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Golden/Beagle mix in need

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Jul 10, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I am so angry!! A woman at work posted about a friend's dog that needs a home. The original owner's child was allergic, so this neighbor took the dog in. But the neighbor already has a bunch of cats and she lives in an apartment and the landlord is upset. Also, the dog needs a yard to run in (although walks and going to the park would solve that, but I'm sure that's too much work).

    So I sent her the name of some mixed breed rescues here, although they are usually all full. I told her to contact me before she did something like taking the poor girl to the shelter.

    So, she just contacted me and said she found a home for Ginger, but they just called her today and said she is jumping their 4-foot fence to chase after rabbits. Apparently, they are not going to keep her!! Can you believe it? Fence jumping as a reason to give a dog away?!

    For pete's sake. Build a bigger fence. Put in an underground fence. Get her a kennel run with a roof. Or better yet, DON'T LEAVE HER OUTSIDE ALONE so she doesn't get bored and have to go chase rabbits. Aaaaaargh!!

    Morons. Would you give away your toddler because he can climb out of his crib, or would you just solve the problem?

    So anyway. This dog is in a suburb Kansas City. I am trying to get a photo of her. If anyone can take her, I can help transport her. I'll post again with more info and a photo when I get it.

  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    The poor girl what a shame!
    Well IM no where near Kansas but I will take her. My husband raises beagles for hunting purposes so I know a little about them. We have plenty of room here and no fences to worry about jumping. So if it comes down to a last resort kind of thing you can keep me in mind.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Thanks, Gina! If it comes to that, maybe we can meet in Saint Louis or something. Looks like you're in the little southern tip of Illinois?

    I'm very scared. If this 30-40 pound Golden/Beagle mix ends up looking like a small Golden, I am going to have serious difficulties handing her off to someone. I have been told she is very sweet. So, a sweet, small Golden.....oh dear. :|

  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Yes the IM in the Southern tip of Illinois. Im about 2 hours and 30 minutes from ST Louis. :D
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    oh I wish I could help, that is a shame. they probably have holes in their fences somewhere I had my sisters beagle for a while and he always seemed to find holes in the fence, never jumped them and he would do it with everyone watching, he was a pain he ate thru my bed one night while I was at a study group. But my sister never came back for him and he was way too much for me to handle. My roommates gf took him bc her parents had a beagle rescue. But the saddest part of it is that my sister has never again mentioned that dog. But i hope this one finds a home, if I were still in the USA i would consider a road trip with some frineds. I hate to see animals without homes
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    It looks like the fence-jumpers decided to keep her. Hopefully they used their brains to outsmart her - sometimes all it takes is a bit of creativity. If nothing else, you can put a no-jump harness on the dog while she is outside and she CAN'T jump the fence - of course that is no substitute for training.

  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Argh... I hate being here....I'm secluded from all of you!!!
  8. Nik

    Nik New Member

    It's good they decided to keep her, but it is worrying to think what they'll do the next time they hit a problem cause as we all know, they do keep coming.

    Maybe you could REALLY let them know Jamiya, that you'd be more than happy to find her a home if she ever needed one, so if (god forbid) they wanted to get rid of her a couple of months down the line, they may call on you and not a shelter, rather than asking around again, as they've already done it once.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Turns out this dog started out with yet another person. The first owner (that I have heard about) was an older man that also had an older dog. He moved and could "only take one dog with him" (aaaaargh - why??) and so he took his older dog and passed this dog on to the family whose daughter has asthma and couldn't tolerate the dog (aaaargh again - WHY did they take the dog if their daughter has asthma??). So then the neighbor took the dog but landlord wants it out and she has no yard - so then the fence people got her.

    I am hoping they will contact the person without the yard if they decide to pass her on. I know she will contact me again. I told her there was someone I knew who would take her (Gina). This poor dog needs some stability!!

  10. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    that sounds a bit like my first dogs story

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