuff and then want to come back in - or rather, she'd want YOU to come out and watch her play! You didn't even have to participate - she just liked to know you were there. I used to bring a lawn chair out and sit and read while she ran off some energy.

    For the life of my dogs, whenever I am present and they are doing their business, I still praise. I don't care where we are or who hears or if the dog hasn't had an accident in 10 years - they know it is a Good Thing to pee outside. Being present also allowed us to put a command word to it, so now when I want them to go - like before a long car trip or going into a store or something - I say "Go potty" and if they have to go, they do.

    Also, remember that a tired dog is a good dog. This dog sounds like it needs more exercise and a job to do. Find some books on clicker training, such as Pat Miller's "Power of Positive Dog Training" and have some fun!

  8. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Well she has been letting her roam around the house for the last 3 days and no accidents! Sometimes ahe just goes back in her cage and lies down! Its so funny. But she's getting beteter. Thanks a lot!
  9. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Bad news

    Peppy peed 3 times in the basement today.
    The reason is probably because she smells the cat pee down there. She peed and then Di put her outside for a little bit. Then when she came in she went and peed again.
    The basement has to be scrubed from top to bottem. But after that the cats might still pee. Then Peppy will pee and everything will start all over again.
  10. nern

    nern New Member

    For this to work Peppy should not have access to the basement and should, under no circumstances, be left to roam the house unsupervised. I hope they keep trying. If they are consistant they will see results.
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Exactly. Cat pee is hard to get out. Do try to use a product that neutralizes odor, like Nature's Miracle.

    You have to set Peppy up for success. If you give her room to fail, she will. Make it so she HAS to succeed and she will.


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