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The cat with the over grown dewclaw!!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by puttin510, Jul 6, 2004.

  1. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I had posted about this here wondering what I should do if anything. I had told the owner about the shape her cats claw was in and she said she would get it fixed. With her going thru her marital problems and a sick child it slipped her mind. Soooo, I took it unpon myself to befriend this kitty (tripod) so she would trust me hold her. I was petting her loving the little kitty. she was totaly enjoying it. So I have her in a trusting way now. I go and don my thick swet shirt (after getting scratched by that other cat) and some leather gloves. I get ahold of her and with my big human nail clippers start to clip the nail half way down, making sure no vien was in the way. It was scarey. By then littl tripod was head against me looking me staright in the eye. Me thinking she wants to claw them out. Holding firmly onto her front legs. I clip again and get thru. It was very brittle. I then after a few squirms and attempts to claw and bite(gloves work great)LOL I wiggle the piece a bit a moves a tad. I then am able to remove it. No bleeding but a very red hole. I mad emy hubby run and get peroxide and cotton balls. (I know about the whys of not using peroxide) but needed something fast. It was fine. I pet her awhile then put her down. I check again half hour later she's still therre and not running from me so she's not hating me for doing that. I look again at the top portion of nail. My ggodness I never knew nails grew in layers like that. I was able to pull off the surrounding big chuck and down under was a perfecrt nail. Cats have amazing claws. I never knew they were like that. Anyway. The kitty is doing well and I showed the owner the nail I dislodged from its foot. I'm happy I did it. :eek:
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    :eek: Good for you! Now maybe the owner will start taking care of her own cat after seeing the chunk of nail you clipped off. The poor kitty must have been very uncomfortable.
  3. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Wow, that's awesome! Thank you for caring enough to help this kitty in need, she will definitely enjoy being free of that pain. :)

    How people can ignore/neglect it when their cats (or dogs, or children) have something wrong like that is beyond me.
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Thanks, My neighbor cares alot about the kitty but is going thru some bad things right now. Becasue of the father of her daughter. She really doesn't know if she's coming or going. But I know she cares. This little cat has a special spot in my heart. she ha the trippiest light hazel alien eyes that I've ever seen. I'm just really glad I decided to jump in and do it. I'm so glad that tripod does not run from me. :eek:
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    How wonderful you are to be able to help Tripod. She needed a friend and a little help and you provided both. I hope things work out for Tripod's family. It's very sad. I loved hearing your descriptions of the nail cutting event. It's very entertaining and I felt like I was right there. LOL's.
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Well I'm glad I was able to entertain at the same time. I also noticed my spelling was not so hot. In my head its spelt right buy sometimes does not come out right on the screen. sorry. Thats sort of embarrasing. All is well though.
  7. footsie

    footsie New Member

    Wow, I'm so impressed!

    I can't even clip my own cat's nails, let alone a neglected cat's.

    Speaking of... I took footsie in to petsmart again this weekend for his nails. Now my sofa will be safe for a few weeks.
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    That was really kind of you puttin! I bet the cat is feeling much better which that overgrown claw trimmed. :eek:
  9. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    It was really odd, she did not seem too bothered by it. I felt good yesterday when I saw her clawing away at the fence. I never really saw her do that before. The dirty deed is done. Thanks Nern :y_the_best:

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