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Pregnant cat with diahrrea

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Annie, Jul 4, 2004.

  1. Annie

    Annie New Member

    Hi all, glad to have found this forum!! Have a pregnant cat due to deliver any day. This morning she has very runny diarhea, it's like water! I've serahed the internet to try and find out if this a 'normal' sign that she is about to go into labout but haven't been able to find anything so now I'm thinking that maybe she is unwell. Has anyone had this happen to their pregnant cat? Any help would be much appreciated. BTW she is not acting as if she is ill, still has good appetite and is drinking etc.

    Many thanks

  2. vene

    vene New Member

    Hi Annie, welcome to the forum and congrats on your kittie's pregnancy. I haven't been able to find any info on the net either regarding diarrhea in pregnant cats, only that pregnancy can activate roundworms and give diarrhea to mom cat and the mom cat can give diarrhea + worms to her babies and they can go downhill fast.

    Have you tried calling a 24 hr emergency vet clinic/hospital for advice yet?
    Is she an indoor cat and has her diet changed in any way recently? I'd be very concerned if her diarrhea lasts for 2 days or more. I hope all she has is just an upset tummy from fluctuating hormones and nothing more.

    Good luck and keep us posted on her condition and show lots of pics if you have any. We love to see pictures!
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I would worry about coccadia which she can pass onto the kittens. It's an intestinal parasite. But you'll have to wait until after she delivers (has she yet? How many babies?) to take a stool sample to the vet (he won't need to see her if that's what it is). He'll give her albon and the kittens will benefit from her through nursing.

    Let us know how it goes
  4. Annie

    Annie New Member

    Thank you for replying folks! Well, tonites poo was a lot better, still a bit on the sloppy side but nothing like as bad as this mornings!!!! Still waiting for babes to arrive we are all pacing the floor with her :) I have tried to worm her but she is so crafty and knows when I put something in her food, am going to call in and see the vet tomorrow and ask his advice about the diarrhea and something that I can worm her with so she doesn't know about it! It's all nail biting stuff isn't it, and such a responsibility, have never had a pet that has given birth so it's a new experience for me and I so want it to go well. Will definitely post pictures once it all happens!

    Thanks again
  5. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    That sounds great. Sound like your doing the right thing
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    what are you using to worm her with?
  7. Annie

    Annie New Member

    Hi Mary, I have tried Panicur granules and Johnson's worming syrup the one for kittens which can be used on pregnant cats safely (and then when the time comes I have it ready for the babes). Have you got any tips for me?? I'd be very grateful for any advice on this subject! She (her name is Dusty Miller by the way because she was found in the bottom of a mill pit covered in dust, she was near to death from starvation, so tiny and so beautiful, a little fighter....) is weighing in at 5 kilos right now, nearly as heavy as my little dogs :) Still no sign of the babes arrival, I read that first litters often arrive early is this the case in your experience? It's difficult to know exactly how many days she is, when I took her to the vet last he thought she was at 6 weeks but he didn't say at which end of the 6th week, so she is at the minimum on her 58th day and at the most her 65th :!:

  8. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

  9. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I dont know how much you know about caring for the new kittens so I'll just give u some websites that helped me a lot.

    http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Poin ... wners.html

    kitty names!! http://www.petrix.com/catnames/


    read up!! They'll be a lot of fun once they get there!! You're lucky you have the mom to take care of them- not many 3am feedings and such. Just watch if she has a lot of babies that she has enough milk for them all or you will end up feeding them also. I'd go get a bottle, Karo corn syrup (lifesaver), mineral oil (constipation always happens), KMR or similar, heating pad, paper towels-and lots, blankets, and a nice nesting place for mom so she feels safe and wont move her babies.

    Good luck!!
  10. Annie

    Annie New Member

    Hi again and thank you all for your very welcome advice and expertise! No babies yet though!!!!!!

    I went to the vet tonight on my way home from work, she say's one of three things:

    1) An infection
    2) Worms
    3) Some Queens have the runs leading up to the birth!! (So now we know)

    Vet has suggested I put her on a light diet for tonight and tomorrow morning, plain chicken and rice or white fish and rice and see if that helps, if not I am to take her in tomorrow evening. She say's not to worry too much about not getting her wormed as we can do this after the kittens are born and she can give me some paste that you syringe into the back of the mouth, she doesn't think that worms are causing the diarrhea. She also doesn't think she has an infection because otherwise she is well but if I have to take her in she will take her temperature etc and maybe give precautionary antibiotics. Anyone got any more thoughts on any of this??

    Dusty is preening herself like mad this evening another sign that something will happen soon??

    Has anyone got any knowledge/thoughts about fleaing, she is due her Frontline, the vet has said it's safe during pregnancy but it doesn't feel right to do her so close to the birth and then after when she's feeding...............???

    Many thanks again for your help!

  11. Annie

    Annie New Member

    The plain diet seems to have worked, all is well poop back to almost normal, just a bit soft but nothing like what it was. No babes yet though! I read on a website tonight that pregnancy can last 57-70 days!! Before this the max I read was 63 day's, I hope we don't have to wait to 70, that's another 9 day's of pacing and nail biting - don't know if we'll cope with the suspense :shock:

  12. vene

    vene New Member

    Hi Annie, I love the name Dusty. It's so fitting! If you don't see any fleas on her, I wouldn't bother with defleaing. I don't see how any meds could be good for a pregnant cat or person. I'm with you. I would've thought she'd have her babies by now. The suspense is killing me as well. I wonder how many kittens Dusty will have and what their names will be. I can't wait to see their pictures. Keep us posted! 8-[
  13. Annie

    Annie New Member

    Hi Vene, I'm with you on the fleaing, I can't see any on her so I'm going to leave it for now! Yep still waiting for the babes to arrive, it reminds me of waiting for Xmas day when I was a little girl!!! It's really difficult to make an exact calculation not knowing when the deadly deed was done :) but she is approx 63 day's today so we must be very close, I think if they haven't arrived by Monday I will call the vet and probably take her in for a check up. I don't want to take any risks and leave it too long.

    Have got the batteries all charged up for the digi camera and promise I will post pics as soon as they arrive!

  14. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    HI hope all goes well cant wait to see the piccies of the kittens and mom.

    Its perfectly normal for a female animal to have runny poop near the end of the pregnancy as the pressure on her bladder and bowels is intense this is what usually causes runny poop.

    Worming should be done the week before mating then the week before birth and then 2weeks after birth aswell as doing the kittens at the same time.

    Good luck

  15. Annie

    Annie New Member

    Thank you very much Mike for your input :) Poop is a lot less runny now ( thanks goodness, it was soooooo smelly too :( ) Do you have any thoughts on how I should go about working out when she might be overdue as I don't know when she mated, only the estimate off the vet that put her at 6 weeks, 3 weeks last Friday! I had thought I would take her to the vet tomorrow if nothing has happenned by then and it doesn't look like it will, appetite is still as ferocious and no lactating, maybe I could just give vets a ring and see what they think??

    Have just posted a couple of pics of mum and also my dogs if you want to take a look, topic's called Pics!.

    BTW nice to meet another UKER, whereabouts are you?? I'm in North Yorkshire!


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