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Unbelievable! :0(

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by GinaH, Jul 6, 2004.

  1. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I am so ANGRY!! My neighbors bird dog killed my cat Freddie this morning right on my back porch. Both neighbors on both sides allow their dogs to roam free. Which makes me so mad! We live on nearly 13 acres of land on a private drive and we keep our dogs contained not only for their safety but out of common courtesy for our neighbors. But yet our efforts seem pointless! When I went over to my neighbors house to let him know what his dog had done he just simply said "Ah that's to bad." To bad? His darn dog comes onto my property onto my back porch and just snatches my cat from my porch right before my kids eyes and he says "To bad." IM furious I totally flew off the handle with him! I told him the next time his dog was seen on my property I would call animal control or else have my husband deal with it. He told me "Oh that dog aint gonna hurt nobody besides it was just a cat." I told him well that cat happened to be my children's pet and they had to witness it being mauled to death! He says to me "Well I will whip that Damn dog good when he gets home!" then he says "Sorry about your cat my boys cat is pregnant your kids can have one of them for free when she has them." OMG!! As if that was the point? My husband is furious to because this same neighbor came over when we moved in and told us this sob story about how swampy his pastures had become and he really didn't know where he was gonna keep his horses. So my husband offered to let him use 2 acres of our pasture to house his horses free of charge so long as he kept the upkeep. Which he half a** does. My husband is over there at least once a month cutting away brush and repairing the barb. IM to my wits end worrying over other peoples animals! You guys know what a sucker I am for animals but I wanted to kill that dog this morning! I screamed at him and chased into the shed and he still would not drop the cat! When I finally got a hold on him he snapped at me. So I grabbed a cattle prod that was hanging on the wall and I shocked the crap out of him (I mean literally shocked the crap out of him) just to get him to drop the cat. He finally dropped him and took off running yelping the whole way. But it was to late he had already killed Freddie. Sorry I know IM ranting IM just so very mad! And now my kids are traumatized and scared to death the dog is going to come back into our yard and kill their other cats. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    OH NO!! Gina, I'm so sorry!!! How horrible for everyone involved! I don't know what to say. I feel so badly for you, your cat, your kids, and even that poor dog. It's not his fault his owner is a moron and never trained him, but of course I would have done the same in your situation.

    If you call animal control, will they do anything? Will they just take the dog and have him put down for killing a cat? Or do they not care about "just a cat"? Would the poor dog be better off, if the idiot is going to abuse him when he gets home?

    I hate irresponsible people. It seems the innocent are the ones who have to pay for their idiocy.

  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    How horrifying. I just don't know what to say. This guy needs to be taught a lesson in the least. Report him.
  4. oso

    oso New Member

    gina thats horrible! im so sorry about freddie, and poor kids to have witnessed that. what a jerk!his poor dog too, to be a nuisance cause his owner didn't teach him any better, did he really think by telling you that he would whip him when she got back would make it all better. :x
  5. Jules

    Jules New Member

    That is outrageous!!!! What else can I say??? This guy doesn't deserve to own ANY animals!!
  6. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Ok I ´have to tell you at first glance I thought that it said the bird killed your cat and I was picturing your neighbor housing vultures or some big huge bird and it swooping down to tak your cat, but I reread it and got it right
    Anyway that is horrible I would be so angry and upset. This guy sounds like total stupid redneck guy. Probably the reason his fields are swampy are because he didn't take care of them to begin with. I would tell him he couldn'T use the fieldanymore, he isn't doing a job to meet your standards, because you are doing him a favor by letting him use it. Also if one of their dogs come in your yard again, i would catch it and train it to be a better dog, and not give it back to the man, find it a new home. Do his animals have collars? or tags? if he says anything just say well your dog killed my cat, I didn'T get to choose which cat your dog killed. Or ask him if it is ok if you kill their dog viciously in front of his children (but don'T really do that that would be horrible, but just scare them)
    But I hope your kids bounce back to normal and don'T stay upset. How old are they?
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    How are the kids today, Gina?

  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OH Gina! I'm soo sorry. Iknow how hard that can be. After you calm downa bit. I would definately take your kids over there and have him appoligize to them.

    I hate idiots like that. And for something that awful to happen infront of your kids.....
    I'm shocked that he didn't even give a darn about them!
  9. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    They are doing OK the first thing the two oldest did this morning was run to the barn to check on all the cats and the momma and her babies.
    My youngest Zander he's 3 kept asking before bed last night "Momma did Freddie die?" and "Momma is Freddie in heaven with Izzy?" It's been a rough couple of weeks for them they have had to endure the death of two pets so we have done a lot of talking about heaven.
    Thanks for asking Jamiya.
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    That is just so heartbreaking.
  11. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Gina, I would call the animal people, I don't know about there but here a dog can't just run free on your property and here they will let the owner know. So sorry about your cat. the man sounds like a very dumb man to me. He knows children love their pets.
  12. nern

    nern New Member

    Gina, that is horrible. I am so sorry. :cry:
  13. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

    First let me say I am sorry about your kitty! :(

    Second... where I live it is legal to shoot an animal that is threating you, your family or your livestock. That dog... and the owner is so very lucky it wasn't my cat. One would be in jail and the other would be dead. Sorry it this sounds ruthless. But some of us "rednecks" don't mess around when it comes to family members being murdered on the porch!
  14. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Gina: Sorry to hear about your cat. It is absurd how stupid some ppl are!! Ugh! What a dumb ass response, "you can have one of my kittens when they're born".
    Ya, okay, so that the f-ing dog can kill that one too?!
  15. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Thanks guys for all your replies. Take a look at the new baby. Since Freddie and Molly were our only indoor cats and well since Freddie is gone I let the boys make one of the barn kittens an indoor cat. Her name is Marigold. She's such a cutie! My 10 year old cat Molly was not overly thrilled at first about her especially when she tried to steal her favorite spot in the house!
    The Beginning
    The End
  16. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Awwwww! Great pictures, Gina! Kittens have to be one of the cutest things on this earth. Sometimes I wish they would stay so small and fuzzy!

  17. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    poor freddie, but oh marigold is a cutey!

  18. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Oh Gina, my heart goe's out to you and your family after a pretty bad 'few week's' you have had. As for the stupid dog owner, 'god help him', if that was my pet, he would not be standing today.

    That little kitty is just so cute. I wish they would stay small to. :lol:
  19. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Gina, Gina, Gina.... those pics are priceless!!!!!!!!!!

    and the kitty is one lucky cat! :) you're such a sweet zoo keeper, i tell ya!

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