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I'm glad I live in america...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Jul 10, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I just watched the beheading video of Nick Berg. On the same site, they show the torture these "people' put animals through as well.

    I couldn't handle it. I've probably got a stronger stomache than most. But I vomited all over my office floor. I couldn't take it. And for that I won't post the link unless asked to do so.

    I know this war has brought many diffrent views. BUt to torture animals, let alone humans, for no reason is awful. This country really needs help. Its full of sick people. I think America could help them. One video was a clip of a cow. They wrestled her to the ground, three men held her down, sadomized her, and then disembowled her as she was alive. They let her go, and the cow got up and stumbed off with her insides hanging out. She died like 10 minutes later from trampling her own insides. Then there was one with a poor dog. I'm getting queezy thinking about it... These people are sick. And if they are fighting this kind of war in the name of religeon, then God help them all. ITs the nastieset most inhumane form of torture I've ever seen.

    All I can say is I"m going home and hugging all my animals. Thank you all for loving them like you do. And keeping them from harm.....
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I could not watch that. Couldn't do it.
  3. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    im not even going to try and look for the site. it would put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day, not to mention put me off my food. call me racist or whatever, but iraqis arent civilised, they never will be and they will never want to be. this kind of thing is totally acceptable in their country and always will be. who the hell considers this entertainment? if they were to be wiped off the face of the earth right now i wouldnt care the slightest bit.
  4. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Believe it or not, there's a lot of Iraqie people that have suffered under a Dictator's Rule for many years. Many murdered by the hands of their own people and government. Many would die for the chance to live in the U.S. Things that we take for granted like clean drinking water is just a dream to them.

    A lot of them, also, hatred of the U.S. is just a way of life. They grew up thinking the U.S. as evil. By attacking other living things in such a manner is their only was of venting such hatred.

    The U.S. is at war with the terrorist and the insurgent groups that are determind to destroy the freedom in which America stands for, not the good Iraqie people who wants the same for their families.

    I just hope the U.S. and the good people of Iraq will overcome these terriorist and send them all straight to HELL before any more Americans and Iraqie people have to die at their hands.
  5. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Well, said Lovesdapits...I felt a swell of pride when I read your post. I am very Thankful to be an American. My husband Brian was enlisted in the Air Force for 12 almost 13 years and he was sent over during the Gulf war we had only been married at the time for 6 weeks. That was the hardest thing I had ever had to go through. I worried everyday about him and did good to talk to him once every couple of weeks. When he came home he was a different person and we had to get know each other all over again. During his time there he saw a lot of horrible things. Some of the horror stories are to unspeakable. Teenage girls who even glanced at American soldiers were killed if not instantly they were found dead later. Old and young with no place to live and in constant fear. Young boys no more than 12 who had joined the militia were killed with no idea really why they were fighting all they knew was the hatred and anger that had been distilled in them. My husband can hardly bear to watch the news and hear of the things going on now because now it's even worse then it was 11 years ago. Brian got out of the military 8 months before the war in Iraq began and I am so very thankful. He however feels sorry that he got out when he did because he feels some responsibility to serve his country but that is something I cannot begin to understand. He is currently on a recall list which remains active for five years and so now every time the postman comes to my door or the phone rings and the caller id shows an unknown number I panic. I hope and pray everyday that when my boys get older they will be able to live out their lives in peaceful times.
  6. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Gina: I thank God each day that I can live in America and to have the freedom of being able achieve what I want in life, not just taking what is dictated to me. And for being able to do that, Brian and everyone who serves or have served in our Military are my heroes.

    Hopefully our children and our grandchildren will grow and live in a peaceful United World.

  7. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I too unfortunatly watched the beheading. I was quesy for days. I just sit here and wonder how people can be like this. Anyone no matter what race, religion. I thank the lord every day I live in the US. I have far too much compasion for any creature and just dont know what is wrong with the world these days. And I too thank all the military we have, without them we would not have freedom. To any of you that are military or have family that are, THANK YOU! God bless you all.

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