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The Life of Bobo (among others)

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by bellack1, Jun 27, 2004.

  1. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member


    well Bobo ate like13ml's on his own. At least it's better than nothing. :|

    I hope he'll eat more later.

    Good news!!!
    His left eye is almost all the way open!! Just a little way more to go! I hope they're all the way open tomorrow and they don't open while I'm at my dentist appointment (11am) I guess Di will feed Bobo at 12pm. I called the vet today and they aren't open today but will be tomorrow. When Bobo pooped earlier I put it in a tupperwear dish and put it in the fridge :x ewwww. Di wasn't too thrilled about that. She said she hopes no one eats it. I don't think that's possible.

    Well......... talk to you soon!!

    Oh and Auspet is pretty slow today. I think that's whats keeping people from replying fast.
  2. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    This just in!!!!!!

    Bobo is now 9.0 ounces!!!
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Wow, sounds like Bobo has lots of milestones going- gaining weight, feeding more and lasting longer in between meals+ eye opening. This is so exciting. Sounds like he might be ready for a touch of solids soon. Great job Bellack, you're a terrific mom!
  4. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    lol...that is totally funny bellack1. you have the greatest sense of humor!!!made me laugh...you are just the best. i think your little kitty is going to have a great personality too...will just reflect his owner's!!! :wink:
  5. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Bobo opened his left eye totally!

    His right is half openbut I think it should be open by tomorrow. He has a huge pupil!! Beautiful blue! When I finish the camera I have I'll show you. (11 pics left) I wanted to be sure to save them for when he opens his eyes. He's awesome.

    Just had to tell you!! :eek:
  6. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Since I have a dentist appointment I fed Bobo about 1/2 hour early. He would only eat 10ml. I htink he just is still ful fromt his morning.

    I called the vet and made an appointment for today at 2:40pm for Pooky. I don't know if I can make it but it looks good. My dentist app. is at 12 and Di is getting her hair done so we might/might not. Hope we do. I'm also bringing in a stool sample from Bobo.

    Catch up laterz
  7. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    pretty soon he will be able to see the beautiful meowmy that has loved and cared for him all this time. you know he has your scent...you really are his meowmy...imprinted on him... :y_the_best:
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    That is wonderful! :eek:
  9. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Well I went to the dentist and have 1 new cavity, one that fell out, and 2 baby teeth that dont have adult teeth under them. I'm going to need braces. :cry: Oh well. P.s. xrays suck! they hurt and make your mouth bleed when you have to bite down on that huge thing!

    After the dentist I walked over to where Di was getting her hair done and waited a hour. We weren't going to make 2:40 so I called and said we'd be there by 3. (we got there at 3:15) We went and picked up Bobo's stool sample and then picked up Pooky. Everyone said what a sweet dog she was. I saw some cats and a kitten in cages for adoption and wanted to take them home with me!! But I couldn't. Maybe I'll think about it. Bobo is going to need a compagnion kitty. Well Bobo's stool tested negative and Pookey was in good health. Her nails were really long cuz she would never let me cut them so the vet did it after she gave her 2 shots. Then I told the vet about my kitty and how I was going to bring him in in a couple weeks. She can't wait to see him. Then I asked if they had volenteers (cuz I wanted to stay with all those animals) and she said no b/c of the liability but they were taking applications so I filled one out!!! I really hope they call me back. I think helping animals is my true calling! I might do part time with Target or something. I dunno. Maybe they'll call cuz they know about me and Bobo.

    When I got home I looked into Bobo's beautiful eyes and fed him a whole 25ml! He's doing good. I'm so glad I never considered putting him down. When I become a vet or something like it I will never put any animal down unless it is in pain and deathly sick.

    Got another dentist appointment right after work. I should get home around 4.

    Wish me luck
  10. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    let me know if you need a reference bellack1...for the vet application... :y_the_best:
  11. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    awww.. thanks but I filled out the application there. I did have 1 space left for a reference too! :| Oh well...I would have put you. I hope they call me back. I think I would really enjoy working with those animals. Being there just makes me want to go back! It'd be awesome if they called me back. They know about the kitty eventhough I didn't put it on the sheet so hopefully that will help me :mrgreen:
  12. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Today has started off really bad. Bobo has given me a huge scare. I htought he was dying. He still could be but it doesn't seem like it. Let me tell you what happened.

    So I wake up at 6am to feed him. He pooped all over himself so I wash his little butt off and try to feed him. Then he wouldn't even lift up his head or suckle. He kept twitching and comming in and out of awakeness- I can't describe it. He wouldn't lift his head. I started crying cuz I thought he was dying. I didn't know what was wrong. Then I called the exmergency 24 hour vet and I started to tell them but couldnt even talk cuz I was crying so I gave the phone to Di. They told her to give him Karo and to call my vet. Well my vet wasn't open yet so I paged the vet. They never called back. So I just held him over my heart and prayed and told him how much I loved him and to be strong. He kept waking up and jerking a lot. Then all of a sudden at 8 he started crawling- he seemed to weak to do that at 6am. Then I fed him a little more (10ml total) and held him. He seemed very confused. He was kinda reserved and scared. He still isn't totally normal but I think he's getting there. Di said it seemed as if he had a brain storm or something like people have epilepsy and sezuires. I really hope he pulls through. I put him in his basket with the heating pad on to let him settle down and relax. I have work at 10 then a detist app. right after so Di will be watching over him. Please pray for us. He was fine at 12am this morning and all of a sudden at 6 he was a wreck. I've decided I'm adopting another kitty to be his compagnion tot each him things like cleaning and so he won't be lonely. I don't know what age yet. There was a kitten at the vet but I don't know if they get more people adopting little ones then older ones. We'll see. Please pray for us. Thanks for all your support. When I get home around 4 or so I'll post to update. Thanks!
  13. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    oh dear bellack...sounds like that person who posted about their kitty shaking like that...seizure-like. i dont know about little kittens...whether it is normal in the growth stage. i sure hope he is okay. let us know.
  14. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    this is not cat related...but everyone on this forum has been so special to me. it is national friendship week. so i thought i would share this...

    Someone once said: What goes around comes around.
    > >
    > > Work like you don't need the money.
    > >
    > > Love like you've never been hurt.
    > >
    > > Dance like nobody's watching.
    > >
    > > Sing like nobody's listening.
    > >
    > > Live like it's Heaven on Earth.
    > >
    > > It's National Friendship Week.

    thank you everyone for being there for me, and just caring about our special friends...our kitties... :y_the_best:
  15. vene

    vene New Member

    I hope Bobo doesn't have neurological problems. Maybe he's in a growth phaze or maybe he's like my baby. Sometimes he wakes up crying and screaming and half asleep, not the twitching though, but kicking and arms flinging. Nothing I do calms him, not feeding, singing, walking, anything. I have to wait until he totally wakes up and is alert. Then he just smiles. I'm praying lots for Bobo. Keep us posted on the vet visit should Bobo need it.

    Lynn, thank you for your kind thoughts, you're a good friend!
  16. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

  17. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Well I keep biting my tounge from the numbness.

    Bobo seems to be back to normal. His eyes are wide open and he's meowing. It's the weirdest thing. God must have heard me praying or something. I hope this doesn't happen again unless he has something wrong with him.

    My first day was tiring but its okay. I only got 5 hours of sleep last night and tomorrow I go for 8 1/2 hours straight on the cash register. I get 2 15min breaks and a lunch but its hard to stand the whole time. I hope the animal hospital calls. Oh well. I have decided I'm adopting a friend for Bobo. Should it be a kitten or older or does it matter? I don't think I'll be gettin it until Bobo can walk and I take him to the vet. I really hope he is ok. He ate 10ml on his own with Di and 20ml on his own at 6 with me. I hope I have seen the last of his scarey behavior. I dont want to be that scared again.

    Does anyone know what it sounds like he has?
  18. nern

    nern New Member

    I don't know but I hope he is okay.

    I think it would be better to adopt a young kitten when Bobo is old enough. I'm sure a sweet, gentle adult cat would be fine too though.

    Lynnhaz: That was really nice. Thanks. :D
  19. vene

    vene New Member

    When "our" Bobo is a little older, maybe you can take him to a shelter or where you can adopt cats and see who he gets along with. Like Nern said, an adult cat may be just fine too. I wish I would've done this with Pumpkin. She hated Venus but accepts Rene. Go figure. By the way, I have 2 harnesses with leash if you want them.
    I saw 3 beautiful cats for adoption at Petsmart today. Momma cat was a part Bengal and she had 2 babies, one is a snow leopard and the other a tortoise shell. Lynn would approve with Max and Rene being Bengals and all. It's too bad my hubby won't let me take them in. It wouldn't be fair to our 4 kitties he said. We'll take them if they look like Venus, and of course they don't look anything like her.
  20. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    ooohhhhh.....vene!!!!! kitties! kitties! more bengal kitties! that would be hard to pass up. i might get max a friend. i think he would pretty much accept any cat...he seems to be that way. he loves to go to the vet and see the kitties in the waiting room :p

    so...vene...looks like your computer is fixed maybe????

    and i agree with "our little bobo". hope you dont mind bellack1 one that we have all adopted him too :wink:

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