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Sooo, how was everyones 4th??

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Jul 7, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    SO how was everyone's 4th? Mine was ok. Got done with all the chores.
    marinated the bbq, and went to my grand parents, and spent the whole evening bawling my eyes out.

    The guy that had Red, called. His son in law actually called. Said the fatherinlaw wanted the dog, yada yada yada, after begging and pleading and offering money, a puppy anything for me to keep him, he reluctantly kept him. The A$$HOLE didn't even thank us!! The sonin law was like, "he's a jerk, but if you ever see the dog on the road again, take him home and don't report him missing."

    That great of a dog doesn't belong with such an idiotic moron! I got up Sunday moring and called and called....no Red.... Then I figured out, he isn't here anymore....SO I continued with my chores.....No puppies to take care of, nothing torn up from Rattigan or Ralph.....
    SO I went to the barns and cleaned stalls, Cleaned the house, and finally noon rolled around and it was time to go to my Grandparents.

    We BBQed and watched Jackpot races and a movie. My fatherin law (to be) gave Granvel and I about $200 worth of fireworks. (We always get cool stuff free) Oneof the great perks of having a family member (to be) running all the firework stands in the county and all surrounding!! he he he!!!

    SO That perked me up a bit.

    Got home, slept until noon yesterday. Whew! I was ticked when I got up. Granvel said the alarm went off and I didn't even stir. He let me sleep, said I really needed it. But I was mad, I have things to do. But he did them for me!!!! So we spent the better part of yesterday in HOuston, getting new glasses for him, and went out to eat at a chineese place.... had a relitvely good day. Until I got home, and No Red greeting me at the door.....
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Sam,Sorry about Red.
    My day was pretty good we were out on the lake most of the day in between thunderstorms. We had a cookout with friends and watched fireworks on the lake that night. It was a nice relaxing day but very hot and muggy. Pinky and Punkin almost drowned each other in the lake. My husband threw a ball in and they both went for it Punkin got mad at Pinky because she got it first so she started a scuffle in 10 foot of water! Crazy Dogs! My husband had to go in after them so that part was quite entertaining!
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Our 4th was okay. Pretty much spent the day doing chores around the house. We took the kids to see fireworks, but didn't bring the dogs. I wish we had. I think they would have been okay. I really wish my husband considered them part of the family as I do.

    I'm so sorry to hear about Red. Maybe you can hatch a conspiracy with the son-in-law to smuggle Red back out? Does it ever feel like you are being punished for doing the right thing??

    If Red ever comes back to you, it was meant to be and you should keep him (quietly). He came to you in good shape so I suppose there's no way to accuse his owner of abuse or neglect and get Red taken away.

  4. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Regarding my 4th- See my post!!!! But, about Red, I am so truly sorry. I hate when it seems like the bad guys win. That just does not seem right. I agree with Jamiya- If Red comes back. KEEP HIM and tell no one! Or you could have Jamiya and I dress all in black and drop into his house hanging by wires and pull a mission impossible and steal him back. (Like how I volunteered you Jamiya!)
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LMAO! You just want to see me in a leg cast bigger than your son's... :wink:

  6. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Maybe I just want to see you hang from a wire like Tom Cruise. I NEED cheering up!!!!
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'd rather see Tom Cruise hang from a wire. Or do anything else, for that matter. 8)

  8. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

  9. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Arrived back from Las Vegas. Worried about my dogs in the Doggie dude Ranch the whole time

    Went to pick them up right away after arriving. They were so excited that we came back to get them they were going spastic. Grace peed all over the floor. They act like they haven't slept or ate the whole time. They came home and crashed on their cedar beds and haven't moved. I'm feeling really guilty about having left them.

    My cats didn't seem too traumatised and they didn't eat the gold fish which I'm really grateful.

    Sam, sorry to hear about Red. He's a really neat looking dog. The owners must be nut cases.

    Gina, love your story about the dog squabble in the lake over the ball and you Hubby having to referee. I swear, dogs can be just like kids.

    Glad to be back. Now, I better go and do some major kissin up to the dogs and cats.
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    BBQ'ed had some drinks watched from our porch all the fireworks. My sister ended up coming by with her kids. She is such a riot, I have not laughed that hard forever.
  11. Rene

    Rene New Member

    I pretty much did chores most of the day (cleaned my carpets :shock: ) when i first went and got the carpet shampooer i brought it home filled it up and was ready to go the stupid thing didnt work i had to empty it take it back get another one and start over :x the second one worked but only for like an hour then i had to let it rest for 2 hours i was so upset something that should have taken maybe 4 hours turned into 2 days. But the fireworks in my neighbor hood were nice the dogs didnt mind they liked all the attention they were getting from the neighbors.

    It was over all ok except the stupid carpet cleaner.

  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    loves-da-pits, my dogs crash for a day or two after being boarded as well. I always attribute it to being tired from all the fun playing and attention they got.

  13. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    well thats great!

    I miss Red terribly. Smoke and Char sure do like all the extra attention their getting though!

    A freind of mine is going to build Char a new whelping box with a hinged roof so I dont' have to crawl through a hole to get to them. (She likes a nice quiet place thats "hidden" to have her pups) SO He's going to build it and I'm going to put it in the living room. Kinda neat having a little house inside the house! he hehe..

    OH she knows she pregnant, so she's putting on the "oh poor pittiful me" act! Sh'e a riot.

    I've been driving by the place where Red is every day hoping I see him in the pasture or by the road again.....haven't seen him yet.

    As for the 4th, I wish we would have taken the dogs. Smokey likes to chase the bottle rockets when their in the air....silly boy. He never catches them, but he sure likes to chase them like their birds!!! Char just likes to watch and howl when they go boom.
    WE didn't think it would be a good idea since she's pregnant. I thought the stress if she got scared could be dangerous.

    Jamiya. Yeah, I always feel as if I'm being punished. Just when you get attached to soemthing, their gone......
  14. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Sams- Except for us. You always have everyone on this board who loves and supports you. I know we aren't a big red dog, but we would lay in puddle for ya! :D
  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I can just see it now. One day, Sams will be driving by Red's place and he will be outside playing. She opens the door of the truck, yells, "Here boy!" shuts the door behind him and speeds off!

  16. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    :lol: ala Dukes of Hazard!!!!
  17. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

  18. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    YEah. I'm still thinking of yall dressing up in black for me....he he he..I'll get the blueprints and layout of the land for ya!!!

    I've seriously thought about parking at the road, going up there in the dark and stealing him!!! I doubt they would knotice. Hell it took them a whole week to figure it out this time!!!
  19. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    "Your mission, should you choose to accept..." STEAL THAT RED DOG!
  20. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I carry an extra harness and pet carrier in the truck at all times. I also have a bag of doggie bones and a muzzle....But just in case I do she him, I'm keeping a sheet in the truck so he can ride up front with Mommy!!! And a bag of his favorite cookies!

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