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Our 4th of July-A Tale of Woe!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Sarge'smom, Jul 7, 2004.

  1. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    HOLY COW! I had the 4th of July from HELL! First of all, my little sister's wedding is this coming Saturday (409 RSVP's to date!!!) and I am the matron of honor.

    TRAUMA ONE: We kept Sarge as far from the fireworks as we could and he seemed to do great. Until he decided to try and eat the whole platter of hot dogs we were grilling for the kids. As I raced across the back yard, bellowing like a mad women, Sarge tore away from his illegal booty (extra hot dog hanging from his lips) and caught my toe nail with his toe nail and ripped off half of my big toe nail, and, yes, we are wearing open toe shoes in the wedding (naturally!).
    TRAUMA TWO: While using a manual can opener to open a can of Pina Coloda mix, (important to note that no Pina Colodas had been consumed at this point), I went to pull the can lid free and sliced my finger 2 inches long and about an inch deep (5 stitches). Pina Coloda mixing then resumed as I need one more than ever at that point.
    TRAUMA THREE: My youngest son, Alex (17 mo.) had his foot on top of a large bouncy ball, with all of his weight leaning on it, the ball flew out, Alex went down, landing on his leg WRONG. Alex is now the proud owner of a leg cast from hip to toe and I am now the proud owner of the world's grouchiest toddler.

    WOW! This wedding should be interesting. Interestingly though, is Sarge's reaction to Alex's cast. He seems really "worried". He wants to lay right by Alex and he keeps looking at the cast and if Alex cries he gets really agitated and tries to lick and soothe him (which, of course does not)

    Sarge always has to be on the boys when they all lay on the couch. If we say to him "Where are your boys Sarge?" He will run around like crazy till he finds them and attacks them with LOVE!

    Hope the rest of you had a better and more injury free 4th! I am actually glad to be back at work! :?
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Oh my gosh! I think you get the prize. My sister was the former prize holder for "Worst Mother's Day Ever" when her son was taunted one too many times by his cousin and proceeded to pound him into the ground, when the cousin's mother jumps up and starts screaming obscenities at my sister's son. It went downhill from there. (The ironic part being my sister's kids are WAY better behaved than their cousins. Their mother is a psycho and the kids are well on their way to being serial killers.)

    I hope you son feels better soon - how long does he have to wear the cast? Can he walk with it on?? And I hope your finger feels better, too! I think you, Alex, and Sarge need to go lie in a puddle in Sams' driveway.

  3. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Jamiya- I have my plane tickets as we speak! I forgot to mention that Nick also was wrestling with Sarge and received a LARGE scratch down one WHOLE side of his face. should look good in the photos!
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    At least you are done with your quota. You should be injury-free for a year now! *knock on wood*

  5. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Oh my gosh you poor thing! IM so sorry! What a horrible 4th I hope everyone heals well. :(
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    WOW...at least the dog didn't get hurt :wink:

    it comes in threes doesn't it....I heartwell wish for everyone to heal quickly and no more incidents
  7. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Mary NH- Yes, and that was close for him, the little hot dog theif!
  8. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Ouch I fell for you. man them can cuts hurt. Hows the little one? We just set around and rested Thank Goodness.. Been having some good storms here though daughters eletricity has been out since yesurday and another storm moving our way.
  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    wow, that does take the prize, hope you are doing better and Sarge from all of those hot dogs.

    Jake ate my dinner Sat night, just took my eyes off my bbq chicken for a second, lucikly ist was jus hubby and me

  10. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Sargesmom: That's horrible. I had a pretty good Canada Day. I am isck now though and have been bed riddin for the past 4 days. Its a good thing I'm unemployed!! hehe

    Hope you feel better. Is the wedding outside? If it is just stand in the longer grassy parts. good luck!!
  11. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Am I the only one that can't help but laugh. I know its all aweful but when you explained it I just had to laugh. I have this vision of you in the wedding. Bandages, casts good lord. Come on when its all said and done you have to laugh. It will be ok.
  12. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    wow I'm so sorry. At least you'll rememeber it!!

    The hot dog incident reminds me of when we had a barbaque for my brother's bday/graduation and Pooky got into the pile of hot dogs. The funny thing was was that no1 noticed she stole one until she threw it up whole!!!! She inhales her food- bad
  13. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    puttin510- Oh, I am laughing, NOW! :lol: Trust me, humor is all that kept me from running away from home this weekend! My sister asked if I would be offended if she kept away from me the rest of this week as she does not want want my "karma" to rub off! (she was kidding.... I think... :shock: )
  14. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OH I'm sooo sorry! Don't come lay in my puddle!!! With your luck, you might drown and then I'd have a mess on my hands!!! he he he....

    Poor thing. Give that little one a slobbery kiss for me, (your son, not the dog.)

    As for BBQ desasters....
    A couple of years ago. I was at my parents, I had the potato salad ready to mix and had just finished icing the cake. PUt Saran wrap over it an layed it aside on the table so I could proceed with the tater salad mixing, FInished, put it in the fridge, and what do ya know. Fleabag ( my mothers obese cat) is laying on top of the cake!!! Totally smooshed all the letters together, and it had a big Donut shape to it!!! Oh I freeked out.

    So I whiped out all the ingrediants to make another batch of icing (homemade is the only way to go!) I made a HUGE bowl of icing, and filled the entire hole up with it. NOw need I point out this is a 13X9" pan, and the cat is 30 lbs....BIG HOLE My head could fit in it!

    So I filled up the hole, re wrote her name....Happy B day the whole shabang....

    THen came time to cut the cake.....you can only imagine....1" of cake 6" of icing!!!
  15. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    :lol: Sams- I see a whole sitcom designed around you and the animals you encounter!!! The great thing is that Sam's Intentions would be a great name for a show!
  16. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    YES! Let's all get together and make a show! We can pitch it to the networks. Sams Intentions is the name, Sarge'smom and Dukesdad can be the writers.....LOL. I never noticed that before - mom and dad. Hehe!!

  17. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    So, wait. I just noticed the other thread where Sams confesses she is just a baby. Do you mean to tell me you were about 18 when you were preparing a cake with homemade frosting and potato salad? Can I send my kids to you for the summer?! Or maybe to your mom. She obviously did something right. :wink:

  18. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    MOM & DAD! :lol: We could have the first show start with the puddle babies! Great way to introduce Sams! And the turtle convoy and stealing the Red Dawg back! I am laughing just thinking about it! I wish I had contacts to pitch this to! I see a I Love Lucy scenario!
  19. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Is someone writing this down?!

    My sister and I wanted to write a book about life with toddlers, when our kids were smaller. We had excellent stories to tell. I even had the beginning of one of the chapters written in my head, about holiday traditions. It was prompted by the time we made Christmas cut-out cookies for the first time with the kids, and our daughter ended up with a mountain of flour on her dough when we weren't looking. But I never wrote it down and now I can't remember it!

    There was going to be another chapter on how I can never seem to make simple phone calls until it is too late, and all the ramifications. It would be called something like "But I Couldn't Call..." and it would tell about the plane ticket prices going up and all sorts of mishaps caused by not being able to pick up the phone.

    We should all collaborate on a book or something. We could donate the profits to shelters, of course.

  20. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I've been cooking, riding, cleaning, and everything since I was probably 8 years old..... I love to cook.

    Oh lordy.. Sams Intentions.... I could see the ratings now!!!!

    Staring Jamiya the wonder trainer, and GinaH the warrior godess!!!!

    Could have a little star treak influence, possibly some sienfeld blips.....

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