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Online auctions selling PIT BULLS!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Jameka, Mar 30, 2004.

  1. Jameka

    Jameka New Member

    Supported by none other than the peddlers of ******* & ******* Kennels!! No one has the slightest idea who may be bidding on these pups and thats how they end up in the wrong hands!. These dogs are sold to anyone with top bid!

    ****MODERATOR EDIT****
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I do agree that it is stupid to put a dog up for auction but then again the bid started out at $1500 so I can't see someone paying that much for a dog just to mistreat it.
    That listing is also the only listing on the whole website if you look under description it takes you to the catergories and that is the only auction listed. Anyhow selling an animal in an auction besides livestock auctions in my opinion is just dumb.
  3. Jas

    Jas New Member

    MODERATOR EDIT ******I have removed the links and names posted above. Responsible breeders/owners do not auction off their dogs. Auspet does not support the auctioning of dogs. We'd rather this information not be posted here. As this is like free advertising for any ignorant or unscrupulous buyer reading with interest - your statement below is exactly why!

  4. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Meka wasn't supporting them at all. She was showing the sick reality of the dogs, sold to make money as property and a monye making tool. But I understand what you mean, some one might happen along and decide to get a dog from them.

    Then you have a lot to learn. I'll see if Meka won't post about the people she knows owning the blue female, registered, good conformation that they paid $1000 for just to mistreat and bred to a freaking LAB on purpose if I remember right and bred to some other mutt.

    Lots of people who mistreat dogs pay a lot, many people like to brag about a dogs prices even if it is a crappy dog, nothing special, not a good ped, lacks conformation, bad temp, ect. These breeders know this, so they will breed anything and everything to full these people and catter to those looking for an ego trip wth an expensive dog. Anyway here is a previous post I made on the subject.

    I have an update to add to this, the neighbor who was looking for the big red nose or Canary dog went the way of Cane Corso. This is a very scarey situation. Their income tax came they got the dog. Well I went to see it and this dog is a freak. It is so scared of everything, it constantly cowers and has its tail tucked, it wont walk, it has to be drug out of its kennel crate. She said the "breeder" told her that these dogs are like that, they don't like strangers and she is a stranger, they are naturally scared of people and it makes them protective or some bulls*** like that. I've never seen a dog so scared in my life. The most scariest thing is she has her dogs to be mean "guard dogs" and this dog already has extreme fear and I'm scared it will attack one of the children one day. This dog isn't right, no 3 month old pup should be scared and are not very protective by that age. I can't believe she paid that money and bought into it from some idiot telling her Corsos are naturally like that. On top of that I know it will be like her others, abused, neglected, probably made aggressive, of course I'm sure it will already have fear aggression. Ok I should stop ranting about this, I had put it out of my mind until this price then resurfaced and I thought of it.
  5. Jas

    Jas New Member

    =P~ thanks TruePits, I know she wasn't supporting them, it is fine to express how we feel about these auctions but it is better not to give them further exposure (you know how it goes).
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    True Pits I was not in anyway implying I thought auctioning off a dog regardless of price was Ok.
    I would never personally pay that much for a dog and I have never really known anyone who had so it just seemed to me if anyone would be willing to pay that much for a dog that they might take care of it.
    I don't know everything, like most people on this forum. I guess I do have a lot learn.

  7. Jameka

    Jameka New Member

    0Thank you True_Pits. No, I do not support these people. I think it is a disgrace to sell a dog, or any other type of animal at an online auction site.

    Here is the story about the blue Pit.

    She is about 18 months old now. She is solid blue with a redish tint when the sun hits her. She has PERFECT conformation. She weighs about 45 lbs & is very proportionate. She is the most gorgeous blue Pit I have ever seen. She is just put together so beautifully. If I remember correctly, her ped. has quite a few CH & GR CH in it, & I believe that her parents were both working on being pointed. Anyway, these people bought her as a pup, at about 10 weeks old. They paid $1000 for her. She is dual registered PR. They paid $250 & knowingly took her to a crappy vet, who had never cropped a Pits ears. He had only cropped Dobes & Great Danes. The vet messed up & did a Dobe crop. Her ears were so long, that they took her to another vet, paid another $200, & had her recropped. When this pup was about 6 months old, she came into heat for the first time. The owners had her in the car & were driving around. They passed a house with a huge black lab out in the yard. They went back & talked to the owners of the Lab. They found out that the 100 lb. Lab was registered, so they made an arrangement with the Lab owners & they bred this tiny little 6 month old female to this freaking Lab. There were a few problems when she was delivering pups, & she was taken to the vet. There were a total of 9 pups, all of which were given away free to a good home. On her second heat, at about a year old, she was bred again. This time to a registered Border Collie. Again, all of the pups were given away free to a good home. The last time I saw them, about a month & a half, or 2 months ago, they had taken her to have her tail docked. She had a huge gash in her neck, where they chained her up outside & left her collar on too tight. She used to run free in their tiny yard, on a main road. She always wandered off, & one night was hit by a car. She had to have pens put in her leg & now she walks with a bad limp. They were talking about breeding her again, on her next heat, which should be soon, but they couldn't decide what breed to use this time.......... No matter how much talking & begging I did, they would not listen. They didn't see a problem with breeding her so young, so often, or to other breeds. They didn't see a problem with giving the pups away, not having the mother DNA & OFA tested, they didn't see a problem with leaving her chained up & her collar on too tight.

    They paid $1000 for that dog, & they ruined her. They abused her, they mistreated her, they bred her to other breeds & produced a bunch of mutts. There is no doubt in my mind that this dog could have earned major points, if they would've just done something with her. Price doesn't matter. They just wanted a dog that they could say they paid a lot of $ for. They wanted a Pit, simply so they could say they had one.

    I guess my point is this: No matter where a dog comes from, no matter how much you pay for it, no matter how perfect it is, if the people that buy it want to mistreat it, or ruin it, they will.

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