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Balancing PH

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by caj1968, Jul 2, 2004.

  1. caj1968

    caj1968 New Member

    Hi, i have been having a problem with my PH. Out of the tap my PH is 7.4, the problem arises when after the water sits for any period of time the PH rises. In my tank-8.0, in the tub of water with driftwood (which can out of my tank) 7.6 and in a small glass container i have just for fish use,the PH is 7.8. This is after 10 hours. My GH is also changing. I have no idea what would cause the PH to rise and i'm suprised that all of my fish haven't died because of the sharp changes everytime i do a water change. If anybody has any advice as to what is causing this and how to stop it, it would be great.
  2. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    im not exactly sure what is causing it but you can get ph up and ph down chemicals to help balance it.
  3. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    What is your reading for KH?

  4. caj1968

    caj1968 New Member

    Hi, I enjoy reading all of the info you guys have. It has hepled me alot.
    My KH 300ppm according to the paper strips I went out and got. This reading is the same for all 3 of my water testing stations :). I have been using the liquid test kits for my other parameters.(PH, NH3, GH, etc.) I'm baffled at the quick change in my PH. I'm not sure what to use to remedy this either. Thanks :?
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Okay, I'm baffled too. With a KH of 300, your pH should be pretty stable. My KH is about 260 and I could add a whole bottle of pH down to a 10 gallon tank and the pH wouldn't budge. I'll have to do some research.

  6. caj1968

    caj1968 New Member

    Boy, are you right about the PH decreaser. I added some to my container of water and it lowered it very briefly. Thus far, all i have been doing is partial water changes everyday. I've had my 46 gal tank since March. I have the following fish in it (for now): 2 Op Gouromis, 1 white cloud, 1 pleco and 6 platys with 6 platy fry. I also have 7 cardnial tetras, but i can't see them lasting too long with all of the PH swings i have. i got them after i had driftwood in my tank for a month. i did my PH testing to close after the time i would do water changes. 7.8 was pretty close to my lfs PH which is 7.6. They have been real troopers for 2 and 1/2 weeks now. i do not like putting my fish through such stress. i really would like some advice on what to do and why the PH is great right out of the tap and then sky rockets after a couple of hours.

    Thanks, Caj
  7. kc5gvn

    kc5gvn New Member

    Hi caj1968, What type of gravel or possibly rock decorations are you using in your tanks? Anything that contains calcium or calcium chlorite will cause this problem.
  8. caj1968

    caj1968 New Member

    Thank you for your interest kc5gvn . I do not have any gravel that might have calcium in it. I do have 2 large pieces of driftwood that i got from my lfs. I have not done a water change for 2 days. The PH is steady at 8.0. I do have a small RO unit that puts out about 1 gal. at a time. Experiment time :) I mixed 1c. of RO water which has 0 readings on everything except PH which is 6.2 and 1c. of my tap water which as we know starts at 7.2 PH, and high KH and raises to at least 7.8 in a matter of hours. I will check this in 10 hours to see the reading change. If it is manageable( if i can keep it at 7.6 or less) i will mix my RO water with my tap water each time i do a water change( which cannot be everyday) I hope this does the trick of keeping my PH levels stable. Any thoughts? :?

    Thanks, caj1968
  9. kc5gvn

    kc5gvn New Member

    Well caj1968, I have to admit you have me stumped. With a high KH, I would first expect the PH to be higher than 7.2. Also with a high KH, I would expect it to buffer the water to where you wouldn't have a PH swing. Other than the calcium as I mentioned before the only thing I can think of to create a swing is dying organic matter. Example when a fish dies in the tank, as it is dying it can cause the PH to swing high and then crash but I've never known that type of situation to last any longer than a day and even at that, it is with softer water. If it is the driftwood as a source of decaying organic matter then why would it happen 2 months after it was placed in the tank and not when it was first placed in? Your question raises more questions than answers. This sounds almost like a good contest question if an answer can ever be found.
  10. caj1968

    caj1968 New Member

    Hi, I tested the container of water with 1/2 RO and 1/2 tap after 13 hours and no suprise, the PH jumped to 8.0, KH 300 and GH 280ish. I dumped it out and am using 3/4 c RO and 1/4 tap. We'll see what happens.I tested my tank water today and it is still holding steady at 8.0 so I know that the driftwood is not letting the PH to go above that. I looked back at notes I took the first month I had the tank and the PH would go to atleast 8.4( my tester woulded go any higher) I got the driftwood alittle over a month now. I have a question... Could a water softener lower PH temporarily? My GH reading fluctuates, I would assume with my water softener cycle. I will not do another water change for my tank for a couple more days to see if the driftwood will lower it anymore. My fish are still eating well and look healthy. Thanks caj1968
  11. caj1968

    caj1968 New Member

    Ok, strike the water softener question. I just tested the water throught the outside faucet and the PH was 7.4, KH 300, GH 300. I'm baffled :? The only thing I know to do is let my water sit overnight in my five gal. buckets and forget about having a soft water ecosystem in my tank. Or buy my water. Very depressing :cry:
    Thanks for your input and interest, caj1968

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