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The Life of Bobo (among others)

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by bellack1, Jun 27, 2004.

  1. vene

    vene New Member

    That would be awesome if Max got a buddy! :eek: I bet the 2 of them would wreak havoc when you're at work but they'll never be lonely. I could barely contain myself from adopting the 3 cats. My hubby would just force me to bring them back. I guess it's not meant to be. :cry:

    No, my computer isn't fixed yet. They still have to debug it. It's costing me a whopping $64. Next time I'm definitely going to purchase anti-virus programs. I never thought it could happen to me (getting bugged) only to my friends and neighbors. I'm using windows "98 now and it's very slow and keeps giving me errors. But I figured out a way to get in Auspet without getting booted. As long as I use the enter key for the first page I'm fine.

    Bellack how did your work day work out? You must be exhausted and Bobo must have missed his meowma!
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    a female kitten Bobo's age would probably be good...I wouldn't take him to the shelter though as he's had just a rough start on life you don't know what is lurking for kitty illnesses in though cages.

    Sounds like Bobo is doing pretty well - I like reading the updates
  3. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    Wow...what an amazing thing to do for your little kitten....it sounds like you are being very responsible and helpful to this little guy!
    Good luck with the job and I loved reading all the posts about how Bobo is doing.

    My kitty Hunter was raised at a vet's office...and then went to a rescue organization (I got him two days after the foster mom got him from the vet) apparently, the vet at the office didn't really want to give Hunter and his brother Jessie up...I think it's great when there are vets out there that love the crittes and haven't become cold and callus...
  4. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Wow Vene that would be really great if I could get those harnesses. I was going to try to buy some but yours would be great.!! :lol:

    I don't at all mind about "our" little Bobo. You guys have helped me so much I think he is adopted by all of you.

    Work was really hard today. You always get tjose people that are all grumpy and don't want to tlk to you at all and you have to keep a smile plastered on your face not to mention standing for 8 1/2 hours. My feet, ankles, knees,back, and neck all ache and I have to do it all over again tomorrow. Di said I will get used to standing. All I know is it hurts!

    I think the kitty I adopt will be from my vet. When I take Bobo to the vet I will let him meet the cats there and see how it goes. It probably will be a female. I don't know. We'll see. It will probably end up being a kitten. I just feel bad if the kittens get adopted out more than adults. If thats the case I'll feel bad if I dont get an adult. They need homes too!
    They always have a lot of kittys up for adoption. They will never put them down b/c of over population. I talked to my vet when she was checking Pooky. They even have their own cat at the vet. SHe roams around the office. Some people think she got out or something but the clerk just has to tell them shes the vet cat. I think she is blind out of her right eye . It looks like it has a layer of skin over it and she had an operation on it. She is the sweetest thing. She comes right up to you and rubs on you.! Shes so friendly :lol:

    Last night Bobo lifted his back legs all the way up for the first time! He is starting to walk now. Still a little wobbly but better than before. He seems almost 3 times as big as when I got him. His eyes are wide open now but He isn't eating as much as he did before but I think he's better. He seems pretty normal. Di thinks his episode was from low blood sugar. About 2 hours after I gave him Karo syrup he got better. I don't know if it was cuz of it or he just got better.
    I just pray it doesn't happen again. It was really scary. I really thought he was dying. SO sad :cry:

    Well I got work again tomorrow. 10- 6:30 again at the register. I never realized how hard it was for the cashiers until this. I really am nicer to them now. It really makes you feel better when someone smiles and is really nice to you.

    Thanks again. Those harnesses sound good vene. I'll up date tomorow. :mrgreen:
  5. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    bellack1...thanks for the reminder to be nice to cashiers...i will now think of you always when i interact with a cashier... :wink:

    i was a cashier once too...osco's when i was 17. :shock:

    my vet has a resident cat too...huge siamese that just slowly wanders around...lays and sleeps alot. i dont think she could possibly move fast enough to get out the door...loves people, but has not interest in cats... (its a cat only vet office)
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    Bellack, I'll mail out the harnesses early next week. I'm sorry you had a rough day at work. I'm sure you'll be used to it soon. As for the soreness, have you tried doing stretching excercises in the morning when you wake up and before you fall asleep? All you need is 5 min. worth and you'll feel a whole lot better. Yoga would be very helpful. Try not to stand in any one position at work or you'll be even stiffer by the end of the week. As for smiling, you must be a very nice person. I'd have a hard time keeping a fixed smile all day. I'd probably only smile at people that may be friendly or I can induce a smile out of them. I bet most people are grumpy because shopping is a chore or they have lots on their minds and is not paying attention around them. They become automated machines. I do that myself sometimes. When I used to work my co-workers asked me if I had a fake smile because I smiled too much. I love friendly cashiers especially if they have something nice to say about my cats or the baby.

    Hooray for Bobo! Open eyes, walking, how wonderful! :eek: Are his eyes blue? I know they'll change color later on.

    You're very welcome for the harness! At least someone is getting good use out of them. Venus and Milo only used them once. They detested them! :?
  7. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Thanks for the harnesses and the tips vene. I'll stretch today. Bobo ate a whole 30ml this morning! Watch he wont be hungry next feeding. Well thats how it goes!

    Yeah a lot of people are grumpy. They get mad cuz the price isn't what tehy thought it was nad then they take it out on me and get fustrated. It's really annoying when your asking someone how they are and they're on a cell phone. Oh well. I have a long day ahead of me. Yeah Bobo's eyes are blue and and he has huge pupils. He can see when someone walks into the room or makes noise. His little ears move. He's so beautiful. :mrgreen:

    Well off to work. :?
  8. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    time for more pictures bellack1. hang in there in your job...hmmm....i think i am one of those bad customers....always on the cell phone.


    max is doing great. i posted his recovery process on "scared..." i am so relieved.

  9. Rosie

    Rosie New Member

    Awww well done for taking on the taskn of that gorgeous little kitten. I can't wait to see some photo's :D I hope things keep going well i will keep my fingers crossed for you. i'm afraid i don't have any advice but wanted to say hello and well done...you go girl!

    Rosie xxx
  10. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    Bellbeck....my vet always has kittens up for adoption as well. I also think that my vet is a kitty lover...she has four at home and 2 dogs. They also have a vet cat...big yellow cat ( I can't remember his name)
    I know the vet that I have is a good one because Hunter likes her. He doesn't like a few of the techs, actualy there is on that he hisses at....and he doesn't hiss at anyone EVER!
    The vet also is very gentle with him, and she talks the techs through what to do with Hunter so he is relaxed.
  11. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    The photos will come soon. I haven't finished the roll I'm on b/c I wanted to get pics of his eyes and him walking. I'll have them I promise!

    Thanks for all you support! This site is so addicting. I check it everyday. It's awesome.

    My vet was really nice too. She talked to Pooky a lot and stuff.

    Work was okay to day. I don't hurt as much as yesterday but my feet hurt. No work tomorrow!!!!!!! :0018:

    Bobo is starting to complain more from his basket. I think he wants to come out all the time.

    Talk to you sooN!
  12. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    youre really cute bellack1...what a personality! it just comes through your posts so clearly :p

    bellack1... i posted a "new topic" about three weeks ago when my computer broke...had to use my computer at my office to read everything...it was a big hassle. i was "jones-n" so bad for this website. it is addictive. i get so caught up in other peoples kitties...and you become friends...in a way that is very different than any other friendship....its hard to explain to other people that i have "friends" in a forum, or chat room...but...its true. i have become fond of so many people on this site.

    so thank you for being you...refreshing and funny, caring and loving to your little bobo and all the animals you come across.
  13. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I know what you mean. I'll be like "yeah a friend said yada yada yada about Bobo and I think I shoudl do yada yada yada" and they'll be like "oh who" and I'll be like "ummmm A friend on this site online" and they'll be like "online? you mean you don't know this person" and I'll be like "yeah I know them" and they'll say "you havent met them have you" ....and you know how it goes. I'll feel dumb but they just dont get it. They'll say "so you're gonna listen to some lady on the interent" and I'll eb like "yeah" LOL its so funny.

    Aww thanks you're so sweet. I never knew just being myself could effect someone so much.
    Thanks :mrgreen:

    I just fed Bobo and he ate 45 ml!!!!!! Watch he won't eat when I have to wake up at 4:30am. Just like him lol. I just got done holding him. He was crawling around looking at everything with his huge blue eyes and then he started closing his eyes and his head fell down and he rolled down my side b/c he was holding himself up. It was so funny. I guess you had to be there. I took a pic of him asleep on me and his eyes. Theres about 5 pics left so they'll be developed soon. Cant wait to see them!! :lol: He's continuing to walk . Do you think it's time for me to start weaning him? I think he shoudl be able to stand and walk pretty well before I do dont you? He's about 23 days old now. (20 days I've had him) but he's developed slower than what he's supposed to be- for example his eyes opening late and stuff.
    From a kitten progress calendar for Bobo (his bday)

    Mon 5 Jul 2004 The kittens will be able to excrete without being stimulated.

    I still have to help him pee but he's always been pooping on his own since the first night.

    Thu 8 Jul 2004 Kittens are able to purr now. Some actually begin at birth- but at this stage, they know they are purring.
    Kittens can stand up now.

    Bobo just started standing up and has been purring.
    Here's a copy of the calendar. I put he was born around 18th or so.

    purrinlotKitten Calendar

    Today's Date: Sat 10 Jul 2004
    Kitten/Litter: Bobo

    Fri 18 Jun 2004
    Make sure the kittens get warm as soon as possible after they are born. When they are still wet their temperature can drop rapidly. Put them under a ceramic lamp (if the queen lets you take her kittens away), or use a heating pad or cushion, a bottle filled with warm water (covered with a towel) or even warm (not hot) towels. Warm a chilled kitten gradually!
    When the queen is finished giving birth, return the kittens to her (after cleaning up).
    It's very important that the kittens receive the queen's first milk during this day. This first milk, colostrum, contains antibodies that help to protect the kittens against infections. The ability of the kitten to absorb these antibodies will cease after 24-48 hours.
    Determine the sex of the kittens. Lift the tail of the kitten. You should see two openings, if they are close together, the kittens is a female, if they are farther apart, the kitten is a male.
    You should weigh the kittens every day - or at least during the first two weeks. They should have doubled their weight at the end of the first week and gain at least 10 grams each day.

    Fri 18 Jun 2004 -
    Sat 19 Jun 2004
    The first two days of your kitten's life are the most critical for its survival.
    Try not to disturb the queen and her kittens too much, but do check every two hours or so to see if everything is OK - especially if it's the queens first litter. Keep a close eye on the queen. If she appears to be feverish take her to your vet.

    Fri 18 Jun 2004 -
    Sun 20 Jun 2004 The umbilicus should be carefully inspected for evidence of inflammation or infection.

    Sat 19 Jun 2004
    Some kittens loose a bit of weight during their first day, but will catch up during the second day and fill out rapidly after that.
    A healthy new-born kitten is either sleeping or sucking.
    If a kitten appears to be apathetic or cries constantly, something is wrong (consult your veterinarian)!

    Sat 19 Jun 2004 -
    Sun 20 Jun 2004
    Umbilical cord drops off.

    Tue 22 Jun 2004 -
    Sun 27 Jun 2004
    The kitten's eyes will start to open. Their sight is still very foggy.
    Kittens are born with blue eyes.
    Make sure the eyes are clean, look for any signs of pus.
    Keep the kittens away from bright lights.

    Wed 23 Jun 2004 -
    Thu 1 Jul 2004
    The ear canals begin to open.

    Thu 24 Jun 2004
    If the queen can't handle the feeding of her kittens, you might want to take care of two or three feedings each day.
    Feed the kittens a commercial artificial queen's milk (like KMR). Use a syringe or with a soft rubber nipple.
    Don't overfeed the kittens (when it is full, bubbles come out around its mouth).
    Don't forget to give the queen some too (as much as she likes).

    Thu 1 Jul 2004 -
    Thu 8 Jul 2004
    The kittens are more aware of their surroundings and will start to explore.

    Sun 4 Jul 2004
    Ear canals should have completely opened by now.

    Mon 5 Jul 2004
    The kittens will be able to excrete without being stimulated.

    Thu 8 Jul 2004
    Kittens are able to purr now. Some actually begin at birth- but at this stage, they know they are purring.
    Kittens can stand up now.
    At this stage you may want to introduce a miniature litter box, but be very cautious - some kittens try to eat the litter filling. Switch to another type if they do (try the sort that is made out of paper or wood).

    Thu 8 Jul 2004 -
    Socialization with people and cats will should began during this period.

    Thu 8 Jul 2004 -
    Thu 15 Jul 2004 Baby teeth will start to appear.

    Thu 15 Jul 2004
    Most kittens can start to eat semi-solid food.

    Thu 15 Jul 2004 -
    Thu 29 Jul 2004
    The color of the iris of the kitten's eyes will start to change color.

    Thu 22 Jul 2004
    Kittens can be dewormed now (or even sooner if the kittens are infested with worms).
    Make sure to use a preparation suitable for kittens this young (consult your veterinarian).
    Never worm a sick kitten (see your veterinarian first).

    Thu 29 Jul 2004
    Kittens can be fully weaned now and need lots of space to exercise.

    Thu 12 Aug 2004
    First vaccination against Feline Respiratory Disease - Rhinotracheitis virus (FVR) and calicivirus (FCV) - and Panleukopenia (Feline Infectious Enteritis) can be given now.(see your veterinarian first)

    Thu 2 Sep 2004
    Second vaccination against Feline Respiratory Disease - Rhinotracheitis virus (FVR) and calicivirus (FCV) - and Panleukopenia (Feline Infectious Enteritis) can be given now.

    Thu 9 Sep 2004
    Adult teeth will start to appear.

    Thu 9 Sep 2004
    The kittens are twelve weeks old now and just about old enough to leave the nest and go to a new home.

    (Sept 9 is my bday!!)

    I dont think this calendar thing is that accurate but shoudl I start weaning him and usuing litter? He's still small so I dont know.

  14. vene

    vene New Member

    I can't believe you are up at 1 or 2AM. I guess when you are so young, you don't need beauty sleep. :mrgreen:

    The answer is I don't know to your questions. Please PM Mary and Fleafly the resident advisors who deals or dealt with orphans.

    I'd probably start mixing a little soft food into his milk and give him his regular milk on the side as an option.

    Have you picked out the type of litter yet?

    Bobo is a little oinker and I bet he looks very cute and plump. Can't wait to see the pics! :D
  15. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I cant believe YOURE up at 2am. LOL im young so its pretty normal if I dont have to et up early tomorrow. which means I can sleep till 12!! Bet you dont get to do that!

    The thing with mixing soft food now is that he's still on the bottle so I'd have to move him to a dish first. I can wait to get my check next friday- then it's kitty shopping for me!!!!!!!! Maybe I'll pick up some treats for Pooky and Peppy- what am I saying maybe for?? I know I will.

    I think I'm going to use clay litter but I dont know what brand yet. Any suggestions??? I heard kittys dont like odors in litter and stuff. Oh and about a littler box with a hood on it like this one http://www.petco.com/product_info.asp?sku=2350350020

    Is it bad to have a hood? cuz it might keep the smells in. adn supposidly they like to be watched whent hey go>? it was in a magazine at the vets Di was reading.

    I'll pm them now thanks! :lol:
  16. vene

    vene New Member

    We came home from watching Spiderman 2 drive-in movie theater and it's hubby's turn to watch the baby that's why I'm up so late. This is very unusual for me. I usually sleep when the baby sleeps.

    I use clumping litter which is not good for kittens. We have Arm+Hammer which works great.

    When Venus and Milo were kittens, we used a small tinfoil tray for kitty litter. It's easier for them to get in and out of. As they got older, we used the closed lid litter box and it smelled bad! Then we switched to a $4 clear plastic box and bought plexiglass to cover up both sides so the boys Milo and Monty would not overshoot the box. It's cheap and works great!
    don't buy ScoopAway-lots of dust even though they said 99.9% no tract and the perfume stinks. As for the privacy issue, it all depends on the cats. The girls and Milo openly go. Monty gets very shy if any peeps while he's in the box. :p

    Sorry I'm not much help! :oops:
  17. nern

    nern New Member

    I have 3 hooded boxes, all of them have filters on top and one open box. I always thought cats liked to have privacy when going to the bathroom. Mine all use the hooded boxes but rarely use the open box. I really like the hooded boxes. They keep the litter from getting dumped all around the outside of the boxes and they help keep my dogs out of them.

    I'm pretty sure you won't have a problem finding a non-clumping, unscented clay litter if thats what you prefer to use. I think Tidy cats makes one.
  18. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Yeah thats what I was thinking- the hood keeps the litter in and dogs out. You are A LOT of help Vene!

    Is Purina any good? Its really popular and no1 here has said anything about it
  19. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    OK I think Bobo may have the start of an eye infection in his right eye. I've noticed little dark crust spots and there is a little puss comming out of the inside corner.- it looks like sleep. What shoudl I do?
  20. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I would start out with a kitten-size litter pan. The ones I use for the fosters are pretty small so they don't have a hard time getting in/out of it. You don't want to get a large one otherwise the kitten might have trouble getting in and out and get discouraged and stop using it.

    I do use a hooded one for my own cats as I have one that has a tendency to hang her butt over the side of an unhooded box and pee outside of it - that stopped when I got the hooded one. I don't have a problem with odors but I'm a chronic scooper. With 3 cats one does plenty of scooping.

    I use Fresh Step kitty litter and I've never had a problem with it. I use it with the foster kittens too. I know siamese rescue, and the shelter I fostered for last year both prefer clay litter with kittens. And so far I've had no problems with litterbox issues around here.

    Check out the website of Tally's basic cat care I posted earlier in this post regarding when to start feeding an orphaned kitten anything other than formula. That site is a wealth of info...or you could even ask your vet - keep them involved so when you do take Bobo they'll know exactly what's been going on with him.

    And as far as using Haartz formula vs. KMR I don't know - I do know the rescue and my vet suggests that and they use that. I've never known anyone to use KMR and with siamese rescue they have a group set up so us foster people can get help and everyone uses KMR when they have to nurse kittens.

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