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Puppy mill in Australia

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jules, Jul 4, 2004.

  1. Jules

    Jules New Member

    Here is a link to a story about a puppy mill in Australia. There is an email address included in the story to protest against this. I also made an email up to forward on to other people I know, if you'd like me to send it to you just pm me with your email address. Otherwise you can just forward the info on to people yourself- I just got the info and some of the photos from the page. Here is the link:


    I was taught right from wrong growing up. Why are there so many people out there that this teaching didn't seem to get through to?
  2. saffy

    saffy New Member

    I can't believe that people can still get away with this kind of s*** in the 21st century. What kind of sick individuals can treat animals this way?
    It is so heartbreaking to think of the suffering those poor souls have had to endure, and I wish desperatley that I could help them.
    E-mail on it's way to the Mayor.Can only hope that maybe this time something will be done. :cry:
  3. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i bet ya 90% of those dogsa re sold to 'aca pups'.
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    That is just terrible, how could anyone ever do that, but I do want to say of all the horrible things, no bedding, too hot in summer too cold in winter, too many dogs, it looked as if the dog poo was cleaned out of the pens (probably the dogs ate it, sad to say) and then places near by in the open sewer like thing (disgusting) I totally don'T see how someone could accumulate so many dogs and keep them cooped up. That was absolutely disgusting. I hope this sick person isn'T allowed to ever even look at a dog (or anything) That is just disgusting, they were treated worse than livestock at least cows are sometimes allowed out to pasture! and given hay sometimes these dogs get nothing. I would go down there and steal them if I could
  5. gailau

    gailau New Member

    Went to your link - it breaks my heart to see this sort of thing. Well, I did my bit - I sent an email to the Mayor.......

    "My Dear Mayor,
    Re: Eastern Peake Road, Learmonth
    I am disgusted and appalled at the blatant lack of action on the part of your Council to cancel the licence in effect with the above animal premises. Just how many complaints, photos and information does your Council need to recognise a problem?
    No doubt your Council is quick to impose levies, rules and regulations in relation to the ownership of animals and equally quick to add this income to your coffers. How about you start spending some of this easy money which comes from responsible voters to apprehend and punish offenders such as the operators of Eastern Peake Road, Learmonth.
    Whether the ranks of your Council are pet owners or not, you are all empowered with the responsibility to investigate and prosecute offenders, particularly when you have had enough evidence handed to you on a silver platter to prove there is a clear case of animal abuse going on in your own back yard.
    It's high time your Council did its job and got their hands dirty. You have the power to end the senseless and inhumane actions of these cruel and misguided misfits.
    If the day ever comes when you are voted in on animal welfare issues, you and your councillors might just as well clean out your drawers now and head for the door.
    In God's name, for a start, read the statistics on the link between domestic abuse and animal abuse and then you might actually recognise that prevention is better than cure.
    People don't bombard Councils with letters simply because they have nothing better to do - they do it because there is a genuine need for the Council to sit up and take notice and fix a problem.
    Please feel free to respond with a positive Council initiatve to address my complaint.
    Yours sincerely
    Gail Warbrick"

    I live in another State but I know one vote he wouldn't get if I lived there :(
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    What the heck?!

    Why has this been allowed to continue for 10 years when they have evidence of illegal practices?!

  7. gailau

    gailau New Member

    Just to update you, I got a reply from the council - they have asked me to call them and provided a mobile number - how professional!!
    Anyway, will follow up and see what happens. Will keep you posted.
  8. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    OMG- the fifth pup down looks just like Cameron!!! I"m going to cry.

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