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Would you be able to give your cat CPR if he/she needed it?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lunaguy, Jul 6, 2004.

  1. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    The answer for me was a big no until I started reading about it on the web, and I thought that it might be a good idea to share a link or two about it with you. One of these days, your cat's life just may depend on it!




    I'm trying to find a site that has some good illustrations for cat CPR, but so far I haven't found anything. If anyone knows of one, please post it here.

    Thanks for reading!
  2. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Wow, it turns out that they sell CPR cat mannequins which can be used to teach people how to perform CPR on a cat! Similar to "Resusci-Annie," the human CPR mannequin, I guess. Pretty cool! I wish schools and other places that teach CPR would include cats and dogs as well, since most of us have either a cat or a dog in our lives.


  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Thank you for the wonderful info on how to perform CPR on cats and dogs. Those 2 cat dummies look so darn funny. Do they have a standard name yet or are we just going to call them here dummy cat, here dummy kitty? I used to take CPR classes for work and everytime we worked on Annie, the song with lyrics "Annie are you Ok, are you ok Annie" would pop in my head. I could never keep a straight face. It was worse with the male mannequin/dummy. I believe we called him Fred.
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    yea I always thought anne looked funny, but those cats I think almost look scary!
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    I agree, their eyes are popping out and they have very full lips.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I took a pet first aid course this year and highly recommend it to all pet people....so in answer to the question yup I believe I could give my cat(s) CPR if I had too
  7. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    :( That link is not working for me.
  8. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I tried again and the link works now. Interesting to know. I was watching a pet show on the weekend that had a segment on giving a cat the Heimlich maneuver. Good to know, but hope to never have to use it!
  9. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    that is weird halaroo that you mention the heimlich...just yesterday, i was thinking about max, who likes to eat everything he can get his mouth on...if i would know what to do if he got something lodged in there...i mean...i can really see how that could happen....

    for example, this morning he got up on the counter...i had a head of garlic up there...half gone...and he decides he wants to use that as a play toy. i found the outer leaves of the head on the counter. that totally freaked me out because garlic is poisonous. but if he got those cloves stuck in his throat...or paper...or whatever.

    so...everytime i think i have kitty proofed...he comes up with something else :shock:
  10. nern

    nern New Member

    Thanks for sharing the link! It may come in very useful someday.
  11. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    I know this is an old thread, but I was just doing some research on the heimlich maneuver for cats, and came across these articles that explain how to do it:


    The reason I was searching for info on this is because I started giving Luna Petrodex Dental Treats, and they are unusually large as far as cat treats go. If for some reason she tried to swallow it whole without chewing it, I'm afraid she could choke.

  12. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I took a pet first aid course through the shelter a couple of years ago - highly recommend it
  13. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Thats a great idea Mary, I wish more people would do it. I did a small seminar on basic first aid for a dog training group a few years ago and I was surprized at the amount of people (really into their dogs) had never even thought about what they might be able to do between the time of injury or sudden severe medical problem and getting their pet to a hospital.
    Things like the best ways to handle a pet after being hit by a car...without getting yuorself bitten or causing more severe injury.
    What you need to know and do if you suspect your pet has got into rat poison.
    The best way to handle a seizure.
    What you can do if your pet drowns (my daughter at 14 years old rescued our Whippet after she fell into the pool, Id taught her some basic CPR, she phoned me at work and said that Bonnie was not breathing and was blue, she panicked initially but I got her to calm down and she did what Id taught her....and then I heard Bonnie coughing.....what a sweet sound :D )

    If there arent any classes near where you live I think that everyone should at least have a book with the basics in. You could save your pets life one day.

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