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feeling like a dog snob

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by someday, Jul 9, 2004.

  1. someday

    someday New Member

    I think i'm beginning to be predjudiced against people who don't like dogs, in my home anyways. I was just in the bathroom taking a shower and had Annie locked in the bathroom with me, so she wouldn't eat the couch while i wasn't looking since no one else was home. Well, I heard my roommate come in with some one and I heard her go in my room and start talking about my sugar gliders. So, I get out of the bathroom and let Annie go, and walk into my room, and of course Annie comes tearing in as fast as she can with me. Well, there's my roommate and this girl peering into my sugar glider cage, and the girl starts shrieking as Annie rushs up to her, "GET AWAY GET AWAY! I DON"T LIKE DOGS!" and starts rushing towards the door. Well of course Annie follows her tail a' wagging thrilled with this new yelling game of chase. So I just grabbed her by the collar and told her to stay.. and she did, until I left the room and out she came again, another chase scene, then I finally just hold her until the girl leaves. It really pissed me off, to come in MY room without asking and telling my dog to go away in her own room? I think not. People who don't like my dog simply aren't welcome in my home. She's part of the family but I was kinda suprised tonight at how offended I was that someone treated her that way. Sorry for the long boring story.Just had to vent.
  2. StormyWinter

    StormyWinter New Member

    My theory is: It's my house they are my pets if you don't like it you are more than welcome to NOT come back. I always tell people that!!
  3. Kathy74

    Kathy74 New Member

    My sister, actually, doesn't come over anymore,. for that exact reason!! We visit with her at my parents house only! Her kids were afraid of our older dog, and my sister (and her 6 yr old son) both informed me that "that dog" couldn't be out when they were over. I happen to love "that dog" like she's my child, and "that dog" will not be kept in her room all day just because they want to come over. She would be crying all day, it would be torture for our whole household. On the other hand, we had a friend who was over with his girlfriend, and after a while she casually said to me " I think dogs know I'm not fond of them. They follow me around cuz I don't like them sniffing my butt!" I respected the fact that she was not snotty about it, and called the girls away when they were taking an interest in her. I don't want them to be making someone uncomfortable in my home, but I will not be told by a guest that my girls WILL be locked up the entire time they are over!! I don't think your a dog snob at all...just protective of your baby, as it should be!

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