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Help Sick Cat!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Seeburg, Jul 11, 2004.

  1. Seeburg

    Seeburg New Member

    Hello All,
    I have an 8 year-old male Manx who quit eating last Saturday. I took him to one vet who said it could be a viral infection accompanied with the addition of a new kitten on Monday. He gave him amoxicillin but He was not responding Tuesday so I took him to another vet who hospitalized him, ran blood test which came back normal along with xrays which showed nothing. He came home last night (Friday) and would hardly move. Here it is a week later and he still won't eat and barely drinks. He is still taking amoxicillin and today I bought babyfood and gave it to him with a syrnge, basically force feeding him. He is not better. He moves from one dog bed to another and sits in a lunge type posture. He has used the litter box once today (saturday for urine) and won't clean himself. His temperature is normal and gums look good but for the first time I can feel his ribs. I fear he is going fast. The vet says he'll run a barium test Monday to see if there is a blockage in his intestines that the xray did not show. I am afraid to force feed him more in case there is a blockage. Any ideas? Help!
    Thanks Seeburg
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm sorry, I have no advice for you but I hope everything is okay. Please keep us posted. I will keep your kitty in my thoughts.
  3. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Wow I'm sorry your kitty is sick but not eating can cause him some serious long term problems. You should def force feed him.. Monday is still a few days away. It sounds like you are doing everything you can for your kitty but the vets should be more concerned. You'll get more advice soon
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Please contiue to force feed. Like Bellack said, he can get long term serious problems. When we got Venus and Milo, Pumpkin was extremely jealous and hid under the bed for a whole day without food. We played with her extra and bribed her with her favorite cold cut. She eventually accepted Milo, but not Venus. As for the blockage issue, the barium test will reveal it if that's the case. With a true blockage, crap will come out of the mouth, at least it does in humans. How's your kitty doing now?
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I was thinking the same thing that when you do force feed him does food stay down? A blockage I would think it would come back up.

    Can you get any NutraCal? Add about a 2" ribbon of NutraCal to the food you are feeding - it will give added vitamins and nutrients and possibly perk him up a bit. Also, like kittens, you can put some Karo syrup on his gums...that'll give him a sugar jolt and liven him up some.

    Please let us know what happens on Monday - poor kitty
  6. Seeburg

    Seeburg New Member

    Max is Better

    Thanks for the good thoughts. After a week of not eating, Max awoke at 1:30 AM and let out a roar that he was ready to eat. He only ate a few small pieces of food and I force fed him again today (sunday) but I think the amoxicillin is whipping whatever kept him down. I raise Kerry Blue Terriers and have two other cats and have never experienced anything like this. I hesitate to say we are out of the woods yet, but I think we are on the road to recovery! Thanks again. Derik and Max
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    How is Max doing?

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