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Ear Problems?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jody, Jul 10, 2004.

  1. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Hi All. For the last couple of days, Jasper has been scratching her ears and making a growning noise. I check her ears all the time. It doesn't look like she is in pain, but this is the first time I've seen her sratch and make a noise. Could she have something wrong with her ears? It's not a bad noise, maybe she has done this ever since I've had her, but this is the first time I've noticed it.

    PS, Jamiya - you posted those remedy's about making your own recipe's for flee's and ticks. I used the lemon receipe and found it quite usefull. Thank you :y_the_best:
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    It could be an ear infection. :( Have you noticed any head tilting?
  3. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    I take my guys and rub there ears one at a time and stop and wait to see what they well do. Sometimes they shake a lot or groan in delight. If they whine or run away from me then I start to look in to the ear more with a flash light. I take baby wipe and gently clean in the ear careful not to push anything down the ear canal. After that I check the wipe to see what is on it , wax color, odor. Many times dogs get dirt and other debris in there ears and a simple flushing well clean it out. It does not hurt to try flushing first before running off to the vet and having to pay a bill just to have him do the same thing you could have done at home. If it persists then a vet call may be needed.

  4. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    If Jasper is digging at both her ears, she might have ear mites. If she has ear mites, there will be a dark tar looking waxy stuff in the ears. There is an over the counter ear mite remedy you can get, but taking her to the vet is the best theing. They will swab the ear and put it under a microscope and see if there are any mites. If you have any other dogs or cats, they may have to be treated also.

    If she is digging at just one ear, more than likely she has an infection or something down the ear canal. Ear infections smell really bad, so you'll know if it's an infection or not. Then you will have to go to the vet and get a tube of otomax.
  5. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Ok Thanks Guys. It's not like she is doing it all the time, it's only once or twice a day. I'll have a go and cleaning her ears and seeing what I can find. What's the most safest way to clean them out?
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    My poodle sasha will rub her ears and moan. Its usually about the time she's due for a cleaning and hair plucking. She used to get ear infections but not since using Thornit powder. No more brown wax either. It's been a long time since she had an infection Since she used to get them, she would rub her ear then smell her toe. LOL To see if anything is going on in there. I could swear she does this right in front of me to tell me its cleaning time. LOL I would observe for head shaking also. She could have the start of an infection. Check out this site:
    www.championpets.co.uk Look for the thornit ear powder.
  7. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    You can get cleaner at Pet-Smart. Lets see have someone take hold of neck and one around the back legs (opps that's Arthur) you would talk to your guy reassuring that it is ok and keep smiling so they think it is a nice thing you are doing and if you can do that twice in one day with out your guy running away I hate you. While you pour in cleaner and rub (massage) ear making sure to not let them shake there head till you have worked the clean for a few minutes, then run for your life - be sure to do this outside not by your TV or just painted wall.
    I now wait for Arthur to go to sleep and sneak up like a cat and move his ear flap and then pour in cleaner and jump on him to hold him down.Works 50 percent of the time.
    I know I am going to hear from some of you how good your guys are all I have to say to all of you is bite a rock.
    2pyrs :lol:
  8. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I guess I need to bite a rock then :roll: becasue I just flip that ear and do what needs to be done hair plucking and all, same with rufus but no plucking. Poor 2Pyrs, it may get easier. I hope.
  9. Jody

    Jody New Member

    2pyrs - LMAO.

    I had a look in there on the weekend with a torch, and stuck my finger in a little way to see what would stick to it, but there was nothing there, maybe a little dirt and grime thats about it....LOL. I will get her some treatment to use, but I don't know how she'll go with it. BUt all I can do is try?

    Would it hurt her if I still put cleaner in her ear even though she MAY NOT have an infection?
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    If she has no infection an epiotic ear cleaner won't hurt her. It may be a tad cold at first. But when you massage it for a bit she will probably like it. Then dry it out and put a smidge of ear powder.
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LMAO. I am assuming this is a torch of the British version (i.e. flashlight) and not a torch of the American version (i.e. a flaming stick). :lol:

  12. Jody

    Jody New Member

    LMAO - Sorry I ment to say Flashlight, but over here we call it a torch..... :lol:
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I knew what you meant, but the image was funny. :)

  14. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member


    Do you mean plucking as in with a tweezers?!? OUCH!! I need a couple of good stiff drinks just to do my brows. But then when I'm done, I have no brows left and I have to color them in with a brow pencil. :lol:
  15. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Poodle have hair fine hair that grows in their ears. If you don't pluck or pull it out it can clog the ear and things can get bad, ear infections and such. Thats the way she came to me. But the thornit powder cleared up her nasty brown wax problem.
    You poor girl, have to have a stiff drink first. :shock: Then see whats mising. LOL
  16. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    If it's wax, is it itchy? Does it smell?

  17. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Ok, her ear has been fine the last couple of days, she's been scratching but it's just a scratch if your itchy type, she's not moaning, but normally I give her a good ear and head scratch when I can, so maybe she was missing that.

    I'm gonna try and pluck her ears, wonder how she'll go with that. She'll probably bury my tweezers after I have finished doing it.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Wait your talking about the dog on the left right. He won't need his ears plucked. By my veiw. Unless he has poodle terrier or maltese mixed in him. Does he have hair that grows constantly out of his ears, if not no plucking. Does he have any reddness at all on the flap. I know my unlaws schnauzer has allergies and gets very red thicken itchy ear flaps.
  19. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Yeah I'm talking about the dog on the left. Ah ok, I wont pluck then, she doens't have irritation at all, and it's not red. I'll just take her to the vet and get the vet to check it out instead, that's easier...... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  20. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    Since may guys and I spend a lot of time in the woods around us, them as well as me (gross to some) but we do get bugs or I Should say a bug now and then down in the ear, no I don't have a bug up my ..... Even if there is a miner infection flushing the ear first to check for other things such as a bug or other small objects won't be harmful. I clean my other guys ears once a month just to be on the safe side. Just last week I started to have a small ear ache and had to flush my ear out after a few rinsing out came a Lace wing. So a few warm drops of mineral oil and a large cotton ball over night and it felt much better. I make it a point to check there ears each time I groom. Looking for redness,wax build up,oozing and unusual odor. Keep in mind that most the time they can take care of the problem themselves, it's only a concern to me when they start to scratch or shake there heads to much. It seems some dogs are prone to ear problems there whole life and others never have any trouble. It gets into the topic of the immune system to me.

    As to the hair removal I don't agree with that unless there is a problem such as and infection and you need to get the ear to drain better. I feel the hair in there ears and that of men is there for a reason, like helping keep crawling things out.

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