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I felt SO bad...

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by MyBabyShihPoo, Jul 4, 2004.

  1. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :cry: I'm such a terrible mommy!!! :cry:

    I just have to vent, so here's what happened:

    4th of July is here, and I really thought nothing about it in regards to Mickey & Tigger being scared only b/c they have heard firecrackers and other assorted startling noises before this holiday, and haven't had any significant reactions. Once and a while, a loud noise might cause them to look up real quick, and very rarely jump ever so slightly.

    I took them both out for a walk last night, and there were people (illegally) shooting off fireworks, and even then, Mickey & Tigger really didn't mind. Therefore, I felt pretty confident that they wouldn't have any problems with the next couple of days' commotion from the 4th.

    Just to be on the safe side, since I knew people would start shooting off fireworks in the late evening, I took the boys out a little before that to eliminate. Several hours went by, the boys were inside, and we could barely hear the fireworks (fortunately, my windows do a great job of dulling out any outside noises - I can't even hear rainfall from inside). If there was a big firecracker, it was slightly audible from inside, and they would just look up to see where it came from, but that was their only reaction. Well, since it had been several hrs., and it had been quiet for a while (people stopped w/ the fireworks), I figured it would be a perfect time to let them out again.

    I opened the door to let them outside, and about 15 sec. after they had walked out the door, 3 REALLY BIG firecrackers went off right next to my house! Mickey & Tigger jumped and looked up with a startled look on their face (the reaction I suspected), and proceeded to come into the house. Mickey was just fine, acting completely normal and all, but Tigger was walking through the house with his tail between his legs, ears all the way down as flat as a pancake, shaking like a leaf in the wind, and cowering as he nervously paced back-and-forth around in the house.

    I tried everything to stop his shaking: the "quiet hold," the "calming stroke," simply putting him by my side, everything. So, since nothing was working, finally I went and got out the small cage (chose the small one to make him feel more secure), put his pillow in there, a few of his blankets, covered the entire cage to make it dark within (left the door uncovered so he could see me), and put him in it. For about 5 minutes he just sat and stared while still shaking, noticeably trying to resist falling asleep, then FINALLY layed down. At this moment, he is sound to sleep in his cage right next to me, and THANKFULLY not shaking anymore!

    For some reason or another, I think that those 3 fireworks spooked him, and I am hoping that he will be fine tomorrow! [-o<

    But it just broke my heart to see him SO incredibly nervous and scared!!! :cry:

    Anyhow, I just had to get that off my chest...thanks for listening!!!

    Hope everyone has a FABULOUS 4th of July!!! :D
  2. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    ooooh poor Tigger boy! :cry:

    First of all... you are soooooooo NOT a bad mommy! You did everything in your power to try to eliminate any problems, silly woman! Besides... they had to go outside sooner or later anyways... there is nothing you could have done, mommy. And, it sounds like you did the perfect thing for him and made him as comfy and secure as he needed at the moment!! :love_y_t_much: I'm sure he'll be fine, but I can only imagine how much it broke your little heart! :cry:

    so now....I'm really worried about how Bailey is going to react to the fireworks. Our plan is (it's a "ritual") is to go to the local firework show here in town.... already bought the tickets and everything. And all week, I've really been second guessing if I should even go. Our house is on the other side of town and I would doubt that Bailey could hear them, but you never know what morons are going to shoot off fireworks in the neighborhood (it's illegal here too)..... This is obviously his first Fourth of July so I don't know his reaction. In fact, this is our "anniversary" weekend -- Bailey got us on Fourth of July weekend last year (July 5th). So now after reading your post, I think I might have to stay home tomorrow nite (which, of course, is going to disappoint the entire family.... argh)
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh you bad mommy, NOT. It was bound to happen sooner or later. All week we've had idiots letting all sorts of fireworks, Poor rufus is a nervous wreck. I can not wait for it to be over. I hope the little tigger is feeling more secure now. :y_the_best:
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    Oh poor Tigger. I hate seeing them get scared like that. My childhood dog scared easily, especially on 4th of July.
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Thanks for your words of concern guys...you're great!!!

    Tigger was real nervous (although, not as bad as first night) when he heard some of the louder fireworks go off - gotta' love the one neighbor who kept shooting off the ILLEGAL fireworks all night long! :x However, I am happy to report that he is doing just fine now that all the commotion is over and done with!!! :eek:

    Hope everyone had a good 4th!!! :D


    So, did you make it to the fireworks with your family, or did you end up staying home with Bailey for the night?
  6. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I ended up staying home with him. I wasn't sure how much you would be able to hear from my home (cuz we're never home on that nite).... sure enough, it was a LOT louder than I thought. I'm glad I stayed home cuz he was a BARKIN MACHINE.... but wasn't scared at all (which is good). Thanks for askin, buddy :)
  7. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Did you start to think that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to stay home!?!? :lol:

    I'm thrilled to hear that Bailey wasn't scared during the fireworks, that definitely makes things easier on everyone!!! :y_the_best:

  8. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    How did I miss this thread??!!!

    You are not a bad mommy!! Like the others said, you did everything you could to prevent something from happening. I can't even imagine how you felt seeing him so scared like that. Poor Tigger :(

    Well, I've talked to you about the one set of neighbors we have (with Buckley & Amelia).. we were very fortunate that they were away for the 4th of July weekend! I was really nervous that they would be setting off fireworks all night and didn't know how Molly & Emma would react... luckily we didn't hvae to deal with that this year. We had a quiet 4th inside with the girls :D

    By the way, you are a TERRIFIC mommy!! Mickey & Tigger are very lucky :D
  9. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Oh yes, THEM! :x


    Thank goodness they weren't home and setting off fireworks...I know how frustrating that can be! However, I am delighted to hear that you, your husband and the girls had a great 4th!!! :y_the_best:

    :oops: Oh PooGirl, what a compliment - thank you so much, you're too kind!!! I have to admit, you, along with many other AusPet members here, are FANTASTIC mommies (and daddies) to your furbabies!!! This world could surely use a few more pet owners who truly care about the all around well-being of their animals!

  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Yesterday while reading the paper, I read something that made me cry. There was a lady driving on the high, saw a dog, pulled over to go and help it. well she did not pull over far enough and a car clipped the end of her car. Sadly her 12 year old son was killed and two of her children were also injured. All for the love of an animal. This is so sad I have tears in my eyes again. I feel soooo very awelful for what she is going thru.
  11. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :cry: That is just awful...she was trying to help, yet it cost her greatly! I am truly heartbroken after reading that!!! :cry:

    May God bless her and her family!!!

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